Page 27 of Rex's Release

“That I was.”

The next thing Rex knew, a tearing sound filled the air, the result of finishing off his Henley, and then it was no longer covering him.

Immediately, Doc’s lips and tongue were licking and biting his nipples, pulling groans from him as bolts of pleasure went straight to his cock. “I decided I didn’t want to risk a single hair on that sexy head of yours.”

As suddenly as her lips were all over his chest, they were gone, and an involuntary whimper came out. He needed to feel her touch. It had become his reason for breathing, or that might have been his erection talking.

Doc gently swatted his nose. “You know damn well I’m not done yet.”

The scratch and hiss of a match caught his attention, followed by the smell of sulfur.Was she lighting candles?

Moments later, something hot splashed on his chest and the scent of lemon filled his nose. It surprised him and while it was alarming, causing his body to jolt, it wasn’t too painful. Before he could overthink it, more of the hot liquid was poured lower on his stomach. Rex bit his lip at the sensation.

He thought the heat would have been too much, but it cooled off quickly enough, lulling him into an odd sense of security.

And then his phone rang.

Axle’s ringtone. Shit.

Rex groaned, knowing he had to answer it, especially after what they had talked about earlier in the day, but hereallydidn’t want to.

Doc chuckled and slid away, the bed shifting as if she left it. His suspicion was confirmed when she next spoke, since she had taken his phone from him when they first stepped into the bedroom, and he had heard it hit a wood surface. She sounded as if she was across the room when she said, “The screen saysPrez. Should I answer it? Make you talk to him while I whip the wax off you?“ Her voice held a smirk as if she liked the idea of someone listening as she worked on him.

For as much as he didn’t want to talk to Axle right then, the thought of telling Docnoand disappointing her felt like a worse fate. Resigning himself to the fact that he was going to be hearing about the call for the foreseeable future, Rex choked out, “Yes, please.”

“Excellent. Let’s see how many strikes I can get in. You will sound completely calm, as if nothing is happening. Understand?”

He nodded, taking a deep breath and nearly choking when her hand cupped his balls through his pants and gave them a gentle squeeze.

“Use your words.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he groaned.

“I’m answering the call now.”

Rex braced himself for everything that was about to happen as he called out, “What’s up, Prez?”


Whatever Doc was using to whip Rex hit the cooled and hardened wax, and he barely swallowed back the moan that threatened to come out. The mixture of the sting from the whip and the wax peeling away from his skin had his cock throbbing even more.

“Everything okay over there?” Axle asked, sounding sincerely concerned.

If you only knew.Rex cleared his throat. “Just fine.”

“Doc’s okay?”


The strike hit on the edge of the wax and caught some of the more sensitive flesh near his nipple. Half a moan came out before he could cough over it. “Yup. She’s great.”And too damn good at this. Shit.He didn’t realize how much he liked pleasure pain.

“Nothing out of the ordinary?”

Other than me being tied up to bed, blindfolded, covered in wax, and being whipped? No, nothing out of the ordinary here.“Everything’s qu… quiet here,” Rex stuttered through the word as another strike hit, and she stroked his cock through the fabric of his jeans, before she unzipped them. Next thing he knew her hand was slick and was around his cock. This woman was going to be the death of him. Death by sex. He could live with that.

Was that heated lube? And when did she lube up her hand?

There was a snicker on the other end of the call. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”