Page 40 of Rex's Release

“Yes,” he confirmed but sighed, “but it’s more than that. You can be a spouse, girlfriend or wife, and not be an Ol’ Lady. To bikers, the title of Ol’ Lady means that they were claimed at the table by their biker and the club approved it. It means you aren’t just my spouse, but you’re also their family. It means you would get a property patch from my club, from me. It means that to the rest of the MC world, you are taken and protected, off-limits.” He watched her spine snap straight and rushed on in order to hopefully fend off the lecture that was brewing in her eyes. He held up his hands in front of him. “Before you get mad about the language, it’s just part of the culture. With the Howlers, it’s a little different. Yes, we use the same terminology, but basically, it’s so that other clubs understand that our women are off-limits. In other clubs, the women and children are property, but the men aren’t. With the Howlers, you’re my property, but I’m also yours.”

He paused and let his words sink in. She was still scowling at him, but he could also see that the wheels were turning in her head.

“We do the claiming at the table and the vote, but that’s more ceremonial than anything. Then the Howlers would give you a property patch, a cut that saysProperty of RexandRex’s OL. I would get a patch for my cut that saysProperty of Doc. With that, you would officially be a part of the Howlers family, and my brothers would do anything to keep you safe or help you.”

He stopped and waited for her to respond. It took longer than he expected, which did nothing but make his heart start to pound out of control again and made his wolf begin to pace.

“Okay. So… it’s like a biker marriage… but more?”

Rex nodded. “We can still get married if you wanted to.”

“And… you want that… with me? We barely… know each other.”

Seeing his assertive mate stumble through her words made Rex even more on edge, but it was too late to turn back. His wolf let out a short, sharp growl, encouraging him, and Rex decided it was best to just say it. “Yes, because you are my mate.”


Stunned. For the first time in her life, Jolene had no words. Nothing. Not a noun. Not a verb. Hell, not even an adjective. Wordless. It took too long for her to even come up with, “Wait. What?”

She watched as Rex slowly stood up from where he sat on the bed, then he explained, “Shifters have fated mates. My wolf recognized you the last time we were in this building together.”

The last time?“But… that was months ago.”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“What do you mean byrecognized?”

“I dunno… He just… identified you as our mate.” Rex yanked the hair tie from his hair and began running his fingers through the long blond and gray locks. “It basically means that we are compatible andrightfor each other. It means we were meant to be.”

“We… You… We barely know each other, Rex.”

Rex’s ice blue gaze landed on her, and his voice was sure when he said, “I know enough. I want you. For the rest of my life, I wantyou.”

“But… how?” Jolene was having a really hard time believing that something like fated mates was real. Sure, men shouldn’t be able to turn into predatory animals, but still…

“I know you don’t like it when I say this, but…magic.” He chuckled. “Doc, I don’t know how, but I just know it’s true.”

As her brain tried to process what he said to her, she felt his body press up against the back of her. She knew he must have walked around her, but she didn’t clock it. Jolene pushed that aside and refocused on the fact that he was telling her she was his magic soul mate.

Rex slid his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him. Against the side of her neck, he whispered, “Don’t you feel it, Doc?”

“You can’t fuck your way out of this conversation.”

“Canyoufuck my way out of this conversation?”

Jolene snorted a laugh. The man was ridiculous. As she shook her head at his nonsense, his use of the wordsour matecame to mind. “Wait. You saidour mate.”

He kissed and licked along her neck. “My mate and my wolf’s mate.”

“I’m not into beastiality, Rex.”

He chuckled against her skin before he nipped her earlobe. “My wolf is a part of me. We’ve been over that. The only one you’ll be fucking is me… as a man.”

“But your wolf is a part of you… and besides those brief moments a few months ago, I haven’t spent any time with your wolf.” She tried really hard to ignore the effect his soft breath had on her as it caressed her wet neck.

“Doc, every moment you’ve spent with me, you’ve spent with my wolf. He has reactions to every move you make, everything you say, every breath that you pull. I feel them inside, along with my very male reactions.”

She turned her head and looked up at him, curious. “Really? What reaction is he having right now?”