Page 2 of Arbor

Megan gave a nod and took his outstretched hand to shake it. “Yes. Megan is fine.”

“It is very good to meet you.”

He released her hand and waved his arm for her to take a seat in the visitor chair by his desk. As he returned to his seat, he uttered, “I’m sure there’s a reason you were inquiring about being paid in cash, but you aren’t the first employee to make a request, and I’m not one for sticking my nose in the business of others.”

Megan felt her cheeks heat. She hated that she was in a position to have to ask for such things, but she didn’t know if the police were looking for her. She was doing her best to not leave any breadcrumbs for the police to follow, just in case.

She swallowed hard and replied, “If you’re not comfortable with that, I understand. Would you… do you know of anyone who would be—”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t comfortable.” He stared at her for a long moment. He didn’t look angry or confused. He looked curious, and his eyes held a soft compassion that filled her with a warmth she hadn’t felt since her grandmother died when she was thirteen. She sure as hell didn’t receive any warmth in the group home the state stuck her in.

“I… I don’t have any… certifications or… education, but I’m a hard worker and I know my way around the computer well enough. And I learn quickly.”

The man shook his head and gave her a gentle smile. “Megan, I think you’ll fit in just fine around here. I drew up a job offer, just in case my gut spoke to me.” He picked up a piece of paper from the top of the stack to his right and handed it over to her. “And my gut is squawking. Welcome to Trenfell Lumber… that is… if you choose to accept the offer.”

Megan knew before she glanced at the paper in her hand that she would be accepting the offer, but when she saw the salary that was listed, her breath whooshed out of her and she nodded.

“By the way, my name is Bruce Trenfell. My partner is my brother, Greg Trenfell. He rarely comes into the office, so you won’t see him much. You’ll mostly be dealing with me and a couple of crew leads. Once you’re settled at your desk, I’ll give you a list of numbers to keep handy of people who are at your service if you have an emergency or even just questions. The most important to know will be Ewan’s. He lives on the property next door and is like a nephew to us.”

Megan’s brain was spinning with everything before her. A new job basically fell into her lap with enough of a salary to more than provide for her. Her identity was safe for now. She had yet to figure out how she was going to find a place without using her real name, but the lady at the inn in town had accepted her cash with a wink and told her not to worry aboutfinding that identification right away.

“You have a place to stay?” Mr. Trenfell stood and headed across the space.

Megan also stood and followed him over to the unoccupied desk. “Uh… I’m staying at the Silverbell Inn… for now.”

“Nice place.” Mr. Trenfell nodded. “If you’re interested, I have a small cabin not far from here that is empty. One of my guys was staying in it, but he just bought a house. I would rather have someone in there than have it sitting unoccupied. It’s not much. Just a one-room cabin with a small bathroom, but it’s clean, and the rent is manageable.”

She had to be dreaming. Megan couldn’t believethatmuch good was happening to her all at once. A job. A new town. A place to live. Privacy. It was more than she ever hoped to wish for, but it somehow landed at her feet.

“I’ll take it,” she said, then shook her head and let out a nervous laugh. “I mean… how much?”

Mr. Trenfell laughed. “Five hundred a month, all utilities and trash included. Well… there’s a dumpster you can use for your trash. It’s furnished, but feel free to replace anything you don’t like. Just let me know, and I’ll have one of the guys cart away anything you need gone.”

As tears welled up in her eyes, Megan whispered, “Are you real?”

After giving her a wink, Mr. Trenfell replied, “Sometimes, you run across people in your life who need your help, and sometimes, you’re the one who needs it. Life’s about giving and receiving. I give, so I don’t feel so bad when I have to receive. You’ll find that the culture up here is probably a bit different from where you’re from, Megs. We’re helpful around here.”

She nodded and swallowed hard. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Okay. So, this is what we’ll do. Today, you’ll sit yourself down and look through the desk. Make a list of any supplies that will make your job easier or even just will make you more comfortable. I’ll get one of the guys on it. After that, I’ll show you the cabin and you can decide if you want the place. Then tomorrow, you’ll start your position. I’ll be here for most of the day and Ewan will take over your training when I have to leave. Does that work for you?”

She nodded again and blinked away the wetness that was still lining her eyes. “That… that sounds perfect.”

“Great.” He pulled out the desk chair and motioned for her to sit. When she did, he said, “The laptop you’ll be using is in the bottom drawer.” He pulled a set of keys out of his pocket and handed them to her. “I’ll need you to fill out employee paperwork with your information, but I promise not to include you in any official stuff.”

Feeling like she owed the man a little information as to why she needed the special treatment, she looked up at him and explained, “I was in a bad situation with my ex and had to do… something… in order to get myself out of the situation. I’m not sure if… the police are looking for me… or not.”

Mr. Trenfell leaned against the desk and laid his hand on her shoulder. “Megs, you’re safe here.” He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Whatever you did and whatever you’re running from is none of my business unless you make it mine. Just know I’m here if you need anything.”

Megan swallowed hard again and smiled. “Thank you.”

Something about Mr. Trenfell made her trust him in ways that probably weren’t smart, but she trusted him anyway. Her gut was screaming at her that he was safe, so she trusted her gut and accepted the kindness he was offering her and just hoped that she wouldn’t regret it.



EwanLucasDawsonwasbored as he meandered through the woods around his place. It was Thursday night, and he didn’t have any plans. Not that he usually had plans. He spent most of his off time doing exactly what he was doing at that moment, but he was feeling uncharacteristically restless.