Page 180 of All For You Duet

“Cade, I relapsed, and I cheated on you. I slept with two women. I don’t remember it, but I did.”

I’m so tired of this. Of guilt. Of pain.

“Yes, and you saved me from three men. We’re more than even.”

His jaw clenches, his eyes not believing me.

“Redix, I thought I lost you. And all I cared about was that you lived. That even if you never came back to me, at least you were okay. This was never about years apart. Or about other women. Anyone who gives a shit about that hasn’t held the person they love in their arms, thinking they’re gone. My love for you is too big to ever feel betrayed.”

“But I fucked up. And you kept taking me back. Then I really fucked up, and I should have to fight for you now.”

The pause. It’s long while the memory moves like a shadow across our eyes.

“You did fight for me. And I’m not anyone’s pushover, or trophy to win back, or stubborn hard-to-get-game. And anyone who judges me otherwise can go fuck themselves, and the tomorrow they assume they’re guaranteed. I know my worth. I know my heart. And I know that I want to be with you.”

He throws his chin up, fighting back tears. “I don’t deserve you.”

“Yeah, you do. Because I’ve always loved that man you love now too. And I want to surf with him, and help other kids with him, and play Uno with him. You can forget guitar because I have no fucking patience. But I’m all about burning pizzas, ceramic dildos, and letting him call me ‘Candy Cade.’”

His hands cradle my face. “So I get my best friend back? You’ll give me another chance?”

“I’ll give you more than a chance. I’ll give you infinity.”

“Careful, darlin’.” He presses his forehead to mine. “That’s a long time to spend with an asshole.”

“Not when it’s as cute as yours.”

His grin lights up my heart. “When have you seen my asshole?”


He kisses me through laughter and tears before a tour of the house. Its white marble floors and white walls with natural wood-trimmed windows are empty of furniture. But full of our love as he saves the owner’s suite for last.

It’s massive. White carpet meets glass doors to the pool deck and ocean beyond. The only thing in the room is a Bali-style king bed with two pillows, sheets, and a blanket.

“How long have you been here?”

“Too long without you.”

I hear it in his voice. Worry. “What’s wrong?”

“What will it look like? Us trying again?”

“What do you want it to look like?”


His left hand, the one with a silver ring on his index finger, tucks his hair back, and my heart leaps because he doesn’t turn away and leave this time.

“I’ve only had two years to dream about it.” Instead, he faces me to say, “I want ice cream kisses and to fuss about toilet paper and what we watch at night because no more One Tree Hill. I want to ride bikes with you, red ones like when we were kids. I want to vacuum and water our plants. I want to nap on the sofa with you. I want”—every wish I’ve had with him, it won’t stop flowing from his mouth—“years from now, if we’re ready, to make a beautiful baby with my best friend.”

Have I ever felt this happy? Have I ever felt this ready to live again? This is everything I’ve ever wanted, and it’s right here—a future with Redix.

I close the last distance between us. “Can we start trying now?”

It’s sudden. It’s been waiting.

The grip of his hand around my neck pulls me into his kiss—our kiss—the one that flows heat through my veins and lightens my heart.