“This is it,” I mutter as I step out of the taxi and face the tall building. Nervousness fills me as I contemplate what awaits inside.

It has been a week in Sausalito, and Aunt Maryann and my uncle have gone out of their way to make me feel as comfortable as possible. In fact, today is the first time I’m venturing out since the funeral. All that’s left is to append some signatures, and I’ll be on the next flight.

My thoughts are interrupted by a loud car honk, causing me to jump in fright, but I quickly steady myself.Taking a deep breath, before I start walking towards the entrance of the building.

Everything about it exudes luxury. I can only imagine that the wealthy have lawyers here, judging by the immaculate attire of everyone around. Despite my plain dress, I ignore the curious looks some of the ladies shoot my way. I head to the nearest desk, where a lady seems uninterested until I stop in front of her.

“Hi,” I tell her.

“Hello. How may I help you?” She asks.

“I’m Phebe Landon; I’m here to see Mr. Donald,” I inform her.

“Alright, ma’am. Do you have an appointment?” She inquires, and I nod in response.

“Alright, please wait a minute,” she says before typing furiously on the keyboard.

“You were supposed to meet him by 2:00 pm,” she says, raising her head. I bite my lower lip realizing I’m thirty minutes late to the appointed time.

“Yes,” I tell her. Mr. Donald had warned me about this and suggested I meet him tomorrow, but I couldn’t delay. I wanted to finish this and leave Sausalito as soon as possible.

“I’m afraid you won’t be able to see him now,” she says.

“Why not? Please, I need to see him today. It’s important,” I plead.

“I’m sorry, ma’am. I wish there was something I could do. Mr. Donald stepped out about five minutes ago. You would have seen him on your way in,” she says, and I gape at her in shock.

Shit. Shit. Shit, I think to myself. How would I have known that when I’ve never seen the man before?

“Oh, my goodness. Can you please call him or something? I need to take the first flight back to New York tomorrow morning,” I ask, but suddenly, she is staring behind me.

“Mr. Donald,” she says, and I quickly turn around, hoping it’s the same man I’m here to see. I find myself facing a man who looks to be in his forties.

“Miss Landon,” the man says with a broad smile. To my surprise, he recognizes me even before the receptionist introduces us.

“Good afternoon,” I respond with a smile.

“I thought you wouldn’t be able to make it today,” he says.I dare not, I think to myself while still plastering a fake smile on my face.

“Please, come with me to my office,” Mr. Donald says.

“Sure,” I reply, following him inside.

“I hope your trip wasn’t stressful,” Mr. Donald says as we stop in front of an elevator. He seems as pleasant as he sounded over the phone yesterday. My uncle insisted I confirm the appointment.

“No, it wasn’t. I apologize for coming in late,” I tell him as the elevator door opens, and people step out before we enter.

“It’s alright. I stepped out to meet with another client. Thankfully, we didn’t take long, else you would have missed me,” he says, and I’m relieved to hear this.

“I’m sorry about your loss,” he says.

“Thank you,” I reply.

“So, how has Sausalito been treating you?” Mr. Donald asks.

“It’s been treating me well,” I reply, forcing a practiced smile, though I’ve been on edge ever since I received the inheritance news.

“I’m glad to hear that. So, what are your plans for now?” He asks.