Page 67 of Just a Friend

“I’ve been thinking of a project you could do,” I say. “Sort of a favor? In a way…”

Her expression is sassy. “Oh really? You need a favor, huh?”

I chuckle. “Yes. With so much time on your hands, I was thinking you could be in charge of a very important project at the resort. There’s a room on the fourth floor that needs renovation…”

“Already? You haven’t even opened yet, Oliver.” But then it dawns on her, and her eyes grow large. “Wait—”

I nod, feeling giddy. “Will you turn my office into the resort library?”

“Really? Are you sure?” She does a little running dance move. “My secret pleasure has suddenly become resort libraries. You know this, right? Give me all the resort libraries!”

“Can’t wait to see how it turns out.” I join in her dance.

“But where will your office be?”

“I’ll probably close off the existing library nook. Put in a door and call it good.” I shrug. “I don’t need anything fancy.”

“No way. I’ll convince Sebastian to let you have something else,” she insists. She gives a squeal and claps her hands.

“My flight doesn’t leave until tonight, so will you spend the rest of the day with me?” I don’t like the thought of leaving her.

“Maybe I should stow myself in your suitcase and come along,” she teases.

I answer her with a husky, “yes,” and then wrap my arms around her. We meet together in a kiss, more perfect because we had to fight so hard for it.

After a moment, I slide an arm around her waist. “I know what we can do today,” she says. “You realize since it’s opening day of Shake, Shake, Shake, it’s also the first day of Longdale Days.”

“Oooo. Will you ride the Ferris wheel with me?” I ask. “We can eat an elephant ear, too.”

“And I can beat you in the strongman game,” she says. We laugh, but then Sophie tenses near me. I peer ahead and see her grandfather in line ahead of us.

“I got you,” I whisper. She glances at me, offers a slight smile, and nods.

He purchases his over-the-rim milkshake and turns away from the shop. He takes a big bite of what looks to be strawberry cheesecake flavor when he stops short. “Sophie? Oliver.”

She reaches out a hand to his shoulder. “Nice to see you here, Grandpa. Getting yourself a nice one on opening day?”

“Figured since we were in town, I’d make the best of it,” he says in his blustery way.

We nod and step closer to the line. The air among us is awkward, but I can feel Sophie’s strength next to me.

“Grandpa, I need to tell you that Oliver and I are together. He’s a good man, and we love each other, and—”

He holds up a hand. “I know. He told me all about it last night.” His mouth forms a harsh line.

She swallows hard. “I don’t need your blessing, but I hope you can accept this. And accept that I can live my life the way I choose.”

“I know,” he says again. “Marie would have been proud of you.”

His jaw is set, and his gaze steely. Despite his generous words, which I’m sure were difficult for him to say, I can’t imagine him going there—a place of vulnerability—very often. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m not holding my breath. At least he knows where she stands.

He turns to me. “My wife feels a little bit better about this than I do.” His watery eyes go from me to Sophie and then back to me. “It’s going to take some time.” He raises his chin proudly.

“Whatever happens is okay,” I tell him. “As long as I get to be with your granddaughter, everything will okay.”

He gives one nod and leaves, not looking back.

I feel Sophie’s rigidity loosening as she eases against me.