“That’s wonderful, Anne. Rainbows are so beautiful. Anne, your drawing is amazing! I love the way you use all these vibrant colors,” I compliment her. Despite being around five years old, she is drawing something so extraordinary. It’s hard not to see her natural talent.

Anne beams with pride, her confidence growing with each encouraging word from me.

“Thank you, Phebe! I want to be an artist someday.”

“Yes, she does. Anne has been drawing since she was three,” Jeffrey chimes in. I’m left in awe, amazed by this little girl’s skill.

“Are you for real?”

“Yes, she is quite talented, just like my other champs here,” Jeffrey says, and this earns him a giggle from the children.

“Wow, that’s wonderful, guys. With your talent, I’m sure you’ll achieve great things,” I encourage them.

“How about we draw a picture of your favorite animal together?” I ask Anne, and she beams with a smile.

We eagerly begin our artistic collaboration, immersing ourselves in the activity. Laughter fills the air as I guide Anne’s tiny hand, helping her create a masterpiece. The room transforms into a canvas of shared imagination and connection.

“You have such a creative spirit. Keep exploring your talents, and don’t be afraid to dream big.” I tell Anne, impressed by her skills. Anne grins, her confidence growing as she holds up her artwork with pride.

“Thank you, Phebe! I’m going to show this to all my other friends when they come to visit.”

As the day progressed, it became easier to enjoy the time spend with the children. We read stories, played games, and I helped with their craft projects. With each interaction, my bond with the children deepens, and I feel a sense of fulfillment knowing I can bring a little bit of joy into their lives. It becomes clearer what Jeffrey has been trying to explain to me.

In one corner of the room, I notice Jeffrey helping a group of boys in constructing a tower with vibrant blocks. It’s beautiful to watch a powerful CEO like him be so carefree demeanor. I can’t believe he doesn’t want kids; he will clearly make a good father. I stare at how natural he is with children wondering why he can’t see it. It doesn’t take long before the girls and I join them. We start working together while the children’s laughter mingles with the clatter of the blocks.

“You’re a natural with the kids. They absolutely adore you,” I whisper, intended solely for Jeffrey’s ears. He glances at me, his eyes widened, and a warm smile gracing his face.

“It’s easy to connect with them when you see the pure joy and resilience they possess. They inspire me every day,” he says with a grin. The kids are busy with the blocks.

My heart swells with affection for Jeffrey, seeing his genuine compassion and dedication to making a difference in the children’s lives.

“Jeffrey, it fell,” one of the children yells. This breaks the moment between us. I watch as Jeffrey rushes to the boy’s side.

“Listen, guys, I was thinking we should do something even more fun!” I announce.

“Yay!” The children cheer. It’s amazing how energetic they are. I’m still amazed I’m not worn out by now despite the activities.

“Great, I want us to form a big circle and hold your partner’s hands,” I announce. I stay at the end of the circle holding Anne and Jack’s hands on my right and left.

“Let me assist,” Jeffrey offers, meticulously arranging the children to make a well-formed circle.

“Jack, I’d love for you to start us off by singing your favorite nursery rhyme,” I suggest to him.

He beams before he says, “Twinkle, twinkle, little star.”

We all join in, harmoniously singing the familiar tune. We continue this for every one of them. Some of these songs I know, while some I’m clueless about, but I effortlessly go with the flow of the melodies.

I feel a twinge of sadness when Mrs. Donald announces that it’s time to take the kids to the dining room for their dinner. It’s then I realize how late it is.

“Thank you all for spending this wonderful day with us. You are all incredible, and I’m grateful to have been a part of it,” I tell them.

The children cheer and applaud, their smiles shining brightly. I look at Jeffrey, our eyes meeting across the room, and we share a silent, profound connection. There is no way I’ll view him as an asshole again.

“Bye, guys,” I wave at the children as Mrs. Donald leads them out of the room, leaving Jeffrey and me alone.

“Wow, that was incredible,” I tell him, and he smiles.

“Yes, it truly was. And so were you.” I smile at his compliment. This is one thing I’ve noticed about him; the compliments he gives to me.