Page 47 of Forget Me Knot

“Yup, you got it, Princess. Totally understand. No more than a minute. I swear it on my own grave,” he rambles, kissing her forehead.

She stares at him, horrified, and my heart breaks when understanding hits.

“It’s just an expression, Angel. When you want to make a really serious promise, sometimes people will say they swear on a grave to show how serious they are.” My explanation is barely louder than a whisper. I deliver it gently because I know she’s sensitive about things she should’ve learned during her childhood.

She smiles at me with gratitude plain to see on her face before staring at her other Alpha seriously. “I love you all, and the thought of not having you around terrifies me. Please be careful, for me,” she pleads.

Walking over to my sweet girl, I gently kiss her lips and then her forehead. Kas comes up the stairs and scoops her up, kissing her cheeks as she giggles.

“You have our word, Princess.”

And then the fucker throws her in the pool.

I shove him in after her, baring my teeth and growling at him. “What the fuck is wrong with you, asshole? You know her swimming isn’t great yet,” I grit out between my teeth.

If he hurt one hair on her perfect head, Kai is going to be an only child before morning.

Blake comes up gasping and sputtering, but she’s also laughing. A giant gust of air rushes out of my nose as I sigh in relief and anger.

Splashing a small wave of water at Kas, she’s still giggling when she speaks. “Of all the ways I thought tonight might go, being tossed into the pool like a floaty by my Alpha was not one of them.”

He prowls toward her, and even though the chemicals in the pool block most of her scent, I can tell she’s perfuming by the way her cheeks flush and her pupils dilate.

“Did you come out here hoping for a little attention from your Alphas, Princess?” he growls into her neck. I think I would be nervous about where this is heading if it wasn’t so damned hot. Plus, I trust my pack with my life. Now that just includes my sex life, too.

Blake whines, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. “Kas… please touch me,” she whimpers.

I’ve been hard as steel since the minute she came out here in my shirt, so I slip my boxer briefs off and slip into the pool behind her, cupping her ass in my palms.

Leaning down so my face is next to hers, I grab her earlobe with my teeth and gently bite down, earning a breathy moan from her. “You want your Alphas to make you feel good, Angel?” I ask her.

She nods excitedly, turning her head at an awkward angle to lathe sweet little kitten licks up my neck. Knowing she wants us as much as we want her makes me shiver.

I bring my eyes up to Kas’, seeing his are full of molten heat.

“Set her on the ledge, Kaspian. I think we’re gonna need to work together to make our Omega scream.” I grin at him mischievously, hoping he’ll get my silent meaning.

He nods once, his eyes darkening even further as he gently sets her down on the edge of the pool at the shallow end. I can feel her confusion down the bond, so I don’t give her a second to worry. Instead, I duck my head down and lightly pull her swollen clit between my teeth as Kas leans down to lick up the slick leaking out of her in a steady drip.

He’s directly in front and below me, so I feel more than hear his low rumbling growl. “Gods, B. You taste fucking incredible. It’s a miracle we’re ever able to do anything but keep our faces buried in your delicious cunt.” He lifts his head up to look back at me. “Think we could quit our jobs?”

Blake rolls her eyes. “No quitting your job, you weirdo. Now keep going. That feels really,reallygood.” Her words trail off when Kas dives back in with renewed determination, licking up her soaked slit in long, leisurely strokes.

Now that she’s out of the pool, her scent is so much stronger and if I don’t get my hands on her right now, I might combust. Hopping up onto the concrete behind her head, I lean down and kiss her deeply, thrusting my tongue into her mouth as Kas works her pussy.

“Daddy,” she murmurs against my lips when we come up for air. “Wanna taste you.”

Leaning back, I brush some of her wet hair behind her ears. “You sure, Angel? You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

Instead of answering me, she reaches up and grips my bobbing erection in her hand, her fingers nowhere close to touching as she gently strokes me.

“Holy shit, Blake. That feels so—" My words are replaced with a ragged groan when she licks up the precum that’s been gathering on my tip before taking me halfway down her throat in one go.

Suddenly, she gasps, her mouth popping off my swollen cock as her hand gently circles my nipple, making me shiver. “When did you getthose?” she whispers in awe. “And how the heck have I not noticed them until now?”

A smirk plays on my lips. “These old things?” I ask, referring to the black barbels pierced horizontally through each nipple. “I usually have clear ones in, but one of them broke, so I had to put these in.”

Her eyes are wide and she’s silent long enough that I’m starting to get nervous when she moans again, and her perfumeexplodesout of her in a dizzying wave.