Page 14 of Illicit Rendezvous

He must notice my betraying expression of disappointment that this might be the end, because he leans forward far enough to boop my nose with the finger of his bloody leather glove.

“Awe, don’t be sad Bambi, you’re only getting a sixty-second head start before I give chase.”

Wait.I rewind that sentence in my head.

He booped my nose with the finger of his bloody glove.

Since when do kidnappersboopnoses? And where did the blood come from? I’m not internally bleeding. There’s no pain between my legs aside from the usual soreness after intercourse. If it’s not from me, then wheredidthe blood come from?

Once I realize I’m pondering things that are irrelevant to my situation, the weight of his words hit me, paralyzing my lungs, not allowing me to breathe. Not only is he not setting me free, he’s going to chase me through the woods like I’m some kind of fucking animal. Because he doesn’t see me as human, I’m just a plaything. With his next words, he adds even more credence to my determination.

“I’m willing to give you one last chance at tasting freedom. It’s not to make you feel better though. It’s because it’s going to besosatisfying to watch the sliver of hope your harboring drain from your eyes.” My anger spikes, causing me to flare my nostrils from his assholery.

The FOB must be in his pocket because he grabs something, and a second later, there’s the beep of doom as the SUV door rises slowly. The dome light flashes on washing us in a bright yellow hue that burns my retinas. The introduction of light reminds me of a curtain being drawn up on a stage, and I’m standing there ready to perform the final act of my life.

No matter how hard he is trying to crush my willpower, my brain won’t let me give up. If I make it out of here alive, I need to know what this man looks like. It will be the one thing to save me from glancing over my shoulder at every corner or dark alley. Plus it would help the police to catch this sicko. With that new idea percolating in my thoughts, I lunge forward, reaching for his mask. I need to yank that fucking thing off his head. My fingertips barely graze the edge of hard plastic before he grabs me by the wrist and twists my arm behind my back. He was more agile than I had anticipated.

Is he going to punish me for what I just did? The hair on the back of my neck raises when he whispers in my ear, “Take my mask off, Bambi, and you’ll never get to go home. You will have to stay with me forever as my live-in sex doll.”

As if to emphasize the point, he flashes me the blade of the knife that I foolishly thought he was done using. I could kick myself for not going for that instead of his mask. In one slice, he makes quick work of discarding my tank top and sports bra. If I thought I was cold before, I was sadly mistaken. My nipples turn to harden peaks from the frigid air and I cover my breasts on instinct as if there’s any modesty left to preserve. Taking advantage of my occupied hands, he proficiently removes the remainder of my pants, leaving me completely bare.

There’s no time to contemplate my state of undress because before I know it, I’m roughly being shoved from the vehicle without any concern for my safety. I stumble out, bringing my arms in front of me to catch my fall. The landing is rough. My palms scrape through the gravel as I slide like a baseball player stealing home plate. My knees don’t fair much better, but I don’t pay any heed to the burning from the rocks embedded in them.

I rush to my feet while simultaneously scanning my surroundings. We must be far from the city as there’s no light pollution to help me see. Through the rain and darkness, all I’m able to make out is an endless amount of trees spanning in front of me. I only take a moment to hesitate before I dart forward, wanting to put distance between us. With my first step, I curse at the stinging of rocks at my feet. It’s not as bad as stepping on Legos but it’s close. With my second step, I curse at the stinging of my asshole that had just been mercilessly used for this monster’s pleasure.

I’m a couple yards away when the masked man's booming voice begins his countdown.


I’m taking long strides, desperate to make it to the grassy area only a few feet away.


I wipe at an errant strand of sopping wet hair that is plastered across my face.


“Fuck!” I scream at my slow progress. My tits bounce heavily as I run. I want to grab them and use my hands as a makeshift bra, but I need my arms for balance and drive. Without them, my pace would be further hindered.

Obviously having heard my cussing, he bellows, “Now is that anyway for a lady to talk? You better move faster, Bambi, if you want any chance at making it home."

“Son of a cunt-loving-bastard,” I mumble under my breath.

He laughs before proceeding with,


I need to put more distance between us, and quickly.

I hit the grass and immediately take advantage of the new terrain. My toes dig into the wet earth, launching me forward. I pump my legs as hard as my body will allow. The fact that I’m naked for the world to see doesn't cross my mind until the wind whips cold rain at my aching sex.


I’m still not sure where I should be going, but I need to decide soon. The forest is only a few feet ahead of me. It's the darkest time of the night and will only get darker once I reach the canopy of the trees. The only light helping guide me into the forest is from the moon’s sparse rays when they randomly find their way through the storm clouds.

“Fuck,” I screech again as I stampede through branches, leaving broken pieces in my wake. There’s no worn path for me to follow like in the forest by my house but that doesn’t deter me from pressing forward. A thorny branch catches my thigh, leaving a red line of blood to bubble over on my flesh, but I feel nothing. Adrenaline and fear coat me like armor.