Page 74 of Rex's Release

Looking fully satisfied, Rex panted as he rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Doc just settled in, happy to cuddle her man.


Rex was still catching his breath when he heard the roars and howls from his club brothers. He grinned. “That’s the Howlers. They’re going to be expecting us to show up at the clubhouse.”

Doc lifted her head and looked down at him. “And they can keep waiting until tomorrow, because we are not leaving this house on our wedding night.”

Rex chuckled. “I’ll send out a text and tell them we’ll see them tomorrow.”

After rolling off of him, Doc replied, “You do that. And while you’re up, get us snacks and drinks. We need to recharge.”

After letting out a growl of approval, Rex climbed out of bed and replied, “Yes, Ma’am.”

He crossed the room to where his cut was hanging from the doorknob, retrieved his phone from the pocket, and sent out a group text to all of his brothers.

REX : I appreciate tradition and your happiness for me and Doc, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow morning to celebrate with us, because we’re not interrupting our wedding night for you fools.

Almost immediately, his phone started blowing up with return text messages, but he ignored them, turned off his phone, and returned it to his pocket. Then he set about getting hiswifesome sustenance.

He was almost done cutting up the apples and cheese to add to the plate of crackers and meat slices when he heard an insistent knocking on the front door. His brows pulled together in annoyance. He had an idea of who that was, and he’d kick the asses of Ranger and Trip if they were truly standing on her doorstep.

Fully naked, he stormed for the door and yanked it open. Standing on the stoop was Sugar, Kisy, and Butterfly, with Top on the walk behind them.

“Well, hello to you, too,” Kisy said with a wide-eyed stare as she looked at his crotch.

Rolling his eyes at the women he’d grown to love as sisters, he slammed the door in their faces.

As he walked away, he heard Sugar shout, “But it’s tradition!”

Top immediately chimed in with, “I told you he wasn’t coming to the clubhouse, and he wasn’t letting you in. Now, let’s go. We’ll see them tomorrow.”

After some grumbling, he heard Top give them gentle orders as he corralled them back to the car.

Shaking his head and chuckling, he returned to the kitchen and finished preparing Doc’s snacks.



Climbingoutofhistruck, Rex was happy the weather cooperated. It was a bit chilly, but it wasn’t too bad. The sky was cloudy, but there wasn’t a snowflake in sight. It allowed them to wear jackets, instead of having to bundle up just to walk from the vehicle to the door.

Inside the clubhouse, he knew his family was waiting for them. After their visit the evening before, he received a text from Axle saying they would see him at two in the afternoon and to let Doc know he was happy for them. It was almost two, and if he was being honest with himself, he was excited to introduce her as his woman.

Over the twenty years that he had been in the Howlers, Rex had witnessed a couple dozen property patch ceremonies. The men always walked into the room with a giant grin on his face and spent most of the time touching their Ol’ Lady in one way or another. He had often rolled his eyes at it, thinking they were a bit over the top.

As he stepped through the doors of the clubhouse, holding Doc’s hand, Rex got it. Pride filled him, and the love and acceptance his family showed overwhelmed him. As corny as it sounded, it was one of the happiest moments of his life. He would cherish it until his dying day.

“Don’t go getting soft on me now,” Doc softly teased as she gave his hand a tug.

He gazed down at her through the tears that were gathering in his eyes. “I didn’t realize it, but I was always waiting for you. If realizing that makes me soft, I’m okay with that.”

“Fuck,” she bit out and began to blink rapidly. “Don’t say shit like that to me in public. I have a badass reputation to uphold.”

As he leaned toward her and pressed his lips to her temple, his gaze scanned the room. His cheering family was lined up in front of them, all wearing smiles, clapping.

The crowd parted, and Top stepped through with Score at his side. Score gave Rex a nod and patted Top on the back before he stepped aside and let Top have the floor.

Top gave him a grin, then turned his attention to Doc. “Normally, Pres does this, or… at least, once upon a time, he did.” The crowd laughed, and Rex joined them. It had become a joke because Axle had performed the speech maybe once since he took over as president. “Since I’m Rex’s closest friend, I get the honor. And itisan honor, Doc.” He grinned again. “By tying yourself to Rex, you tied yourself to us. By having his back, you have ours. By protecting him, you protect us. By loving him, you love us. We’re a package deal. And we understand we’re getting more out of the deal than you are.” He winked at her, then he continued, “You will never need for anything for long. You will never want for anything for long. You will never suffer. And if for some reason you do,” his eyes flashed a greenish light as the men around him growled and hissed, “the one who caused it will suffer far more for their efforts, not that you need our assistance to make that happen, but it’s offered to you all the same. I’m honored to call youmy sister.” He held out his hand. Clenched in it was a leather cut.