He felt too good inside of her. She could easily become addicted to the feelings he inspired with every thrust of his hips.
“You are so fucking beautiful,” he growled and dropped down to take her lips in a wet kiss.
She drug her nails down his back as the change in position brought constant contact to her clit, tightening her core and stealing her breath.
Arbor broke the kiss and gazed down at her. “Fuck yes! Give it to me, Kitten.”
The blue light shining from his eyes was what did it. Her body tightened around him, and she screamed his name.
That was when she saw Arbor open his mouth and his lion fangs slide down. It was hot as fuck. Then he struck. She expected pain but felt nothing but pleasure as the bite extended her orgasm and had her seeing stars. Her vision and hearing faded until she heard nothing, and blackness overtook her.
Megan awoke to Arbor roaring at the ceiling of the treehouse. That didn’t surprise her. No, it was the roars and howls that replied to his roar that threw her for a loop. With wide eyes, she looked at Arbor. His fangs were gone, and he was grinning like a fool.
“Was that…”
He nodded. “That’s their way of welcoming you to the family.”
“We’re miles away from the clubhouse.”
He shrugged. “Yeah… and?”
She shook her head but giggled. “This is like every romance reader’s dream.”
He chuckled and dropped his face to her neck. When his tongue caressed the bite, she was again surprised when she didn’t experience anything but sudden pleasure. When she moaned, he flexed his hips and purred against her skin.
“Normally, we would head to the clubhouse so they could welcome you in person and give you your property patch, but it’s not ready yet, so—” Before he could finish his sentence, she heard a phone ringing across the room. “Fuck.”
The scowl on his face as he pulled out of her let her know it was the last thing he wanted to do and whoever was on the other end of that call was about to get grumpy Arbor.
He yanked his phone out of the pocket of his cut and answered it. “What?” he growled.
He listened for a moment, and his scowl slowly faded.
“Yeah. Sounds good. Yeah. Thanks, Whiskey. I’ll tell her.” Then he ended the call. When he turned to face her again, he said, “Whiskey said welcome to the family. He also said he called and put a rush on your property patch. It should be to the clubhouse by tomorrow evening, which is when they expect us to be there.”
“Tomorrow is Sunday.”
Arbor grinned. “We’re bikers, Kitten. We’ll go to work drunk or hungover before we’ll decline a night of drinking with the club.” He dipped out of the room but returned a moment later with a damp washcloth in his hands.
She rolled her eyes but smiled. “Another biker bitch lesson.”
As he climbed back on the bed with her, he corrected, “Another bikerqueenlesson.” As he kissed her deeply, he gently cleaned her up.
“I’m sorry. My bad,” she said against his lips.
“No worries, Kitten. You have the rest of your life to figure it out.”
AftercuddlingwithKittenin bed for a while, he had an idea. He told her to wait there, then he pulled on his boxer briefs and headed out to put his plan into action.
Once he had it all set and ready to go, he returned to the bedroom, wrapped her up in his comforter, and carried her out to the deck.
She gasped and kissed his cheek when she saw the sheet-covered couch cushions that he placed on the deck. After he set her on the cushions, he returned inside for the tray that held their snacks and the Irish coffees he’d made.
He brought his bounty out to the deck and sat facing her on the cushions. After distributing drinks and setting the tray of snacks on the cushions between them, he took a drink of the coffee and asked, “What sent you on the run, Kitten?”