"Why did you send me back home?" I finally ask, voicing the question that has been nagging at me since I left Miami.

"I overheard you telling Mildred that what we had was only work. I got scared because I love you, Phebe. The hard truth is I never stopped loving you," he says as he gently places a hand on my arm.

"You mean it?" I ask, hope blossoming inside me.

"Yes, my love. I fought hard these past few weeks, thinking you didn't love me," he says.

"Funny, because I also cried every day, believing you didn't love me, either." I reveal, a tear escaping my own eye.

Jeffrey smiles and a tear slips from his eyes.

"I promise you; you won't have to shed a tear anymore. I'm here for you, for Michael, and for our baby," he reassures me, and I gasp, realizing I haven’t told him everything. I glance at the two men beside me.

"I have to tell you everything. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Michael," I say, my voice shaky but determined. His gaze never wavers from mine.

"You don't have to explain anything, Phebe. I'm just glad you're okay."

Tears well up in my eyes, and I shake my head.

"No, Jeffrey. I need to tell you. About Michael, about my feelings, about everything."

He takes a deep breath, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and concern as he takes a deep breath.

"Phebe, you don't have to do this now. You need to rest."

I reach out and gently touch his hand, finding solace in our connection.

"Please, let me. It's time you know everything."

As the words spill from my lips, I bare my soul to him. I confess about Michael, about the past, and about the buried emotion that have haunted me for far too long. The weight of the truth feels both liberating and terrifying.

"Phebe, I already know about Michael, and I don't blame you. You were a strong woman to handle everything on your own," he begins, his voice heavy with emotion. A tear slips from my eyes as I shift my gaze between him and Jeffrey.

"Yes, mom. I wish I knew my dad earlier, but we are already making up for the lost time, so it’s no big deal,” Michael says.

"Oh, my sweet boy," I say as more tears slip from my eyes.

"Please, don't cry, mom. I'm just happy you're back with us again," he says, and I nod gently.

"Phebe," Jeffrey says.

I interrupt him, my heart racing as I finally let go.

"I love you, Jeffrey. I've never stopped loving you."

His gaze is intense, his eyes locked on mine as if searching for something. And then, in a voice, he confesses.

"Phebe, you are the only woman I have ever loved."

Tears blur my vision as his words wash over me.

"I was scared that I would never get another chance with you," he says, and I give him a bittersweet smile.

"I want us to start again. I want us to fulfill the dreams we had when we were young. I want you to be my everything,” Jeffrey declares, and my heart melts completely.

I gape when Jeffrey goes down on one knee, holding a ring box in hand.

"I know this might not be the perfect timing, but I promised myself that if I ever had another chance with you, I would protect you with all my heart. These past few weeks without you have been unbearable. I want nothing more than to have you in my life. Phebe, will you marry me?"