Page 59 of Rex's Release

“I’m Doc, and you’re about to find out just how bad you fucked up.” She glanced around the corner and saw the door open more. A male and a female, both curly headed, stepped out, trying to get dressed. The female had just pulled a shirt over her head when Jolene pulled the trigger, ending the nacho-loving hunter. Shifting around the corner again, she shot the female in the left side of her chest, before aiming at the man. “On your knees, hands up!”

The man tripped over the pants he had been trying to pull on and burst into tears as he followed her orders. “Please, don’t kill me! I was just following orders!”

“And what is the name of the person who gave those orders?”

“Commander West. I don’t know his full name,” he answered through his sobs as the scent of urine filled the air.

“I’ll be sure to tell him you send your regards.” Then she pulled the trigger again.

She spent the next few moments making sure they were all dead, before she started searching the place.


They passed Doc’s SUV on the side of the driveway but didn’t stop. Axle was betting she had already made her way to the location. When they pulled up next to the Pathfinder, he looked at the cabin and saw that the front door was wide open.

“Shit.” He pulled his gun from his holster and hopped out of the van, his club brothers following behind him. It didn’t surprise him at all when Pike and Dragon jogged ahead and stepped through the door in front of him. As sergeant at arms, it was Pike’s job to protect him as the club’s president. Dragon, being the club’s enforcer, took the security of the club members and their families very personally. Axle had no doubt he was kicking himself for what had happened to Rex and Shortcake.

“Damn,” Dragon uttered in a low tone as he stopped just inside the door and looked around.

Pike called out, “No worries! Doc took care of it.”

“What?” Axle stepped past them and looked around. He counted four casualties — two male and two female. Then his eyes landed on Doc. She was relaxing in the recliner with a plate of nachos on the arm of the chair and a laptop in her lap, staring at the screen as she was casually munching on a chip.

Doc swallowed and smiled at him. “Hey. I found out who gave the order. I got through most of the encryption. Was able to use their expense card to order a thousand pink dildos to have delivered to the academy to let them know exactly how fucked they are. But I think I need Keys’s help to get into the rest of the files.”

Keys, who had just come to a stop at his side, looked over at Doc and asked, “Are you taken? Yes. Shit. Yes, you are.” He cleared his throat and gave an awkward laugh. “Yeah, sure, I can help.”

As Keys crossed the room, Axle asked, “Whoareyou?”

Doc just grinned and answered, “I’m Rex’s mate.” She gave a wink. “That’s all you need to know.”

Keys took possession of the laptop and plopped down on the couch, ignoring the body on the floor in front of it. “So… did you send a note with the dildos?” he asked with a grin.

Doc nodded. “It read, Don’t bother fucking yourself, because we’re about to do it for you. And I signed it, the monsters.”

Then the room erupted in laughter.

Axle shook his head. “You’ll fit in with us just fine, Doc.”

Keys was clicking away on the laptop. “Looks like they put trackers on Shortcake’s car and Rex’s truck. They were activated yesterday. My guess? They were picked because of a combination of limited info and bad timing. From the notes on here, they only had guesses on the shifter/non-shifter status of most of the members, and they hadn’t caught the others alone.”

“Shitty fucking reason to be tortured or killed,” Dragon growled right before he stormed out of the cabin.

Axle sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he thought,Dragon’s not fucking wrong.


Angry was not a big enough word to describe how Crush, the president of the Tiger’s Claw MC, was feeling as she stared down at the tortured and dead body of her club sister, Shortcake. With her sisters around her, Crush took several deep breaths and exhaled slowly, trying her best not to let the rage and grief inside of her take over.

“They’re gone,” her brother, Bullet, told her from across the bed from where Shortcake had been laid.

Moments before, when Bullet found her in the church room for the Claws, she knew something was wrong. His furrowed brow and the pain in his eyes were all the only indications she needed to know that their world’s axis had been rocked yet again. The fact that he stepped foot in that sacred room without an invitation was just another red flag. In MC culture, it was considered disrespectful for a member from another club to enter their church room without expressed permission.

The words he said to her didn’t register at first. It took a few moments for them to sink in and process.They got Shortcake. She’s dead.

The next thing she knew, she was standing in Shortcake’s room, looking down at her. The brutality of what they did to her sent chills down her spine. How in the world could they treat someone that way just because they were different? It was unthinkable to Crush.

Her tiger was prowling around inside of her hissing and roaring, urging to be let out. Revenge. She needed revenge.