Page 8 of Illicit Rendezvous

He lets go of my wrists, but his hold on my hair remains. With the force of a mom who has everything to lose, I grab at his hand, and the instant his elbow bends, bringing me closer to his body, I attack.

I punch at anything that feels like a body part. I must land a hit to his dick because he yells, “Son of a bitch,” and releases my hair.

Not thinking twice, I rip the fabric from my face, throw it to the ground and frantically look for a way to escape. With him behind me, the only direction for me to go is forward.

I take off down the dimly lit street and there aren’t any other cars or people in sight.

Where the fuck is everyone?Usually, all my nosey-ass neighbors are outside gossiping on their porches, but when I need saving, poof, like magic, they’re all gone.

It’s ten o’clock at night, Mickie!

They’re probably all sleeping safely tucked in their beds. Where I should be.

Promptly, I take a sharp left off the street and into the grass. The fastest route to my house is to cut through the patch of woods that line the backs of the houses on my street. Surely that psychopath with a knife won’t know about this short cut. I know, I know. This is the stupidest move a woman can make while alone and being chased. I honestly don’t think I have any other option.

There’s a barely noticeable clearing in the brush up ahead from the teens in the neighborhood going back there to party. It’s perfect for my escape. To avoid a stick stabbing me in the eye, I crouch to enter, but damn near fall on my ass when I run straight into a branch with my forehead.

What the fuck!

Why does this shit keep happening to me?

Rubbing my forehead, I stumble upright. My chest is heaving so hard that it’s becoming harder to inhale.You don’t have time to pass out, you stupid bitch. You willingly took the path through the woods.While taking a precious second to recover, I listen for footsteps.The only thing I can hear besides my heavy wheezing is the rain drops hitting the ground.

Ducking the fucking branch, I take off. There’s a giant oak tree ahead with huge bushes surrounding it. All I have to do is get past it and I'll be a few yards from my house.

I need to move faster, but there’s no traction or grip on my flip flops. The path narrows the closer I get to the tree, forcing me to slide against the bushes. Thorns tear at my clothes and there’s an irritating sting along my arms. My skin rips open from the sharp plants as I barrel through it, and the sting transforms into an agonizing ache that’s traveling to the top of my shoulder.

Son of a bitch that hurts.

Once on the other side I catch a glimpse of something moving in front of me but I’m so close to home I don’t think much of it. There’s always random wildlife meandering around my property. I would gladly welcome the company of deer as long as they leave me the fuck alone and let me get to where I’m going. But as I get closer, I quickly realize it’s not a deer. What I see is straight from a horror film.

The man who has been chasing me is right there. In the middle of the path blocking me from advancing any farther. He’s a formidable sight, in all his hooded glory. With an air of relaxation, he crosses his arms against his broad chest. His stance is casual, as if this isn’t the most pivotal moment in my life. As if that’s not completely horrifying, he has donned the iconic black and white Ghost Face mask.

What the fuck?Was he wearing that before and how did he beat me here?

The masked figure lunges forward, head down like a football player. Before I can move, he shoves his shoulder roughly into my stomach. In one fell swoop, I’m in the air, and my feet are dangling. His arm constricts my legs like a safety bar on a roller coaster. My hair dangles in my face. He may have part of my legs restrained, but that's it. I still have the ability to fight. He hasn't taken that from me… Yet. I immediately thrash around wildly, all my appendages in motion. I’m kicking, attempting to loosen his grip, punching his back and screaming hoping someone will hear me, but he pays no mind. Even after several moments of me tenderizing that area, he doesn't move a muscle when my fists connect with his rock hard form.

He hugs my thighs tightly to his chest and stalks to where the grass has been flattened to almost nothing by the kids partying. We pass my backyard, and my gaze remains fixed on the blackened upper floor windows. All the light from my once lively home has been washed away like a sidewalk chalk drawing in the rain, leaving a dark presence in its wake.

Ghost face abruptly stops, throwing me off balance. The sudden movement causes my nose to collide into his back. He’s lifeless for a moment before he tosses me on to the mushy wet ground with no regard for my well being. As soon as my head hits the unforgiving earth, my molars clamp down on a fatty chunk of my cheek, briefly stunning me in place. There's no time for pain. I need to get the fuck out of these woods. On all fours I dig my nails into the cold soil for added grip and crawl as fast as I can to put distance between us. I try for a split second to get to my feet, but they slide out from under me, the mud making everything too slippery. Spotting the bushes this stranger had just walked past, I make a mad dash, or rather a mad crawl, aiming for them. My skin is going to be ripped to shreds, but it’s worth it if I can get in deep enough for him not to reach. I need enough time to yank out my cell and dial 911. I learned my lesson of trying to get to my feet, so I crawl. The man allows me to proceed a few feet before he places a heavy boot on my side and pushes me. It wasn't a kick, just enough pressure to knock me off of my limbs. I fall to my side with anoomph.

The sound that reaches my ears is the most unnerving noise I’ve ever heard, echoing through my senses. He’s laughing. It’s deep and soul piercing. My blood runs cold when I catch a glimpse of the man’s white slash of a smile through the mesh. The mask is almost completely opaque, but that doesn’t stop me from imagining my monster. I can almost picture the sinister glint in his eyes that somehow shines as strong as the beam of a lighthouse, piercing through the turbulent, stormy night. What I see before me is terrifying, what lies beneath must be hell. The overwhelming horror grips me so intensely that its ominous presence seeps into my very being, leaving its putrid taste in my mouth.

I need to get away.My heart pounding, I try to regain purchase on the slippery grass and mud.I need to get away.Each inch of distance feels like a huge victory, even though I know,I know,it’s futile. He’s looming over me, his feet are right next to me. I’ve made it a few agonizing feet when all the faux success I stupidly allowed to sprout in my soul dissipates under the stress of reality. That’s when the full weight of his body pushes me down into the mud.

Bile burns up my esophagus when the proof of Ghost Face’s arousal stabs my lower back, but I swallow it down. I need to hide my feelings because I sense that he would use them to manipulate me. Or for his pleasure.

My torment is getting him off.

“Fuck you! Get off me!” I scream so loud my throat goes raw.

His warm breath creates goosebumps across my body when he leans in to whisper in my ear, "Fuck me? Don't you worry, my little Bambi. One of us is going to get fucked, and it’s not me.”

Then with one of his ogre sized hands he palms the crown of my head like LeBron would do a basketball. The man yanks back so my chin lifts from the mud. A deep muffled noise breaks from behind the mask and there’s a vibration rumbling against my back before I realize the mother fucker is cackling maniacally. His laugh is evil, closely resembling the Jokers. His next words are just as twisted when he says, “I'll stick my dick so deep inside of you that I'll make a kabob out of your innards. But first, you're going to wrap those lips around my cock."


“Get on your knees,” the masked man barks as he lifts off me, but I can’t move. I think I’m in shock.