“A lot changed over the years. Art has always been a part of me, a means to express emotions when words fall short. I might not be an artist myself, but I’ve learned to appreciate good art when I see it,” I explain.

“Oh,” he drawls, though not before I catch a flicker in his eyes.

“Interesting. Would you mind telling me more about it?” He asks calmly.

“Well, it’s just some random thoughts really. Besides, art,” I reply.

“You can’t be so sure,” he smirks. I shake my head before returning my attention to the artwork.

He listens intently as I describe my thoughts on each artwork. Soon, I completely absorbed in the beautiful space, unable to keep my enthusiasm. We explore different galleries, discussing the historical context, artist’s techniques, and the personal stories behind each peace. It’s a dance of intellect and emotion, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun.

We reach a secluded corner of the museum, a dimly lit space adorned with an extraordinary sculpture. My eyes widen in awe, drawn to its intricate beauty. I step closer, instinctively reaching out to touch the cool surface.

I whisper,“It’s breath-taking, isn’t it? Look at this sculpture. It’s as if it’s come to life, frozen in a moment of pure grace.”

I feel Jeffrey’s eyes on me even though he says nothing. I turn to give him a questioning look and see a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Yes, it is. But I believe there’s something even more breath-taking in this museum today.”

Confusion flickers across my face as I try to make sense of Jeffrey’s words. Part of me secretly hops he’s referring to me, but I quickly dismiss that notion as unrealistic. Jeffrey doesn’t see me that way. I decide not to dwell on his statement any further.

“I guess I found what I’m looking for,” he says, confusing me further. I’m tempted to ask what he means when I notice his gaze fixed on a painting. I quickly shift my eyes to the painting, only to discover a small placard beside it that reads, “Artwork for Sale: Inquire at the Reception Desk.”

Surprise and excitement wash over me as I turn to Jeffrey.

“You mean...?”

Jeffrey nods, a gentle smile forming on his lips.

“Yes, Phebe. I want to buy this artwork for you. It’s the piece that has you so hooked compared to the others,” he says casually. I gape at him in shock; surely, he doesn’t mean this. I know for a fact that the paintings here carry a hefty price tag. Why would he do something as crazy as getting me one?

“What? You can’t do that, Jeffrey.” I exclaim, turning to face him and attempting to make him understand.

“Why not?” He asks, tilting his head to the side while studying my face.

“Because it’s crazy to spend so much money on something for me,” I state.

Jeffrey counters, “Consider it a gift. Besides, you refused to accept anything in return for our arrangement, so all these things are tokens for what you’re doing for me. Additionally, this sculpture is not only beautiful, but also unique and full of potential just like you.”

His words send shivers through my body. Possibly it’s the depth of his words or the intensity in his eyes. He is right; this particular artwork resonates with me more than the rest. The connection I feel is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

“Jeffrey, I... I don’t know what to say. This is the most incredible gift anyone has ever given me,” I confess.

My heart swells with a mixture of joy, gratitude, and affection. Tears well up in my eyes as I think of the depth of Jeffrey’s gesture, but I manage to hold them back. I don’t know what takes over me as I throw my arms around him and embrace him tightly, my voice quivering with emotion.

“Thank you, Jeffrey. This means more to me than words can express.”

“You’re welcome,” Jeffrey says as he wraps his arms around me. I look up and stare right into his eyes, becoming lost in their depths as my heart races. He gives me a smile before pulling away slightly. There is a shift in the air, and I can feel it. For a moment, I wonder if this is all a mistake. Now, I must separate my emotions from all these. If Jeffrey keeps up with this, I don’t know how much longer I can hold on before breaking.

“Did I tell you all these are for fundraising?” He asks, and I slowly shake my head in response.

“Well, it is. This first part is to buy as much artwork as we can, and the next part is where the auction takes place,” he explains.

“Oh,” I whisper, my voice barely audible.

“Yes. Let’s join the others at the ballroom,” he suggests.

“Sure.” my voice sounds pitchy to my ears. I almost lose it when Jeffrey wraps a hand behind my back and guides me to the ballroom.