Page 16 of Rex's Release

His walls and ceiling were textured and a light gray that looked like stone or concrete. Above his headboard was a round painting that looked like the moon. Fitting for a wolf shifter. His bed was covered in navy sheets and pillowcases, and the light gray blankets had been shoved down to the footboard. The black metal frame of the bed was perfect for tying his hands and feet to, causing her to smile.

Yes, this was going to be an enjoyable evening. If nothing else, at least they’d get a night of fun out of it. But she was woman enough to admit that she was hoping for more. The thrill of new partners had worn off years ago. She was ready for steady and was hoping Rex was the right one. From everything she knew about him, he was a good man and a good father. If that extended to her and Beast, she could see them together.

Jolene took a few more steps toward the bed, the sound of her footsteps ceasing as she reached the navy rug that was on the floor under the bed and trunk near the footboard.

All the while, Rex’s blue glowing gaze followed her every movement. She could see the tension in his muscles from a man who was fighting his instincts to move and reach out to her. Her smile grew as she noticed that he hadn’t moved an inch.

Reaching out, she ran a fingertip softly up his thigh. “You’re being so good, laying there, not moving.” Her finger slid up and over to his abdomen before following his happy trail down to the tuft of hair above his cock.

Another growl sounded in the air.

“Such a good listener.”

“You look… perfect,” he practically breathed, his chest heaving with the effort it took to keep himself in place.

Jolene was impressed.

“If we were at my place, I have ties to use for your hands, but we’ll have to improvise.”

A grin appeared on his face as the blue glow dimmed. “Top drawer,” he said and nodded at his dresser to her right.

Turning, she pulled open the drawer and found four navy strips of silky material. Raising a brow, she picked them up and faced him again. “Done some tying of your own?”

“I like to keep things spicy.”

Dropping two of the ties back in the drawer and closing it, she moved further up the bed and took hold of the wrist that was closest to her. Lifting it, she ran the back of his knuckles down the valley between her breasts and watched as that blue glow brightened again.

As she lowered his wrist to the bed near the headboard and began to tie him up. “Tell me about the light.”

“When a shifter feels extreme emotion, it happens. Like anger, pain, love, lust, etc. Usually, we can keep it in check. It usually only happens when we allow it to or we are pushed beyond our limits.”

She nodded and rounded the bed. As she tied the other hand up, she asked, “And what is it now?”

“Lust,” he answered, and stared at her. “And I want you to know it.”

After he was secured, she reached down and fisted the erection that was lying against his lower abdomen. Giving it a stroke, she replied, “It was already evident, but thanks for that.” With a grin, she released him and wasn’t surprised at all when his hips lifted off the bed as if to follow her hand and a groan came from his mouth.

Returning to the drawer, she removed another of the ties. They were just wide enough to suit her other purpose, but she would need to buy supplies if they were going to continue this. Compiling a list in her head, she climbed onto the bed, straddled his chest, and wrapped that tie around his head, covering his eyes.

“You’re doing really well. You’ll be rewarded, but first, we’re going to play.”

He groaned again. “Fuck. Doc, play all you want.”

“Oh, I will.”

Doc kissed her way down his chest and abdomen as she climbed off of the bed. His head lifted as if he was trying to see where she was going, before it flopped back down. She wasn’t gone long, though, only long enough to grab her supplies from the table in the hallway. Setting them on the nightstand next to their glasses of whiskey, she got back on the bed and straddled his hips.

“For a second, I thought you were going to leave me here,” he said with a chuckle.

“I wouldn’t do that. I make it a point not to let a good erection go to waste.”

He snorted a laugh. “Wouldn’t want that.”

“It would be a shame.” Grabbing the loofah, she bent down and put her lips near his ear. “Someone has spent the last hour staring at a handsome biker and wondering what his beard would feel like rubbing against the skin of her thighs. I wonder if it would feel like this.” She straightened and reached back, softly dragging the loofah against his inner thigh.

Rex’s legs instinctively spread a little, giving her better access, and his breathing picked up. “If you want to know, come up here and sit on my face, Doc. I’d be happy to give you a demonstration.”

She tsked and moved the loofah to his other thigh and did the same thing. “You don’t get to give orders, Rex.”