Page 10 of Just a Friend

Her eyes are fiery, and that twists me up inside. “Hey,” I say softly. “Talk to me. Tell me all about it or…nothing about it, whatever you want.”

She looks so sad that I pull her into a hug without a second thought. We had the standard greeting and saying goodbye hugs every year. But this one feels different.

Slow your row, Oliver.

Just because Sophie is soft and vulnerable, doesn’t mean I need to get caught up in this hug.

She shudders in my arms, sniffing twice before pulling away. “It’s fine. Truly.” She swipes a finger under her left eye and glances at it, probably to see if she’s smudged her makeup.

“Well, that’s too bad that people think you’re engaged. You should get a robocall going in town to let everyone know you aren’t and never were.”

“That’s not a bad idea, since, you know, Longdale gossip.” She shakes her head. “I think people were just happy for me that I’d found someone.”

“What was so wrong with him?” I’m curious. I’ve never quite figured out what kind of guy Sophie likes. Except for my brother, Sebastian. I know she used to like him. I fight the urge to scratch a deep itch, one that comes over me every time I think of Sophie crushing on Sebastian way back when.

“I kept asking myself that,” she says. “Because, on paper, he was great. He has a good job in IT. He’s kind to his mother and sisters. He didn’t mind that I liked to read on our dates sometimes.”

“Wait, wait, wait. He’s an IT guy?” I know I’m pulling a face. But I can’t help it. Just because IT guys save the world with their know-how doesn’t mean they’re good enough for Sophie.

She shoves my shoulder. “What’s so wrong with that? He made good money.” She sounds like she’s trying to convince herself along with me.

I stifle a laugh. “I just never pictured you with an IT guy, that’s all.”

A smile plays about her lips. “You’ve imagined me with someone?”

No, she did not. I will not take that bait. “Well, when you were in love with Sebastian, I was so annoyed that I had to come up with alternatives for you in my mind, you know? The great, great grandson of Jack the Ripper would be better suited for you than Sebastian.”

Her cheeks redden like they always do when I mention her long-ago feelings for my older brother. At least, I hope they’re dead and gone.

“Wow. Thanks a lot for that.” She fluffs the back of her dark curls. “You’d rather I marry the descendant of a slasher.”

“No. I’m just proving a point here.” We continue walking, our footsteps on the cement pathway in sync. “You can’t marry an IT guy. You need someone more interesting.” The park’s playground is empty, but across the grass, there’s a pick-up game of soccer amongst a group of teens.

She plays with a lock of her hair. “Good news, Oliver. I’mnotmarrying an IT guy.”

“Whew. That’s a relief.” I exaggerate my comment, but she probably has no idea how relieved I really am. I don’t have that right, but my insides begin to calm.

“So, what happened?” I press. “Why aren’t you telling me anything?”

Sighing, she hugs her arms. “I don’t know. The whole thing was strange. There wasn’t anything wrong with him, there just wasn’t any spark. I searched for a spark because…I wanted there to be one. And it’s not like he was that into me, either. I mean, he would have picked going fishing over hanging out with me any day of the week. So that was kind of a turn off.”

“Soph. You can’t like a guy who smells like fish.”

This earns a tiny smile. “I don’t. For the millionth time. Things are over with Troy.”

“Except his family doesn’t know that. Doesheknow that?”

“Yes! Of course he knows that. When I broke up with him in Fort Collins about a month ago, he agreed it was for the best, told me he saw this coming and wished me well. We split an Uber home and I haven’t spoken to him since.”

“You split an Uber?” My head is vacillating between numbness and wanting to introduce the guy to both of my fists. “After breaking up?”

Sophie’s eyes widen, like she can hardly believe it either, but is still kind of bugged that I’m calling this out. Because no man splits an Uber with Sophie. She’s not that kind of girl. She deserves much more than Uber. But if you have to, at least pay for it yourself. Geesh, if I ever meet this jerk Troy…

She starts giggling and it feels like we’re teens in the shake shop again. I can’t help but join in. Finally she comes up for air. “The sad part was, it wasn’t even that awkward! We’d literally just broken up and the ride home was pleasant. I tell you, my life is just odd, you know?”

“Yes. Yes, it is.”

I know she needs to return to work, but I don’t want to take her back yet. Even though I usually have a brother or two to hang out with at any given time, I’ve sort of felt lonely. More than I care to admit. Being around Sophie feels really good. And bonus: she’s not engaged!