Page 66 of Rex's Release

One puppy hung back, taking a tentative step toward Nevaeh every few seconds. When the young woman noticed, she slowly extended her hand to the puppy, keeping it low and relaxed. The puppy extended its neck and gave her hand a sniff. After a few moments, the puppy trotted forward, allowing Nevaeh to scoop him up and cuddle him close, protecting him from his over-excited brothers and sisters.

“It’s okay, little one,” Nevaeh said softly. “You are so very precious. Look at your little face. So friggin’ adorable.”

“You picked a great day to bring her,” Julie commented as she came to stand next to Doc. “Dr. Thatcher is out. Said something about a migraine.”

“Never before have I wished a migraine on someone,” Doc began, as she continued to watch Nevaeh cuddle puppies, “but I hope it lasts a few days.”

Julie chuckled and walked away.

“Nevaeh, they need to be fed and taken outside. We have a fenced-in area through that door. How about you take them out individually and let them use the restroom. Then, I’ll show you how to feed them.” She held out a leash to Nevaeh. “One at a time for now.”

The young woman grinned and climbed to her feet, taking the leash from Doc’s hand.

Hours later, Nevaeh was still playing with the puppies. She had spent all day taking care of them, making sure they had food and water, playing with them, and taking them on walks around the fenced-in yard. Thankfully, the snow that had fallen days ago had already melted, and the ground had dried out enough, so the area wasn’t muddy. She was a very attentive caretaker, and Doc considered asking her if she would like a summer job when she returned to town in May.

It was obvious that Nevaeh had a favorite, though. The puppy that had been hesitant had spent most of the day being loved on by the young woman.

“When can they be adopted out?”

“Well, they were well taken care of before they were dropped off,” Doc told her as they took the puppies out in a group to play in the yard. “We guess their ages to be around twelve weeks, and they are pretty well house trained. We will find them foster homes for now, at least while we are finding forever homes for them.”

Nevaeh looked over at her with tears lining those ice blue eyes. “They have to go to strangers’ homes before they get families? That doesn’t seem right.”

Doc smiled gently. “The strangers are vetted fosters. The puppies will be treated properly.”

“They need love, not just food and water.”

“Four of the puppies have forever homes currently being vetted. The other two will be fostered, unless Julie decides to adopt one. She was talking about it.”

“Which one is the last one?”

“Your fave.” She nodded to the puppy that had taken to playing at Nevaeh’s feet, instead of running around with his siblings.

The tears spilled over. “That just breaks my heart,” Nevaeh told her. “He’s just as adorable as the rest. No, he’smoreadorable.”

Doc couldn’t dispute that statement. Something about the puppy’s cute little pout and distinct puppy grin tugged at her heart as well. “I promise to find him a great forever home. Okay?”

“Can… can we find someone in the family to… foster him? At least then I know he’ll be taken care of and loved.”

She hated seeing the young woman upset. Internally, she groaned, knowing damn well she was going to end up bringing that puppy home with her. In an effort to change the subject, she asked, “Would you like to give him a name?”

Nevaeh’s eyes widened. “Yes! Can I?”

Doc nodded.

“I’ll have to think about it.” Nevaeh reached down and scooped the puppy up, cuddling him to her chest. “What’s your name, little guy?”

Pulling her phone from her pocket, Doc sent Rex a text to let him know she was going to be staying at her house, since Nevaeh just talked her into fostering a puppy while they tried to find it a forever home.

The texted reply had her rolling her eyes.

REX : My girl worked her magic, I see. I should have sent you with the antidote. My bad. And if you’re staying at your house, so am I.

DOC : You will do no such thing until I am satisfied that you can walk to the bathroom and back to bed without assistance.

REX : We’ll argue about this later

“Why are you scowling?”