Page 11 of Illicit Rendezvous

The vehicle slowly comes to a stop, and the rumbling engine clicks off. I’m rendered helpless with my vision restricted and arms restrained. This is it. I’m going to find out what he has in store for me very shortly. Tears burn my eyes but I don’t let them fall. I’m already wet enough. Between the rough carpet and my soaked clothes, my skin is raw.

I’m unable to control the full body tremors wracking my limbs. My teeth are chattering as the driver’s door opens. The vehicle rocks as he exits and slams it shut. I revel in the momentary stillness. I'm all alone right now. Well, I think I'm alone. I hold my breath so I can hone in on auditory signals, searching for clues as to my location. However, my heart is pounding loudly, limiting anything to reach my ears.Where am I?My heart is aching, I can't believe I put myself in this absurd position. All because I was tired of my mundane life. Right now I would give anything for a sliver of that mundane. To be in my warm bed, under my cozy comforter, eating last night’s pizza and watching reruns sounds like heaven.

With a beep and a pop of the lock, the trunk opens. Wind blows a cold mist of rain at my exposed skin and the scent of damp leaves wafts throughout the confined space.

I’m not done fighting yet. I’ll never be done fighting. I have too much to lose. My arms are cramping from being tied behind me and it’s becoming harder to breathe, but I don’t let that stop me. After licking my lips, I take in a lung full of air and begin screaming. I’m not even saying anything. Just screaming. I’m desperate. I need someone,anyoneto hear me right now.

"We're miles from civilization. Scream all you want. No one is coming to save you." The voice behind the Ghost Face mask all but laughs, “As a matter of fact, scream louder. Scream harder. Scream until your throat is raw and until you get a headache. I like it. It gets me all kinds of hard.”

Sick fucking asshole. The vehicle dips with the man's weight as he crawls in beside me. A mechanical whirl sounds with a second beep and the residual rainy mist slowly ebbs.Great. Now I’m in this small, enclosed space with a psychotic man, and a thousand miles from nowhere.


He’s not touching me, but I canfeelhim. My damp skin paired with his breath on the back of my neck creates involuntary shivers to wrack my body. In the next instant, two thick arms wrap around my midsection, yanking me to his rock hard form. I'm too scared to think straight, but I know I need to get away. I kick, connecting with his legs and the walls around me but no matter how hard I try I cannot break free. The man's strength is overpowering and he demonstrates this by hefting my wriggling form to my knees. He contorts me around. It’s hard to tell what’s happening with this shirt over my face. All I know is this space is cramped. The longer we are in here together the warmer it gets. Between his solid form and the heavy breathing, we are creating a sauna. Before I can think of my next move, I’m upside down with my butt up in the air. My head is dangling freely and my chest is resting on… a seat? Did he just throw me over the back seat? A guttural groan sounds from behind me, the primal element hard to deny. His large hands run up and down the outsides of my thighs.

“Such a pretty picture,” he laments. “I just want to…” his sentence fades and there’s a shuffling behind me. Then his front is pressed to my back. I know because I can feel his hardened length against my ass. My chest tightens in anticipation for what’s to come when a weird pinching sensation erupts on my right cheek.

What the fuck?

It almost feels likehe just fucking bit me!“Tastes good too. But it will taste even better without all this fabric covering it,” he says, squeezing my rump like a stress ball in his firm grip.

Something cold and metal pricks my skin at my waistband, and I flinch. During the long drive, I was more concerned with trying to map out the journey on the off chance I would escape and need to know my way back to civilization. As if I could feel any more foolish than I already do. How did I think that was a possibility? His threats had taken a backseat but now they are all I can think of. How could I have forgotten the warning that he may fuck me with a god damn knife.

I try to gain purchase on the floor with my knees so I can catapult myself over the seats and flee. My attempt is thwarted when he uses his pelvis to pin me in place. I twist my hips in a last ditch effort, but he latches his monster sized hand around the back of my neck, halting me.

“Stop fucking moving, or I’m going to cut up that pretty skin of yours.”

My body betrays me and obeys. "No, please," I plead, but before I can finish, the sound of my pants being torn resonates around me louder than a jet engine. My body jerks as he saws through my waistband with one hand, exposing my flesh. Finished with his knife, it thunks beside me and he continues his removal of my pants, shoving them down to my knees. In my crop top and thong, the unidentified man displays my nakedness to his creepy stare. A hand slides up my bare thigh in a confusing, gentle caress. The man who has been nothing but violent and demanding is stroking my backside as a lover would. It’s tender and almost calming, perplexing me. Then a smack lands so hard across my left ass cheek that it savagely thrusts my hip bones into the hard back of the seat.

That’s going to leave a bruise.

A small whimper is forced from my lungs as his palm continues to whack me. Over and over, he spanks my bare ass in the same spot, spewing taunts and making this moment even more degrading.

If this is so terrible, why is a tingle forming between my legs?

"You’ve been a bad girl making me chase after you.”


“And bad girls deserve to be punished.”


Fire shoots up my spine after that one, but I clench my teeth and bear it. In this position, there’s not much I can do anyways. Wisps of my wet hair keep getting plastered to my face with the momentum. The fist around the back of my neck tightens to keep me in place.

“Such a filthy little whore getting off on the pain. I can see your arousal through your panties.”

Ugh, of course, he does.

I’m not ashamed but I am angry. It’s natural for my bodyto react and not something I can control. But apparently he doesn’t understand that just because my body likes it, doesn’t mean I consent.He smacks me three more times in succession, but instead of hitting the same throbbing spot the tips of his fingers slap against my covered pussy.

“Good thing we’re only getting started.”

Getting started? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? My ass can’t handle any more punishment, and the rest of me is barely hanging on.

On his last smack, he keeps his hand on the abused flesh and calmly soothes the stinging with a gentle touch. This gives me some relief, but now the man's touch goes straight to my sex.It’s involuntary but I groan. I don’t want this, do I?Hearing my surrender, the man chuckles and continues with his manipulation of my pleasure.

A thick, calloused finger runs circles over the increasingly wet spot. Without moving my panties to the side, he presses the thin fabric inside me with the tip of his finger. As he inserts it deeper, he uses his other hand to play with my clit. With two fingers, he pinches the sensitive nerve, pleasure is injected into me like a needle into a vein. Warmth and electricity bloom from the point of contact, swirling around each cell of my body. The taste of copper hits my tongue as I bite down hard on my lip. I’m not going to give this man the sound of my pleasure again but fuck, every time he touches me this foreign tingling sensation shoots through my body.