Page 51 of Rex's Release

Shortcake hadn’t been his favorite person. He didn’t hate her, but he didn’t know much about her. They were from two different worlds — her being the young, vivacious beauty and him being an older, single dad. Regardless, she was family, and he felt a responsibility to avenge her.

Rex refused to take his eyes off of her. Every once in a while, she lifted her head enough to look over at him. He tried his best to give her hope and strength, but he could tell it wasn’t working as she began to hang, relying more and more on the cuffs to keep her up.

In a voice that was almost too low for the fuckers to hear, Shortcake mumbled, “Fuck you.”

Miss Curly, who had just been shouting the questions, stepped forward and grabbed a handful of Shortcake’s hair. Yanking her head up, she asked, “What did you say?”

In a slurred, but louder voice, Shortcake repeated, “Fuck you.”

Miss Curly glared as she pulled back her free hand, already balled into a fist, and swung forward, hitting Shortcake in the eye.

Rex knew Shortcake had completely given up when she just quietly laughed. He was almost positive she was to the point where she no longer felt pain, probably due to the amount of blood she had lost. Whatever they had put in that blocker had affected their healing abilities, causing each and every one of the sixteen slices on her shins and lower thighs to bleed more than they normally would. She was slowly dying, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He wished they would just end it.

Rage compounded with grief and guilt inside of him until he couldn’t contain it any longer. Opening his mouth, he let it out on a roar. Not a roar from an animal. No, a roar from a man that was pushed beyond the point of despair.

His shout was like an on switch. As the echo of his fury faded, Miss Curly and Stiff Bun went to town on Shortcake. After stabbing her several times in the gut, Stiff Bun lifted her knife to Shortcake’s throat and sliced, finally ending her.

As Shortcake’s body slumped, Parking Lot Guy began his slow walk in Rex’s direction, a giddy, evil glint in his dark eyes. “Your turn.”



StaringatShortcake’spronebody hanging from the cuffs and chains attached to the wall above her head, Rex didn’t even feel the first several punches. It probably had something to do with despair, but it also had something to do with the fact that the asshole’s muscles were obviously for show. There was barely any power behind each blow to Rex’s gut.

It wasn’t until All-American Douchebag took a turn that Rex’s attention was actually pulled from Shortcake. Turning his attention to the fuckers in front of him, Rex snarled, “You saywe’remonsters, but who’s beating who?”

A punch to the jaw forced Rex’s head to the side, but he just righted it and didn’t make a sound. He wouldn’t give them that pleasure.

They ignored his comment and asked, “Who else is a shifter?”

Rex shrugged. “The Pope? The president? Mick Jagger?”

The fucker pulled back his arm and swung it forward. The knife stabbed into Rex’s thigh. Gritting his teeth, he met All-American Douchebag’s stare. He would not scream for them.

“Whoin the clubsare shifters? Who else?”

“Hey, numbnuts, I never claimed to be a fucking shifter. You’re just fucking guessing.Keepfucking guessing.” Rex grinned. “Go on. Head to the compound. Take your pick. See what happens.”

“It wasn’t a guess.” All-American Douchebag chuckled. “We’ve been watching you for weeks. We’ve seen your eyes glow, you freak. That’s a sign, right, Messer?”

Messer didn’t reply.

“So, along with an obvious problem with delusions, you also have eye trouble? So sad,” Rex said in a deadpanned voice. “The healthcare system in this country is certainly something that needs to change.”

Rex bit back a groan of pain as AAD pulled that knife from his thigh and stabbed him in the bicep.

“My eyes work just fucking fine, freak.”

After breathing through the pain, Rex forced a smile. “If your eyes work fine and you can see yourself in a mirror, what’s your excuse for that haircut?”

Parking Lot guy stepped forward and stabbed another knife into Rex’s other thigh. Twisting the knife, causing Rex to groan despite himself, the fucker leaned in close and whispered, “That Doc is pretty for an older lady. Bet she’s great in bed.” He lifted his free hand and showed the screen to Rex. “Is it the fact that she’s a veterinarian that makes her like fucking animals?”

Staring at the selfie he had taken and she had texted him, the asshole’s words fanned the flame of fury coursing through Rex’s veins. The pain faded as his heart began to race and his breathing picked up. Shouting unintelligible things at them, Rex pulled his head back and threw it forward, head-butting the fucker as hard as he could.

“Fuck!” Parking Lot guy stepped back, dropping Rex’s phone to the ground as he lifted his hands to his face, blood gushing from his nose.

Rex kept shouting, not giving a damn what they did to him. He would kill them. He would, if he could just get free. If he could just get one of the chains to break, he would take out all of them with their own fucking knives.