Page 34 of Forget Me Knot

Silas helping me with my backpack on the way to school.

Owen holding me as I cried when I fell off my bike and scraped my knee.

Mommy’s new friend picking me up from school because Beck was sick.

Falling asleep in the car because I was getting sick, too.

Waking up alone, sick, and scared.

Crying for Mommy and Daddy. For Beck and Gray and Si and Wenny.

Ellie telling me she was my new Mommy now, that my family moved away and didn’t want me anymore.

Bruises, hunger, tears, and pain. So. Much. Pain.

My hand comes up to cover my mouth as a loud sob escapes, my other hand squeezing Rook’s arm so hard I’m worried I’ll draw blood. He squeezes me tight and sends love and calm down the bond as he leans down to whisper in my ear. “It’s okay, Angel. I can feel your confusion, how scared you are. You were barely five when you were taken, and we all looked for you for years, Blake. But you’re remembering now, aren’t you? You know them. Deep down inside.”

I’m nodding, and I couldn’t stop the tears if I wanted to. I give my Alpha’s arm one last squeeze and step out of his embrace. Both of the men in front of me are crying openly and I can’t take my eyes off of them as the pieces click into place inside my brain. Buried memories of the only time I was ever happy in my life. Myrealfamily.

“Beck?” I whisper, facing the man I now realize must be my twin. He nods as I turn my head to the man standing next to him, who’s inching closer to me slowly. “Gray?” I guess. He has the same pretty brown eyes I remember wishing I had, because I couldn’t stand the color green.

They both nod and we all just stand there for a second.

And then the dam breaks.

I don’t know who reaches first, but suddenly I’m in their arms and it feels likehome.Not like it feels when I’m with my pack, but like my soul has been hurting for so long and these men are the balm to my childhood pain. The small pieces I didn’t even know were missing until now. We’re all crying as we pull back and each of them grabs a hand like they’re afraid I might disappear again if they don’t.

“Jesus... I can’t... I can’t believe you’re here. That our best friends found you. That Dknewyou all these years, and we didn’t know. Holy shit, we have to go home.” Beckett’s eyes are wild as he looks toward my pack. “We have to go home and bring her to Mom and Dads’. It can’t wait.” He’s rambling, talking as fast as he can, like he’s afraid they’re going to fight him on it.

Achilles moves to the side to catch my eye, raising his brows. I can practically hear the unspoken question, so I give him a minute nod, needing him, needing themallto know I want to go home.

He nods back at me and claps his hands together. “Alrighty then, y’all. D, you find a team that can cover the O’Connors. Rook, I need you with me to pack up the hotel and get the flight arranged. Kai, I need you to fill everyone in on why we’re leaving and grab anything we may need for the flight home. Kas, you stay with notre cœur and facilitate the reunion with the other yahoos.” He winks at me, walking over to kiss me on the forehead. “And you, ma douce fraise, be good.” Booping me on the nose, he runs off to do whatever things my sweet Beta does to keep us all on track.

Beck and Gray escort me into the conference room where the other two are on a call with a client who’s apparently been very picky about how she wants her security set up.

“Although honestly, I think she just uses it as an excuse to flirt with us. Veronica has been a pain in our asses since we were kids,” Grayson says. “It’s been worse since you guys left. You should probably keep her away from your new pack member when y’all get home.” He directs this at Kas, who rolls his eyes and scoffs.

“She couldn’t get our attention even when we were kids. She’s sure as hell not gonna get it now that we have an Omega,” he says grumpily. His face transforms into a smile as soon as he turns to me. “I’m so excited to have you in our home finally, Princess.” He gives me a light kiss, causing the two men in front of us to gag dramatically.

I roll my eyes as we walk into the conference room, letting out a quiet giggle. The second I do, the two men hunched over the table next to a phone whip their heads up to stare at me, eyes wide and mouths parted. The one I think is Silas quickly ends the conversation with their client.

“Sorry, Victoria, we have to go. We’ll schedule a meeting soon,” he says gruffly as he hangs up the phone.

Standing up straight, I see that he’s probably as tall as Rook, and has dark brown hair with the faintest tinge of red in it. Gray gently tugs my hand and pulls me to stand in front of my other brothers.

God, that’s weird to even think. I have brothers! A whole family!

Snapping myself out of my musing, I look at the two wide-eyed men in front of me. Silas looks the most different out of all of them. He’s huge and bulky with muscles. His dark hair is cut close to his head, and he has a serious look on his face that’s kind of intimidating when you combine it with his dark eyes. Owen looks exactly the same, just older. Honey brown eyes that are glowing with joy, piercing through one eyebrow and in both ears. Lots of tattoos, and lighter russet hair that’s closer to mine and Beck’s than the other two.

It’s Owen who steps forward first, looking at me like he’s not sure if I’m real. “Blakely… sorry—Blake... is it really you?” he asks quietly.

My eyes are filling again, but I don’t cry this time. “Hey, Wenny,” I murmur. His eyes light up even as they glisten with tears, and he pulls me in for a tight hug.

Leaning in, he whispers loud enough I’m sure everybody else can hear. “I can’t believe you’re here right now. We missed you so much, Strawbs.” He chuckles, using a nickname I vaguely remember from before I was taken.

Silas is the last to approach me, seeming hesitant. I don’t make a move towards him, wanting to give him time to process however he needs to. I mean, I’m sure I’ll have a breakdown on the flight home when the shock wears off. For now, though, I just want to scream that I have a family that cares about me. That I wasn’t unloved and unwanted my entire life until the guys found me.

I watch emotions play across Si’s face too fast for me to decipher. He finally settles on what I can only describe as elation as his face breaks out into a massive grin showcasing perfect teeth. He rushes forward and steals me from Owen, spinning me around as he laughs.