The door flew open, and a blond woman Axle had never seen before stormed out, saying, “Nope. Nope. Nope,” under her breath as she shoved stuff into a medical bag. She was shaking her head, making her short hair wave side to side slightly.
Rex jumped up to his feet and followed the woman. “Wait!”
Curious, Axle approached the open bedroom door and stepped inside. There was Bullet, lying on his bed in human form, his head flopping side to side, but he wasn’t exactly conscious.
Well, shit.
After Axle ordered Rex to stop her, like he wouldn’t have anyway, Axle headed down the hall in the other direction, while Rex went after Doc.
“Wait.” Rex caught up with the doctor before she could step onto the stairs that would take her down to the first floor. He moved in front of her and looked into her eyes. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
“I’m losing my mind. That’s what happened.” She looked calm, but Rex could see her chest heaving with her barely contained panic.
“Maybe… but why don’t you tell me what you think happened, and I’ll tell you if I think you’re losing your mind?”
She narrowed her eyes on him, but answered, “That tiger just turned into a man. A man! Tell me I’m not losing touch with reality now.”
He liked it when she looked at him like that. That challenging, assessing gaze and the demand in her tone made his juices flow and his cock twitch.
Rex shrugged and let his smile grow on his face. “What if I told you I could do that, too, but a wolf, not a tiger, and that you’re not losing touch with reality?”
“I would tell you thatyou’relosing touch with reality.”
“What if I proved it?”
She set her bag down on the floor. When she straightened and crossed her arms over that ample chest, she gave him a questioning look and a nod before saying, “Prove it.”
Rex chuckled. “Okay, but promise me you won’t run. I’ll explain everything once I’m done.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” Like she did at her front door, the doc waved off his words and recrossed her arms, then she stared at him, expectantly. There was an order in that stance.
Gazing into her eyes, Rex allowed his wolf out. Once he was shifted, he looked up at her and waited.
She stared at him with wide eyes for a long moment, then breathed, “Holy motherfucking shit balls.”
Rex leaned forward and dropped his head. He licked her knee and was shocked when she swatted his head.
“Bad dog!” She let out a humorless laugh. “Shit! Fuck! I just swatted a wolf.” Taking a few steps back, she rubbed her face with her hands.
Rex shifted back and rubbed the back of his head where she had hit him. It didn’t hurt, but he used it to his advantage. “There was no need for that,” he grumbled.
“Sorry. Shit.” She dropped her hands and glared at him. “Why am I apologizing? You shouldn’t have licked me without my consent. Consent is a thing, ya know. It’s also the fucking law.” She began to pace in front of him. “Not to mention, you’re the one who just did the impossible and changed forms in front of me. How is that possible? Science tells us that isn’t possible, but yet, you did it and so did your… friend. Do your lungs and heart work the same? Internally, are your systems the same as humans or animals? There are so many questions.”
When Rex took a step in her direction, she held out a hand and ordered, “Stay.”
He cursed himself for listening to the order like a fucking golden retriever, but he didn’t think disregarding her order would work in his favor. Once again, he was reminded how much he liked a demand coming from her beautiful mouth.
Settling in his spot on the landing, Rex crossed his arms and waited while she made pass after pass, pacing in front of him, until she finally stopped and faced him. That assessing, challenging gaze back.
“You’re not losing touch with reality,” he told her.
“I’m still not so sure about that.”
She waved off the topic, causing Rex to chuckle.Fuck.He liked it when she did that, too.
“So, when you are in wolf form, are you a wolf or a human? Are you human in general? How can you shift back and forth? Does it hurt? What does it feel like? Were you bit and turned? Are your parents like you?”