* * *

The next morning,cool water cascades over me in the shower, soothing my skin. It has been a while since I last saw Jeffrey. I take a deep breath, reminding myself not to think about this any longer. As each hour that passes, it becomes increasingly clear that Jeffrey is intentionally avoiding me, and I can't blame him. I should have put a stop to things that night before they went any further, but my emotions got the better of me.

With a sigh, I step out of the bathroom and quickly change into a fresh outfit for the day. I mentally plan out my day, realizing that I can’t stay cooped up in this house for another twenty-four hours, wondering what's going on in Jeffrey's mind. Work seems like the best escape, so I've decided to check out some of the properties we haven't seen yet.

Lost in my thoughts, I’m abruptly interrupted by the loud ringing of my phone. I rush to the bedside table where it’s resting and answer it with a smile when I see that it’s Mabel calling. A chat with her just what I need right now.

"Hey, Mabel," I say, attempting to maintain a light and cheerful tone despite the turmoil in my heart.

"Phebe! It’s been ages since we last talk," Mabel's voice oozes warmth and affection.

"I know, it feels like forever. How is it with you? "

I settle onto the bed, a smile forming on my lips.

" I've been a bit caught up with work, sorry about that. But overall, I've been good. What about you?"

"Caught up, huh? Sounds intriguing. How’s work going? Are you almost done with the interiors you've been working on?" Mabel asks, chuckling.

"Well, not quite yet," I say with a sigh. My fingers unconsciously tracing the patterns on the bedspread.

"Okay, spill the beans. You don't sound too good," Mabel probes. It doesn’t surprise me that she picked up on something being wrong. She knows me better than anyone and can read between the lines, even when I try to hide my feelings.

"It’s nothing major really," I respond, hoping my casual tone will redirect the conversation away from discussing Jeffrey.

"Come on, Phebe. I can tell when something's bothering you. So, spill it, or I’ll catch the next flight down there," Mabel teases, not buying my attempt to lie.

I close my eyes for a moment, feeling her concern. It's tempting to pour my heart out to her, to unload the weight I've been carrying.

"It's just… I might have messed up," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Messed up? How?" Mabel's curiosity is piqued, and I can almost imagine her leaning in, eager for the scoop.

"I got involved with someone I shouldn't have and now everything is a mess," I take a deep breath, uncertainty bubbling to the surface.

"Okay, slow down. Oh, my goodness, you met someone!" She squeals with excitement.

"It's not like that. Besides, you're missing the point here," I groan in frustration.

"And you didn’t think to tell me about this sooner? Start talking. Who is he and what's his name? My goodness, I've been trying to convince you for ages to start dating again. You finally meet someone who manages to get through, and you want to keep the details to yourself. No way!" Mabel fires back and I roll my eyes. Leave it to her to be so dramatic. It's not like there’s any romance here. It was clearly just a one-time thing with Jeffrey.

"I'm waiting," she says.

"I mean, I never thought I'd see the day."

I roll my eyes, feeling a bit lighter at her light-heartedness about this situation.

"Like I said, what happened with Jeffrey is complicated. It's out of character for me."

"His name is Jeffrey. So, what happened? You've never mentioned anyone named Jeffrey before. Who is he? How did you meet him?"

"He is an old friend. We are working on this project together."

"Oh, you naughty girl, getting involved with your colleague. I love it. This is getting more interesting," Mabel teases.

"Trust me, there’s nothing interesting about any of this. For goodness sakes, he is in a relationship, and I might have already messed things up," I confess.

"Hold on! What?! You slept with a married man?" She asks. The thought of Jeffrey being married brings a frown to my face, even though I have no right to feel disgruntled. It still pains me to think about it.