“Take it easy, dear. Don’t worry, everything will be fine. And if what you said about your love is true, then he’ll come back. Love like that doesn’t fade,” she says, wrapping her arms around me in a warm embrace. Despite wanting to believe her words, deep down, I know it won’t happen. Jeffrey has sealed his fate with another woman.



Istand before the canvas, my thoughts consumed by Phebe’s words, my world shattered at that moment. I thought finishing the job quickly would make her, but her surprising reaction left me confused. Uncertain what to think now, I hold the paintbrush over the canvas while conflicting emotions consume me. love for Phebe remains in my heart, whether I admit it or not. The possibility that she may not feel the same way breaks heart break. It’s been unbearable since my return to Sausalito. I should have run when I had the chance but now my heart refuses to heal.

I dip the brush into the paint and stroke it across the canvas, each stroke reflecting the turmoil within me, a silent battle between my desires and my fears. Phebe’s face lingers in my mind, her words echoing in my ears, and I can’t escape the truth that I love her.

Lost in my thoughts as I paint, the silence of my studio is suddenly interrupted by the ringing of my phone. Startled, I approach the phone as it displays an unknown number on the caller ID. I rarely give out my personal number, so I wonder who it could be.

“Hello,” I answer the call.

“Oh, thank goodness, Jeffrey. It’s me, Maryann,” she sobs. Instantly, I become tense.

“Mary Ann, what’s wrong?” I urgently inquire. Her voice trembles with distress on the other end.

“Jeffrey, it’s Phebe... There’s been a car accident. She’s injured.”

My heart stops. Time seems to stand still. My thoughts become chaotic mess as I struggle to comprehend the words. Phebe, the love of my life, is hurt, and I’m overcome with shock and fear.

I grip the phone tightly, my voice barely a whisper.

“Where is she?”

“We are at St. Paul’s hospital, Jeffrey. They brought her in few hours ago. Please, you need to come,” Mary Ann says.

“I’ll be there right away,” I assure her before hanging up and rushing out of my studio.

Driving to the hospital, my mind races with thoughts of Phebe, the fear of what might have happened to her.

“Please, be her be alright,” I repeat to myself like a mantra.

Minutes later, I arrive the hospital, disregarding any potential consequences from the police. All that matters is seeing Phebe and knowing she’s okay. With my heart pounding, I scan the faces in the waiting area until my eyes land on Mary Ann and a young man huddled together. I rush towards them, and they raise their heads. Mary Ann’s sobs reverberate through the corridor.

“Oh, Jeffrey,” she exclaims upon spotting me. The man beside her appears equally shaken, but I don’t dwell on his identity. A sinking feeling grips my heart, and a wave of dread washes over me. I hope they don’t have devastating news already. Mary Ann’s tear-filled eyes meet mine, and she releases a shaky breath, seemingly relieved to see me.

“Jeffrey,” she whispers through her tears, her voice trembling with fragility.

I barely manage a nod in response, my attention shifting to the young man next to her. His eyes are red, and his pained expression reflect his worry.

Mary Ann’s words tumble out in between sobs.

“I’m so glad you’re here. It’s Phebe...”

My heart tightens as I interject, my voice trembling, hoping that my worst nightmare hasn’t become a reality.

“Please tell me she is okay?”

Mary Ann’s voice quivers as she shakes her head, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“I don’t know. They rushed her in hours ago, and the doctors haven’t given us any updates. since. I’m so scared, Jeffrey.”

Her mirror the anguish within me. The fear of losing Phebe grips my heart like a vice. I struggle to maintain composure, to remain calm amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

Time drags on, each second stretching into an eternity. Finally, a doctor emerges from the hallway. Mary Ann and I exchange a quick glance and rush toward the doctor, our faces the desperate for news about Phebe’s condition.

“Doctor, please, how is she?” I implore, my voice is shaky.