Aspleasuresizzledfromher nipple to her clit, Megan bit her bottom lip in an attempt to stop herself from crying out again. She didn’t know why it felt so much better when Arbor sucked on her nipple than it ever had before, but it did.
When he switched to the other nipple, she bit down harder on her lip. She whimpered when he released it.
“Don’t you dare fucking keepmymoans from me, Kitten. I earned them.” Looking up into her eyes, he stuck his tongue out and circled her nipple. “Understand?”
She swallowed hard, trying not to squirm as his tongue made another pass. “Yes,” she breathed.
“Good.” He winked at her and sucked her nipple back into his mouth, and this time, he received the moan he rightfully earned.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew he was unfastening her dress pants, but she was too busy focusing on every suck of his mouth and pass of his tongue on her nipple to be able to acknowledge it.
When he released his hold on her nipple and started moving down, she sucked in a deep breath and tried to exhale slowly to calm her racing heart. Removing her hands from his hair, she pressed them palms-down on the counter behind her to hold up her upper body when he yanked her pants and underwear from her body as his lips moved down her abdomen and over her mound, his destination clear.
“Arbor,” she said as he stared at what he revealed while crouched in front of her.
His gaze slowly shifted from her core up to her face. “Yeah, Kitten?”
She resisted covering her core with her hands, a little uncomfortable with him seeing her laid out like that. “Uh… It’s been… uh… I’ve…”
Arbor slowly straightened as she stammered. He stepped in close and pressed his lips to hers for a brief, sweet kiss. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. No judgment.”
She swallowed hard and blurted, “My ex never did that, and it’s been a long time since anyone has, and they weren’t that great at it.”
One of his dark brows lifted, before a slow grin grew on his face. “Sounds like you need a demonstration on how it’s supposed to be done. Mission accepted.”
Two seconds later, he was crouched in front of her again, and his lips were wrapped around her clit, instantly having her ride that edge. She was afraid she was going to fly over that cliff, but he pulled off and began a sensual exploration of her slit with his tongue and lips.
She was panting and moaning softly as he got to know every bit of her core with his tongue, but her heart started to pound harder when he added two of his fingers to the mix, and his tongue made its way back to her clit.
When he circled the nub with his tongue, her hips lifted off the counter, and one of her hands slid back into his hair. “Arbor!”
His fingers inside of her curled and rubbed exactly where she needed them. “A man should always spend just as much time kissing these lips as the ones on your face, Kitten.” Then he sucked her clit between his lips, shoving her over that edge and falling in ecstasy, stealing her of sight or sound.
Her heart was still pounding way too hard when she returned to her body and her vision cleared. Arbor was standing with his hands perched on the counter on either side of her hips.
Gazing into her eyes, he ran his tongue along his bottom and she heard what sounded like a purr. Her hearing must still be recovering, she decided, because there was no way a grown man could actually purr… right?
“Fuck, you taste good,” he expressed before he pressed his lips to hers and scrambled her brain again. As he thoroughly kissed her, letting her taste herself mixed with the taste of him, one of his hands landed on her abdomen. He slid it slowly up the center of her body to wrap gently around the front of her throat. After breaking the kiss, he nipped her bottom lip. “You will come on my face again. After that, I’ll consider fucking you on that piece of shit bed behind me.”
Megan smiled. “Don’t make it tempting or anything.”
Arbor chuckled and pressed his jean-covered erection against her bare core.
When Megan’s breath caught, she saw him give her a wink. His point was made — The pleasure he could give her was tempting enough.
After another nip to her bottom lip, Arbor set about kissing down her body, dragging his hand down the expanse, following his lips. Every touch of his hands or lips had her body on fire with need, even though she was still recovering from the best orgasm she had ever experienced in her entire life.
“This time… I expect you to scream,” he stated, before he began his sensual assault on her clit.
After he brought her to orgasm again, he didn’t even give her a chance to recover before he had her lifted off the counter and into his arms. She had a brief moment of wondering if he was strong enough to carry her, but his lips on hers wiped that thought right from her head.
He was still kissing her when he laid her out on the bed, but he broke the kiss in order to remove his boots, socks, and jeans.
Megan’s limbs were so relaxed, she wasn’t sure she could actively participate. As she was beginning to see, Arbor was not deterred. He just lifted her legs until her ankles were resting on his shoulders, palmed her hips in his large, rough hands, and slid inside her. No. Participation. Needed.