“Thanks for worrying about my mental state, but I promise I can handle just hanging out for the night.” I round the back of the car, heading toward the passenger side. “And I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”

“I never said anything about your behavior,” Lyric points out.

Ayden sighs that here-we-go-again sigh then pulls open the passenger door. “We should probably get going so Sadie isn’t just sitting around waiting for us.”

I point a finger at Lyric as I reach in to scoot the passenger seat forward. “You were thinking it.”

She wavers. “Okay, but you can’t blame me. You have done some pretty crazy stuff.”

“Not lately,” I retort.

“No, not lately,” she agrees.

Silence settles between us as she waits for me to explain.

Instead of replying, I climb into the backseat.

The drive to their condo takes about fifteen minutes. On the way, Ayden and Lyric take it upon themselves to lay down the rules for me hanging out with them.

If I need to get blazed out of my mind, do it before we leave the condo, because smoking pot in the car isn’t allowed.

I have to promise not to get so shit-faced at the restaurant that I act like an ass.

I have to promise to keep my hands off of Sadie.

“Piece of cake,” I say as I hop out of the car.

I can handle those rules. At least, that’s what I tell myself. Then my phone buzzes from my pocket, a message from my dad, and I’m forced to remember what I’m trying to escape for the night.

Dad: I need u to stop by your mom’s place tomorrow and help me clear out her stuff so I can put the house on the market.

I strangle the phone as I read the message. He’s such a cold-hearted asshole. She’s not even gone yet, and he’s ready to just toss out her belongings.

Me: I have band practice tomorrow.

Dad: Come after you’re done, then, unless u want me to just throw everything away.


He’s always been that way, even since I was a kid, especially to my mom. He was always putting her down and yelling at her. He really amped up his douchebaggery, though, after the divorce. So did my mom; doing everything she could to piss him off.

I should be used to my dad’s dickhead ways. I thought I was, but this thing with my mom … He may not love her anymore, but I’m not okay with what he wants to do.

Me: Fine.

“Everything okay?” Lyric asks, bumping the car door shut with her hip.

I stuff the phone into my back pocket and plaster on a fake smile. “Of course. I’m always okay.”

“And you’re okay with the rules?” she asks as we hike across the grass toward their place. “We don’t mean to be douchebags or anything, but with Sadie going with us … Well, we want to make things as uncomplicated for her as possible.”

“I promise I’ll abide by your rules, Lyric.” I hold up a couple of fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

She rolls her eyes but laughs as she unlocks the front door of the condo.

I find it a little weird that the door is locked when Sadie is home, considering the place is located in a fairly decent area of San Diego. Then again, after witnessing Sadie freak out when Nolan and I barged in on her earlier this week, I kind of understand. The girl has been through a lot, more than I can probably imagine.

The moment I step foot inside, the scent of delicious baked goods floods my nostrils and all thoughts go right out the window. I glance at the kitchen where Sadie is busy putting bowls in the sink.

“Holy crap, Sadie, did the baking fairy throw up in here while we were gone?” Lyric teases as she assesses the spilled batter and sugar on the counter.

“I’m so sorry. I got a little bored and decided to bake.” Sadie has her head down as she scrubs the countertop with a paper towel. She hasn’t noticed that I’m here yet, and I note how much more relaxed she seems. “I’ll get it all cleaned up.”

“Sadie, you’re fine.” Ayden slips off his hoodie and hangs it on the back of a chair. “Lyric was just messing with you.”

“I know that.” Sadie sighs, tossing the paper towel into the trash. “I’m just a little on edge. With the test over, I can’t find anything to do to keep myself busy.” She grips the edge of the counter with her head ducked down. Strands of her long, wavy brown hair fall into her face, but she doesn’t bother brushing them back. “So, I baked.”

“It smells delish.” Lyric wanders into the kitchen. “Please tell me they’re going to be done soon. I’m starving.”

Sadie blows a strand of hair out of her face as she glances over at the oven timer. “They’ll be done in three minutes.” She pulls a face, still not noticing that I’m standing in the foyer. “I just hope they taste good … I’ve never baked them before.”

“If they taste half as good as they smell, then I’m sure they’ll be great.” Lyric opens the fridge and grabs a can of soda. “And if not, Sage will eat them.” Lyric flashes me a grin. “He eats anything when he’s high, even batter on crackers.”

“Hey, I did that one time,” I argue. “And don’t dis until you’ve tried it.”

The sound of my voice startles Sadie, and her attention whips to me. Her eyes widen as she watches me wander over to the kitchen island and rest my arms on the counter.

I offer her a smile while discreetly checking her out. The grey dress she’s wearing gives me a fan-fucking-tastic view of her legs.

Ayden clears his throat, and I force my attention off Sadie and to Lyric.

“Besides, I’m not high right now,” I say.

“Are you staying sober tonight?” Ayden asks, sounding surprised.

I snort a laugh. “No. I was just following the rules and waiting until I got here.” I pat my pocket. “I’m all ready to go.”

“Not in the house,” Lyric warns. “Do it on the back porch.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I salute

her as I walk backward across the living room and toward the sliding glass door.

“Make it quick, too.” Lyric threads her fingers with Ayden’s and pulls him toward the hallway. “We’re just going to take a quick shower, and then we’re heading out. We’ll be, like, fifteen minutes tops.”

As the two of them disappear into the hallway, Sadie scrunches up her nose.

“Not a fan of the love birds and their shower time, huh?” I joke, gripping the handle of the sliding glass door.

Her body slightly jolts from the sound of my voice. “No, it’s okay that they do it … They just do it, like, a lot. And sometimes …” She chews on her bottom lip, absentmindedly sucking on it, something I’ve notice she does a lot.

I clench my hands into fists as desire floods my body. It always does when she does that. I want to cross the room and suck her lip between my teeth, taste her, get her to open up to me.

See? This is what happens when you don’t go out. You get way too riled up.

I promised to keep my hands off of Sadie tonight. Although, I doubt she’d even let me touch her if I tried. Still, it doesn’t mean I don’t think about touching her. I have a couple of times over the last year. Okay, more than a couple of times, but I’m a guy, and I have eyes.

With freckles dotting her nose and cheeks, stunningly big eyes, full lips, and legs that go on for miles, Sadie isn’t hot. She’s fucking gorgeous.

Lyric abruptly lets out a loud giggle from the bathroom, pulling me away from my dirty thoughts. When the giggle is echoed by another, I start to understand why Sadie isn’t a fan of the love birds and their shower time.

“Want to hang outside with me while they do their thing?” I ask her, sliding the door open.

She starts to shake her head, but then Lyric lets out what sounds like a mixture of a laugh and a moan. She glances from me to the hallway, biting her nails, and for the briefest instant, I see she considers it.