Every time she brought up new ways to improve the flow of the clinic or better ways to treat patients, he instantly shot her ideas down and went on a rant about hisyears of experienceand how shecouldn’t possibly understand his reasons for doing things.
Usually, she just ignored him and did what she thought was right. He never knew, and it kept the other staff members from having to make excuses for long wait times.
That day, he blamed every issue on her being late. How her arriving five minutes after her normal start time, but fifteen minutes before the door opened, caused them to have more patients than a typical Tuesday, she didn’t know. Jolene was just sick of being his punching bag.
She was about to tell him where he could shove the job, but he announced he was taking the afternoon off. The second he walked out of the office, the rest of the staff cheered. She loved every single staff member they had. Jolene had wanted to start a clinic of her own, but she would buy the place if the old coot ever decided to retire and sell.
It was too bad he didn’t realize the treasure he had when it came to the vet techs and reception staff who kept the place running.
She shook off her irritation with her boss and her thoughts about buying the place and focused at the task at hand. Theywerebusier than a normal Tuesday, and now it was all resting on her shoulders. Glancing at the clock on the wall, she noticed that it was her typical lunch time.
With Dr. Thatcher gone, she wouldn’t be able to leave to let Beast out or to grab food. She needed to make arrangements.
Rex was sitting at one of the tables in the cafeteria, hanging with Axle’s family, Gorgeous and Nugget, while Axle had a meeting with the president of the Tiger’s Claw MC, Crush, about club business. Since the two clubs were closely allied, shared the compound, and owned numerous businesses together, they often needed to meet to go over details of one sort or another.
Gorgeous had been trying to eat, but Nugget had thrown a stink every time Gorgeous lifted her fork to her mouth. Feeling bad for the new mom, Rex had sat down in a chair next to the seven-month-old’s highchair and tried to distract her. He was attempting to play patty cake with Nugget when his phone vibrated in the pocket of his cut.
“Are you gonna start yelling if I answer my phone?” he asked the blond beauty who was showing off her new tooth as she laughed with her mouth wide open. “I know how jealous you can be when I give other people my attention.”
The baby cooed and giggled in response.
Rex smiled at her as he pulled his phone from his pocket and answered it. “Yeah.”
“Hey. You got a minute?”
Hearing Doc’s voice on the other end of the line, Rex focused on the phone call. “Yeah. What’s up? You good?”
“Just busy. Dr. Thatcher left for the day on a huff, and we’re busy. I have Mama Hen going to let Beast out, but I don’t have time to go grab lunch. Is there any way you could bring me something? If you’re too busy, I understand.”
“Doc, if you need something, you can always call me. What do you want me to grab?”
“Is this appropriate conversation for my baby girl to hear?” Gorgeous asked him with a grin on her face.
He gave her a wink and listened as Doc answered him, “I’m not picky. Just something I can nibble on while I do paperwork and check over lab results and such.”
“Will a chicken bacon ranch wrap from TC’s Diner work?”
He heard her quietly groan and the memory of her making that sound while riding his cock came to mind, making Rex have to discreetly adjust himself in his jeans. “Yes, that sounds wonderful. And a pop. Not picky about what kind. Just not diet.”
“Be there in twenty,” he informed her as Nugget yanked his finger to her mouth and began to gnaw on it.
“Thank you,” Doc said.
“No need to thank me for taking care of you,” he told her. “See you soon.” After ending the call, he looked over at Nugget and raised a brow. “That can’t taste good.”
Gorgeous laughed and handed him Nugget’s teething ring. “So… you and the vet who treated Bullet?”
He narrowed his eyes on the beautiful blond woman Axle had claimed, mated, and married. Her real name was Ashlyn, but everyone who had any connection to the club called her Gorgeous. It was her Ol’ Lady name, and calling her that was considered a sign of respect in their culture.
“Who told you about Doc?”
Gorgeous rolled her eyes. “You Howlers are the most gossipy gossips I ever met in my life. Bullet told Butterfly who told all of the Ol’ Ladies, so when Axle brought it up, I already knew.”
“We aren’t gossips,” Rex protested, but when the woman he loved like a sister just stared back at him, he nodded. “Okay. Yeah, we are.”
“Might as well be a bunch of new hosts of one of those morning talk shows where they talk about the latest fashions and which celebrity is dating which reality star and which athlete is getting divorced.”