Page 47 of Rex's Release

“You gonna be the model or am I?” Rex looked over at Dragon.

Dragon just raised a brow and pointed to an empty chair.

Rex chuckled as he took a seat, and Dragon pulled up another chair behind him as he instructed, “Gather around, girls.”

Ginger laughed as all the teenagers surrounded them, even Avery. “Avery, you know how to French braid.”

“If you think I’m missing out on watching Uncle Dragon braid Uncle Rex’s hair, you’ve lost it.”

Rex rolled his eyes, but grinned.

“Okay… First, you section off a line at the base of where you want your braid, like th… Damn, did you even brush your hair, Rex? Ginger, hand me that brush.” Once he had the brush in hand, Dragon dragged it through Rex’s hair repeatedly, starting on the bottom and working his way up. “Hand me that conditioner spray.” After Ginger handed the yellow bottle over, Dragon spritzed that shit all over Rex’s head. “There. See? So much easier to manipulate.”

By the time Dragon actually started the braid, Ginger was bent over with laughter, her face a deep pink from lack of oxygen.

“Now, you break it up into three equal sections…” Rex tuned out Dragon as he continued on giving his demonstration. About halfway through, Rex looked across the table and saw Top barely containing himself. His best friend was enjoying it a little too much.

When Dragon was done and the girls returned to their spots, Top walked around the table and put his hands on top of Rex’s shoulders. “Good boy,” he quietly uttered.

The snorted laugh brought Rex’s attention to the hallway, where he saw Doc’s amused face right before she turned around and headed back the way she came.

“You’re an asshole,” Rex told Top through a laugh as he stood. As he went after his woman, he passed Gorgeous who had just entered the room and called out, “Okay. Who still needs makeup?”

Rex caught up to Doc halfway up the stairwell to the second floor of the apartment building. Wrapping his arms around her from behind, he kissed her neck. “Where you going?”

“I was coming to find you, but… you were busy.”

Hearing the humor in her voice, he nipped the skin of her neck, making his wolf rumble. “Top thinks he’s funny.”

Doc turned in his arms and kissed his lips before she lifted her hands and ran them over his braid. “So… Nevaeh got her modeling chops from her dad?”

Rex rolled his eyes and uttered, “Duh.”

With amusement and something hotter in those blue eyes, Doc gave his braid a pull. “You look kind of badass with a braid.” She bit her bottom lip, then released it. “Very… viking-esque.”

Rex lowered his head and sucked on her lower lip. After giving her a thorough kiss, he asked, “Would you like to raid my village, or shall I raid yours?”

“What if I’m in the mood to plunder?”

His wolf howled at the thought. After a shrug, Rex replied, “I could run from you, if you want.”

Doc snorted a laugh. “Run, Fido, run.”

Rex released her and jogged up to the top of the stairs. After glancing back at her, giving her a wink, he shifted into his wolf and darted down the hall to his room. His intention was to jump onto his bed, but he was thwarted by the shut and locked door.

Well, shit…

Doc casually strolled down the hall, swinging his keys on a ring around her finger. “Looking for these?”

After sitting down, Rex gave her a wolfy grin and waited patiently for her to make her way to him.

When she finally stopped in front of him, she ran her fingers through the scruff behind his ear. “You are a very handsome wolf. You’re growing on me.”

Shifting back, Rex replied, “I’d like to be doing something else on you.”


Staring at her man as he took the keys and unlocked the door, Jolene decided she didn’t want to plunder. She wanted to let her man have time to do what he wanted. Even though she was giving him the power to make decisions, it didn’t mean she wasn’t in control. That was something she was coming to learn with Rex. Whether she was giving him orders or not, Rex was always watching and assessing what she needed. Unlike some other partners she’d had in the past, his goal during sex was to please her, not just to find his own pleasure.