Page 19 of Forget Me Knot

My eyes widen. “Oh shit. Sugar, I think you’re having a mini-heat flare.”

She moans, trying to grind herself against my thigh. “Kai… I need you.”

I grab her chin firmly and force her to look into my eyes. Her pupils are huge, but she’s definitely coherent, which erases my last reservations about this. If she were lost to the fog, I would’ve talked her through it without touching her.

“Blake, I need you to tell me with your wordsexactlywhat you need right now. Have you ever done this before?” I ask gently and without judgement, needing her to know I don’t care one way or another.

Her cheeks flame, and she looks embarrassed. “I’ve never done any of this before,” she whispers.

My brows raise and I decide that while we need to take care of this flare-up, we can do it in the gentlest way possible. So, I ask her the most important questions first. “Sugar, have you ever had an orgasm before?” She shakes her head, writhing slightly on the bed. I nod, expecting as much after her confession. “Have you touched yourself at all? Ever?”

Shaking her head again, her voice is quiet as she replies. “No, I was too scared to do it with Phil right upstairs and even if he left, I didn’t want to risk him scenting anything when he came back.” Her cheeks are on fire right now, and I doubt it’s from the sudden surge of hormones raging through her body.

I nod. “Okay then, Baby. If you’re okay with it, here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m going to start by kissing you,” I say, leaning in close so my lips brush hers as I talk. “Has anybody kissed these pretty lips before?”

She nods slowly, her eyes lighting up as she bites her lip. “Hades did last night, just once. It was quick, and I don’t think he realized it was my first kiss,” she says shyly.

Smirking, I brush my lips against hers gently. “He’s an idiot, but he’s a lucky idiot. We’re all so happy to have you here Blake. You’re everything we’ve ever wanted and more. Thank you for staying and for hearing him out, but most importantly, for trusting me to care for you right now.”

Her eyes are misting over, and I don’t want this to be tainted with tears, so I sit back on my heels and look down at her, lowering my voice as I command, “Strip, Sugar.”

I’m not using my Alpha bark at all, but she still immediately complies, making my dick throb. I wonder if she’ll be so compliant every time we’re in the bedroom, or if she’ll want to take charge sometimes. The thought makes me shudder.

God, I hope she wants to try dominating me.

I’ve only ever had one-night stands, and even those were only before we began looking for Blake. Because of that, I have never once felt comfortable enough with someone to bring up my fantasies. Now definitely isn’t the time for that, either, but I’m hoping it will be soon. The stigma around Alphas can be hard to deal with for someone like me. I’m completely comfortable being dominant when I want or need to, but it shouldn’t make me less of an Alpha to want my Omega to dominate me in the bedroom sometimes.

Blake shedding her clothes quickly snaps me out of the fantasy of my sweet girl ordering me onto my knees for her. Within a minute, she’s fully naked underneath me, and I’ve never seen anything more gorgeous in my life.

I groan, taking in every inch of her. “Goddamn, Sugar. You are absolutely stunning.”

She blushes, a whine slipping out of her throat as reaches for my neck and drags my face down to hers in a deep, messy kiss. I can tell she’s new at this and that, combined with her scent that’s currently saturating the room, has me hard as a fucking rock. But this is about her, not me. I can take care of this in the shower later. Taking one last long pull from her strawberry flavored mouth, I scoot back even further on the bed. I pull her thighs wide and up over my own, so she’s bared completely to me.

“I want you to do what feels the best for you, okay Blake? This is about helpingyoudiscover what feels good without worrying about what anybody else thinks.”

She nods frantically. “Okay. Justpleasetouch me, kiss me,something.It hurts, Kai,” she whimpers out.

I cover her hand with mine and guide them to her soaked slit. Gently gliding our fingers through her slick, I slide them up to her clit and begin rubbing slow circles around it, my fingers showing hers what to do. She mewls, and I increase my pressure, causing her noises to grow in volume until she’s moaning loudly. Taking my fingers away, I encourage her with my words to keep going, to find what feels good.

“That’s it, baby. You’re doing so good. Do you want to try a little more?” I ask, bringing my fingers back to her pussy that’s absolutely gushing slick now. She nods again, but I need to hear it out loud. “Words, Sugar. I need your words.”

She whines. “Yes. Yes, please. I think…”

I can tell that she’s close, so I coat one of my fingers in her slick and slide it into her tight pussy. Gently thrusting in and out, I encourage her to take what she needs from me.

“Good girl, keep rubbing your clit for me while you ride my finger.” Leaning over to kiss her, I slowly add another finger. I can feel her clenching around me, and I groan into her mouth. She’s panting hard and her eyes fly open to meet mine.

“Kai, I can’t, it’s too much,” she says. Her head is thrashing on the pillow, so I grab her chin and force her to meet my eyes.

“Yes, you can, baby. Let go. I promise I’ll be right here to catch you.” I try to reassure her, but I can see her letting her mind take over. I don’t want this experience to be ruined for her by overthinking.

I quickly lean down and kiss her hard on the lips, stroking my fingers against her top wall, and she falls over the edge, calling out my name and soaking my fingers. Still kissing her, but more gently now, I watch as she comes down from her orgasm and the mini-heat begins to recede.

I slide my fingers out of her slowly and immediately suck them into my mouth to see if my girl tastes as good as she smells. My dick twitcheshardat the intense strawberry shortcake flavor and I know I’ll be taking a cold shower later. She gasps, and I stroke the fingers of my clean hand down her flushed cheeks as I smile down at her.

“You did so good, Sugar. I’m so proud of you. How do you feel?”

Smiling up at me, her voice is croaky. “I feel amazing. Thank you so much, Kai. I don’t think I could have done…that, without your help.”