Page 24 of Illicit Rendezvous

My hands are heavy as I try to lift them from the chaise. There are a few failed attempts, but eventually I’m able to raise my knees and squeeze the backs of my thighs. I don't know how long I'll be able to stay like this. Sweat covers me from head to toe, and the tips of my fingers keep slipping. Yet, I try to pull my legs back farther, lifting my ass closer to him in need. I'm dying to have his dick penetrating me.

Then he slams his erection into my drenched pussy. I can't help the loud, ugly grunt from escaping me. Embarrassed by the noise, my hand flies up to cover my mouth. That's when I know I've made a mistake. The Purge masked man grabs my wrist, rips it from my mouth, and pins it to the chaise above my head.

"Don't ever try to hide your pleasure from me," he growls. “Especially since I’m the one that will be giving it to you.”

The man is powerfully thrusting in and out of my wetness, hitting spots that no one has been able to reach. His earlier endeavors included. My eyes roll back in my head, a wide array of blue and green speckles flood my vision. I don’t know if it’s the position but this fireworks show has definitely never happened.

“Yes. Fuck me harder with your massive cock,” I cry.

He puts his elbows on either side of my shoulders and laces his fingers through mine and through the slots of the chair above my head. He uses the chair as leverage and gets a better grip to pound his cock deeper. The wood chair isn’t the most comfortable, but right now, I feel like I’m lying on a cloud. I come apart beneath him.

"More, Mask Daddy! I need more. Please, you can’t stop,” I beg.

Fuck this is crazy. I'm fucking crazy.

I'm begging for his cock, and he doesn't have to force it out of me.

I can't help it, though.

"I’m not stopping anytime soon, Bambi. In this condition, you'll be coming for me all night," he says. His mask floats above me like a helium balloon, bobbing in the breeze.

In this condition?What the fuck does that mean? And all night long? My pussy can’t handle any more orgasms.

Obviously, I’m sleepy from being drug through the literal mud, and I guess my senses are on overload. The night's adrenaline is wearing off. My thoughts fade when the man pulls from my body, and ice immediately takes his spot. It courses through my veins, and I know it’s a chill only he can remedy.

What the fuck! Why did he stop? He said he wouldn’t stop.

I lie there shivering cold while the masked man does a push up over my body. It looks like he’s just staring at my naked form through the red lights of his eye holes. He removes one of his hands from mine and swipes through my folds with a finger. I’m taking in his every move as he brings it to my lips and dips it into my open mouth. His finger tastes like sweat and my arousal. I roll my tongue around his digit until every last drop of me is gone.

Pressing our naked bodies flush against each other, he groans as he slides his arms under my shoulders. Our flesh instantly melts together. My eyelids become too heavy to keep open, but I force them as wide as I can. There is definitely something wrong with me. All the vibrant colors. Intense temperature changes from touch. Even though I’m getting my brains fucked out of me, I’m about to fall asleep. I’m a mom, for god's sake. I’ve stayed up for days at a time over the years while the kids were sick. I shouldn’t be this tired.

“What did you give me?” I mumble. The alarm in my voice is evident even though I try to hide it.

“It’s nothing that would hurt you, Bambi. Remember the grape you sucked your sweet juices off of?”

Of course, he doesn't deny drugging me. I remember the grape, which was delicious, even soaked in my cum. Words seem hard to articulate at the moment, so I nod my head in answer.

“Well, I made it especially for you. I added something to relax you for the upcoming drive home.”


In the back of my head, I think I knew he must have given me something, but it’s not like I’m high. I'm more relaxed and relieved from the weight of life holding me down. My body is both numb and alive, the juxtaposition of feelings is confusing yet wonderful. Scream, or the Purge Man, wasn't lying. This is the best sex I've ever had, and it just so happens to be with a masked stranger.

My brain rewinds and repeats his last words,for the upcoming drive home. It should take me by surprise more than it does, but I think I concluded this a while ago that he wasn’t going to kill me. I think I subconsciously realized this when he carried me from the grave to this cabin, instead of making me repeat the barefooted chase from earlier. It was probably when he took so much care when he carried me from my grave.

The man had returned driving into me while I was lost in thought. His mask is so close to my face it’s like he’s staring into my soul. The red lights from the mask are blinding, making me want to close my eyes even more, so I do so. He continues with the steady movements of withdrawing from me slowly, then quickly and forcefully pounding back in.

“Why me?” I manage to scream through my breathy pants.

“Why you? Well, if you haven’t figured that out yet, I’m going to need to show you again. Close those beautiful green eyes and enjoy the ride."

What a cocky prick. But I do as I’m told, what’s the point of trying to fight it anymore? He seems to know exactly what I need and when I need it. It’s been one of the most unnerving things of this horribly, terrific night.

“That’s my good girl,” the man says, the praise causing my pussy to clench around his cock.

When his weight shifts, I pry one eye open to a slit, revealing a new haze. I’m unsure if it's from the heat of our fucking, the humidity from the sauna or whatever he gave me that is blurring my vision. However, the thing I observe clearly is the figure over me no longer wears the lit-up mask. I can’t make out any identifying features, but I think I see longish dark hair shadowed against his tattooed chest. The man seems so familiar, but my mind is full of static. I can't place his identity.

“Who…. are you? Have we ever met?” I manage to mutter before my eyes close again, and this time, I don’t think they'll be reopening.