"Miss Landon, can you hear me?" a gentle voice asks. As the fog clears, I glance to my side and see a man wearing blue overalls.

"My name is Dr. Taylor," he introduces himself. The next few minutes are filled with a series of questions, but I am unsure of when sleep overtakes me once again.

When I awaken once more, my heart skips a beat as I spot a familiar figure by my bedside – it’s Jeffrey. I question if he is merely a figment of my imagination.

"Jeffrey, is it really you?" I ask and he smiles.

"Yes, it’s me, my love." Memories come flooding back, including the realization of my pregnancy.

"Oh, my baby. Please, tell me she is okay," I implore, my hands instinctively moving to protectively cradle my belly.

"Yes, the baby is safe, Phebe," Jeffrey assures me. Then, it strikes me that he knows about our baby. Memories come rushing back – the news of his engagement, the accident, the pain, and the fear. Panic must be evident on my face because Jeffrey's eyes meet mine, and he speaks with a soothing tone.

"Phebe, it's okay. You're safe now. Everything's alright."

Just as I'm about to ask him what he is here, the sound of hurried footsteps fills the room.

"Oh, my sweetheart. She is awake. " Aunt Maryann's voice fills me with joy.

"Mom," I hear my son's voice and I freeze.

"Michael," I manage to croak, my voice trembling.

"Oh, mom," Michael says.

Aunt Mary Ann and Michael enter the room, their presence intensifying the emotions swirling within me. Aunt Mary Ann's eyes are filled with tears, and Michael's gaze is a mix of concern and relief.

"Phebe!" Aunt Maryann's voice quivers as she rushes to my side, taking my hand in hers.

I manage a weak smile.

"Aunt Maryann."

Michael stands slightly apart, his expression a blend of concern and an elusive something I can’t quite discern. Jeffrey's hand remains clasped in mine, providing an anchor amidst the whirlwind of feelings in the room.

Aunt Mary Ann's voice quivers as she speaks, her eyes shimmering with moisture.

"We were so worried, dear. You've been unconscious for days."

I feel a lump forming in my throat as I struggle to find my voice.


Jeffrey's grip tightens, his eyes brimming with emotions.

"Yes, Phebe. But you're awake now, and that's all that matters."

The next few minutes pass with Aunt Mary Ann fusing over me while Michael and Jeffrey stay by my side.

"The car," I manage to say.

"The driver has been arrested. He was drunk," Jeffrey informs me, his glare hard.

"Oh," I reply, my mind trying to process to information.

"Mildred," I start to say, but Jeffrey interrupts me.

"Mildred is never going to be a part of my life. I can't believe you thought we were really engaged. The last time I saw her was in Miami when she showed up uninvited," he explains.