Page 57 of Rex's Release

He glared at her. “It means full-humans always route out anything different from them or anything they don’t understand, then they murder them. Newsflash! Shifters are not the monsters. You. Are.”

Rage filled her as she surged toward him and shoved his chest. “Fuck you.”

He barely moved an inch. “Nah, I’m good.”

“I told you where they were!”

He snorted a laugh. “You want a fucking gold star? You stood there and let them murder one of my sisters. You’re no better than the ones doing the deed.”

Shaking her head and cursing the tears that wouldn’t stop leaking from her eyes. “I risked everything to come here and tell you.”

He rolled his eyes. “Right.”

“Then why didn’t you just kill me on sight when I showed up? I was unarmed. You could have.”

Matthew gave a fake smile and raised a brow. “And yet, we didn’t. But we’re the monsters.”

Feeling like she was in a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from, Messer dropped down to sit on the floor against the wall and rested her elbows on her bent knees. Covering her face in her hands, she forced herself to take slow, even breaths.

What in the hell am I going to do?


After Skull parked the van in front of Doc’s house, Ranger and Siren darted out of the back and bolted for the house. They knew Axle, Dragon, Pike, Rebel, Score, Skull, and Top would catch up. Ranger swung open the front door and immediately halted when he spotted the sawed-off shotgun pointed at him, held by Mama Hen. Siren barreled into his back, almost knocking him over.

“Oh… Good.” Mama Hen lowered the gun. “‘Bout time you boys showed up.”

Ranger let out the shaky breath he’d been holding and turned. He dropped to the floor next to Rex and a little Yorkie. Siren took the other side. The rest of the men filed into the house as they went to work assessing Rex’s injuries.

When Mama Hen told Axle that Doc made sure Rex was stable, she wasn’t kidding. Most of the injuries were covered, and the ones that weren’t, were cleaned. Rex was awake and seemed to be in pain, but his eyes were clear and pissed off.

As they looked him over, Rex tried to get up several times. “Let me up! I have to get to her.”

“Who?” Ranger asked but was distracted by the bandage job that Doc had done. They weren’t standard bandages that you got at a pharmacy or even from a hospital. Ranger looked across Rex to Siren.

“Doc,” Rex bit out.

Ranger’s gaze dropped back down to the military field dressing bandages, then he uttered, “I don’t think you need to worry about Doc.”

In the background, Ranger could hear Rebel giving Axle a play by play of what they were doing and what they were seeing.

“Those are bandages that are standard in the military. You can order them online, but yeah, they are—” He stopped when everyone turned to look at him. “What?”

“Where did you find out about them?” Axle asked.

Rebel shrugged. “In a book.”

“Dude, I think you’re spending a little too much time at the library,” Score commented.

Ranger snorted a laugh, before he brought his attention back to Rex. “How were you injured?”

“Knife wounds. She stitched me up.”

Siren nodded. “Well, she’s Doc. I trust her abilities more than mine, so we should probably leave them alone.”

Axle’s phone pinged, and he checked it. “Siren, stay with Rex. We have an address.”

“County Road 452?”