Page 21 of Arbor

Arbor groaned as her palm rubbed against the head of his cock on the neck stroke. “Sounds like my wife’s name,” he replied, lifting her hips and moving her until she was hovering over his dick.

As she slid on to him, she moaned and pressed her forehead to his. “Does that mean this is our wedding night, too?”

Grinning, Arbor helped her set a pace with the hold he had on her hips. It was slow and sweet, but there was a heat in her gaze that took his breath away.Fuck, he hit the jackpot with her. As that blue glow came from his eyes, he answered, “Yeah, so we better make it memorable.” Then he dropped his head down and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

After a lazy Sunday of cuddling, movies, and walks through the woods, Arbor brought Kitten over to the clubhouse. He knew the guys would make a big deal of their mating, but he wasn’t exactly sure how things would go. He figured they would rely heavily on the visiting mother chapter members to show them the Howlers traditions and take it from there.

As he backed his bike into his normal spot, the memory of one of the conversations he had with Kitten that day entered his mind and he smiled.

“So… are all the members shifters?”

“No,” he told her as he ran his fingers through her wavy locks, “but most of them are.”

“Who is?”

He went through the list and explained that everyone except Zeus, IQ, Blaze, and Sly were shifters. They had a human prospect as well.

“So, what kind of animals are we talking about?”

Her eyes widened when he told her that Beast was a dragon shifter.

“How in the world am I supposed to look him in the eye when I’m wondering what color scales he has?”

Arbor was a little curious to see how she would react to seeing Beast, but his lion was snarling a bit. His lion wasn’t fond of her thinking about any other man. Luckily, Arbor wasn’t as possessive as his lion would prefer.

After climbing off his bike and taking the helmet from her, Arbor set it on the seat and took her hand. He led her inside, sneaking kisses along the way, aware that her attention would be stolen as soon as they stepped through the door. His brothers were going to make sure she was aware that they considered her family. It was what he would do if any of them found their mate or Ol’ Lady.

The second they entered the main room of the clubhouse, his brothers whistled and clapped, bringing a grin to Kitten’s face.

“Congrats,” Whiskey told them, shaking Arbor’s hand and giving Kitten a wink. “Since I’m not familiar with the Howlers traditions yet, Skull’s going to take this one, but just know I’m happy for both of you.”

Arbor gave him a nod and shifted to stand behind Kitten, wrapping his arms around her waist. The men were lined up and facing them, when Skull stepped through the men, holding her property patch — the cut with the patches on it that declared who she belonged to.

“Normally, Whiskey would do this, but I get the honor. And itisan honor, Kitten. By tying yourself to Arbor, you tied yourself to us and to our pack. By having his back, you have ours. By protecting him, you protect us. By loving him, you love us. We’re a package deal. And we understand we’re getting more out of the deal than you are.”

Kitten glanced at him over her shoulder, and Arbor saw the tears gathered in her eyes, before she brought her gaze back to Skull.

“You will never need for anything for long. You will never want for anything for long. You will never suffer. And if for some reason you do,” his eyes flashed a greenish-gold light as the men around him growled and hissed, “the one who caused it will suffer far more for their efforts. I’m honored to call you my sister.”

As he held out the property patch to her, Arbor heard her sniffle, but she took it. When she held it up in front of her, Arbor’s gaze dropped to one of the patches on the front.

Arbor’s OL.

His lion purred as he watched her slide that cut onto her shoulders.

“I’m honored to call you my brothers,” Kitten said with a watery smile.

His club brothers hooted and hollered before his woman was being passed from one brother to another for hugs and congratulations.

It was the most satisfying moment of Arbor’s life. Seeing his family embrace his woman brought a lump to his throat. He swallowed hard around it and cleared it as she was set on her feet in front of him and looked up at him with the biggest grin on her face.Fuck,he loved her. Inside him, his lion swished his tail and purred again.



Aftertakingthehangovercure her old doctor told her about, which basically consisted of water and pain reliever, Megan put her sunglasses back on her face and returned to her chair at her desk. The throbbing had impeded her from processing anything she had tried to work on since she arrived at work an hour ago.

As she waited for the medicine to kick in, she continued to drink water and prayed that her boss wouldn’t show up while she was suffering from the headache from hell. She knew that tenth shot had been a bad idea.