Page 65 of Rex's Release

It was at that moment Doc fell in love with the heart of her future stepdaughter.

When Nevaeh pulled back, Doc told her, “He’s covered, by the way, and I know he would love to see you.”

Nevaeh nodded and headed in to see her dad. When she noticed Doc wasn’t following, she waved her arm. “Come on. He’s going to want both of us in there.”

“I was going to go grab him some food.”

Rolling her eyes, Nevaeh replied, “That’s what the prospects are for.”



Theseconddayafterhis kidnapping, Rex was ready to pull his hair out. He loved his daughter, but he was done. He needed a break from her babying him. She wouldn’t even let him feed himself. Yes, it hurt to lift his arms, but he was able to do it without injuring himself more. At first, he was humoring her, because he knew she was upset seeing him hurt. After twenty-four hours, he was more than done.

When Doc came out of the bathroom in her scrubs, Rex cleared his throat and looked over at Nevaeh sitting in the armchair. “Hey. Can you give me and Doc a minute?”

“Sure.” On her ridiculous heels, she strolled out of the room and shut the door behind her.

Rex’s gaze shot to Doc. “Please, for the love of the gods…Please, give her something to do other than being my nursemaid,” he begged in a whisper, so Nevaeh’s shifter hearing did pick it up.

Doc’s face broke out in a grin. “Feeling a little kenneled, Fido?”

“Yes,” he answered honestly.

After a chuckle, she said, “I’ll see if she wants to go to the clinic with me. Someone left a litter of black Lab puppies. The techs would appreciate having someone help take care of them.”

“Hopefully, they respond better to her than Beast does to me.”

Doc shrugged. “We’ll see.” She bent over him and gave him a slow, deep kiss before she pulled back and smiled down at him. “Be good. Don’t go injuring yourself more while I’m gone.”

He grinned. “Yes, Ma’am.”


“Got some sneakers with you?” Doc asked Nevaeh as she stepped out of Rex’s room.

The young woman stopped her pacing and looked over at her. “Uh… yeah.”

“You’re driving your dad bonkers. I know you love him and want to take care of him, but he needs a break to rest. Change into an outfit you don’t mind having animal hair all over and put on your sneakers. You have ten minutes.”

“Animal hair?”

“You’re going to the clinic. You can help by playing and walking the animals for us.”

Just like the day before, Nevaeh began jumping up and down on those high heels and clapping her hands. Doc shook her head, wondering how long before she was going to have to wrap the girl’s ankle from rolling it by doing that.

“Puppies and kittens and all the little furries?”

“We might have to ease you in, though. My dog is scared of your dad since he’s a wolf shifter like you. So… we’ll see how it goes.”

“I’m so excited,” the young woman replied, ignoring Doc’s words. “I’ll love on them and play with them and tell them how adorable they are! I always wanted a pet, but Dad always said no.”

Doc couldn’t help but smile at the girl’s enthusiasm as they headed for the room Nevaeh was using while she was there, since the Howlers weren’t fond of the idea of Nevaeh staying at Rex’s house alone.

“Let’s get you changed. We gotta get going.”

Doc was a bit surprised when the puppies gravitated to Nevaeh. Maybe it had more to do with the fact that she was smaller than Rex. Rex’s size made him intimidating without the wolf shifter aspect. Nevaeh was shorter and a lot smaller, especially sitting on the floor with a lapful of little black, furry blobs.