Page 15 of Illicit Rendezvous

The further I venture into the woods, the less confident I am that I'll make it to the other side. The trees are blending together and there’s no way to tell if I'm going in the right direction. With my luck I’ll run in one giant circle. My heart begins palpitating so forcefully I’m sure it’s about to explode from my chest at the thought. There’s a real possibility that I could get lost out here.


He continues his hollering as I crouch behind a freshly fallen tree and take a few deep breaths. I’m fucking disoriented and I need to gain my bearings. I draw in a few more lungfuls of air, but these are more for centering myself. I won’t last another second in this state of unbridled panic. I try to reason with myself, as long as I keep going forward and take no turns I should make it to a road eventually.

Right? Ugh.There’s no other option but to try. I need to get going. I’m not making any ground hiding behind this tree trunk.

The world around me tilts and the rough bark digs into my hands as I regain my stability. The cold mud squelches between my toes as I dig my heels into the earth. My heavy breathing has left me a little light headed putting me in danger of toppling over. I take a step when I feel composed enough to move.

This turns out to be a bad idea. Misjudging how slick the ground is I step forward and that foot promptly slides in the slick earth, throwing off my equilibrium. My knees land hard on a large exposed root with such a jarring force I bite my tongue. I contort my body, limbs flailing until I come in contact with the tree. I frantically claw at the trunk, desperate for balance. In my frenzy for purchase, I catch a fingernail in a groove of the bark. The continued momentum pulls me, bending my nail backward. A sharp stab fills my nailbed and I release what little hold I have left. My world that was only on a tilt before is now in a complete tailspin. I can’t stop the loud shriek that escapes me as I fall, but it’s quickly cut off with anoofwhen I manage to land on my back on that same fucking root.

I’ve calmed myself to a state of feeling again and my body is screaming. It seems to be one big bruise but I need to ignore it. I blink rapidly up at the dense canopy of branches as the rain peppers my face. Not only is my back going to have a massive mark, which is the least of my worries, but I just gave away the vicinity of my location. Groaning, I cautiously roll to my side and off that god damn fucking root. But then I remind myself, I don’t have time to wallow in my self pity and scramble to my feet. Hoping I’ll be able to throw him off a bit, I pivot on my heel and take a ninety degree turn left. My fantasy of discovering a road by running straight deteriorates as I scramble for a different plan.

The haunting bellow of the man’s voice echoes through the trees, causing every little hair on my body to rise. I’m not sure what number he yells this time because I was distracted by how close he sounded.

What the fuck? I thought he was giving me a head start?

I should’ve predicted he’d break his own rule. It was stupid for me to think there would be any kind of honor among kidnapping assholes. My intuition has obviously been shit this whole night.

The rain has let up a touch, but it doesn’t make a difference on the slick foliage underfoot. My lungs begin to burn from the exertion, and pain radiates from several areas of my body but I’m not letting that slow me down. I use my physical distress as motivation and regulate my steps to keep a steady pace. My tongue is sandpaper as I swipe it over my lips. I’m desperate for water but the chances of me stopping and licking raindrops off fallen leaves to quench my thirst is pretty nonexistent.

I’ve put so much of my effort into not tripping and creating distance that I’ve failed to realize his voice is no longer chasing me. With my head on a swivel, I continue on the path I’ve set out for myself. No numbers. No scary man yelling or tallying my misgivings, laughing at my descent into oblivion.


I stupidly take the time to peek over my shoulder, attempting to spot him or his shadowy figure among the trees when I’m swept off my feet yet again. My foot catches on some kind of detritus, causing me to lurch forward. Instead of landing in a pile of leaves or a puddle like before, I fall feet-first into a black abyss.

Pain shoots from my right ankle as my cartwheeling comes to an abrupt stop against a wall of dirt.A wall of dirt?The puddle of mud that I had disturbed from my less-than-graceful landing sprays all around me, bathing my naked flesh. I’m dazed, my head cloudy with intense discomfort and confusion. It’s so dark and about ten degrees colder. At least for now the rain seems to have stopped. I blindly fumble around for something to help me stand but all my hands find is soupy earth. Trying to regain my composure, I attempt to get to my knees. I bump my ankle in the process and am rewarded with a piercing jolt of fire. By the grueling pain shooting up my entire leg, I think it’s fucking sprained.

This is the last thing I need. I can’t run with one working foot. I should give up and let the stranger do whatever he wants to me. Besides death, nothing he does can be worse than what I’ve already gone through tonight, and at this point death might be the lesser evil. Would it be so bad if I curled into the fetal position and cried?

Yes, bitch. It would be bad.

My emotions are threatening to get the best of me and I can’t let that happen. I don’t have time to wallow in this misery. I'll do that when I'm home in my comfy bed, because I have three babies who still need me. Iwillreturn home to them, no matter what. I’m not going to let this stranger determine how my life ends. Right now, I need to woman-up and get the hell out of here.

I square my shoulders and fill my lungs with the earthy, musty air.You’ve got this, bitch.I get on my knees again, ignoring every pang of agony. Bringing my left foot forward, I stand, pushing off the floor with the aid of my hands. Keeping my right knee bent so I don’t apply any pressure on my bad ankle, I examine my surroundings.

Everywhere I turn, I’m met with a sheet of dark black earth. I’m turning my head so frantically, my wet hair acts like a whip and slaps me in the face. Even the ground beneath me is the same soulless color. The only place left now is up.

Above me, peaking between the trees and angry clouds, the moon is trying to shine for me. The small amount of light able to squeeze through, highlights the edges of the hole I’ve fallen into. I want to laugh when I realize my ass-salient took the time to make this hole a perfect rectangle.

What the fuck?

Did I fall into a pre-made grave?

My grave?

Perhaps my bravado was premature. I lean against the slick wall as I scan up and around. It’s a feeble attempt but I stand on the tiptoes of my good ankle and stretch, reaching for the sky. Despite my efforts, my hands never touch the edge. Nowhere near close enough to pull myself out of here.

"Son of a bitch," I sigh.

This hole has to be over seven feet deep.

