Page 5 of Arbor

“So… if I decided to climb the steps to your treehouse… and only spend a night or two…”

A slow smile grew on his face. “I’d make it the best two-night ride of your life and remember them fondly once you were gone.”

“You really are a charmer,” she mumbled as she thought about his words.

“Just being neighborly.”

Megan was just about to lean forward and find out just how well the man could use those tempting lips when a throat clearing sounded from the other side of her desk and jolted them apart. After another deep breath, Megan lifted her gaze and found her boss, Bruce, standing there.

“Uh… Mr. Trenfell.”

“Bruce,” he corrected and gave them a knowing smile. “I take it Ewan is making sure you have everything you need.”

Ewan leaned against the stretch of desk next to her and uttered low, “Trying to.”

Megan shot Ewan a glare.

“Great. Well, it’s time to clock out and head home. Enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday morning.”

It couldn’t possibly be five o’clock.Megan’s eyes shifted to the time display in the bottom corner of the screen to the laptop and found that Bruce was right. It was ten minutes after five.

“I didn’t realize how late it was,” she commented and began to close out the programs and shut the laptop down.

“I figured. There are keys on the ring I gave you to lock the front door and to secure the gate. I’ll let Ewan show you how to do that.”

“Thanks, Mr. Tr… Bruce.”

Her boss gave her a smile. “Have a great weekend, Megs.”

“You, too.” She watched him leave and waited until he was out of sight before she turned on Ewan and bit out, “Can you please not risk my job in your quest to get into my pants?”

Ewan grinned and pulled a set of keys out of his pocket as he straightened. “Megan, we could have been screwing in the bathroom and your job wouldn’t be at risk. Shut down the laptop, and I’ll meet you on the front deck.”

Then the man walked away from her like he hadn’t just been speaking insanity.



Hislionhadbeenon edge since the moment he came up behind her at her desk. Their mate was in that chair. Arbor knew his lion was in a hurry to claim her, but he was smart enough to know Megan was going to need some time. Claiming her and demanding she hang around wasn’t going to work with her.

Arbor needed to take his time and win her over, prove to her that he was worth taking a chance on. In the process, he needed to figure out what had her so sure there would come a time when she needed to move on from their town.

The way that Bruce was handing out offers of help to Megan, having had only met her the day before, only added to Arbor’s suspicion that there was more to the story. He wanted to know it all, but he knew he had to be patient and careful about how he went about getting that information.

Standing on the front deck of the temporary office, Arbor watched through the window as Megan closed the laptop, gathered her belongings, slipped on her jacket, and took a deep breath as if to prepare herself for something. He bit the inside of his lip to stop the smile that wanted to grow there. He was under her skin already, and to him, that felt like progress.

When the door swung open and she stepped outside, he used his keys to lock up and instructed her to follow him to the front gate. After climbing on his bike, he waited for her to be situated in her SUV before he took off and rounded the office. He pulled off to the side once he rode through the gate.

After climbing off his bike, he approached the security panel to the side of the gate and waited. Only moments later, Megan pulled through and parked next to his bike. As soon as she stepped up to his side, Arbor began to explain how to lock up the gate, otherwise he was going to kiss her and back her up against the nearest tree. Watching her hips sway as she walked toward him was nearly too much.

“So… basically, put in the key, turn it, punch in code, and pressengage?”

Arbor looked down at Megan and gave a nod. “Yup. Then, wait for the gate to close before you leave. To open the gate, you pressopeninstead ofengage.Once it’s closed, if anyone opens it before six in the morning, an alert gets sent to Bruce and me.”


Arbor nodded. “I’m closest.”