"Arghhh," a groan escapes my lips. All I feel as I slowly come to is the delicious soreness that spreads throughout my body. Slowly, my eyes flutter open. The first thing that catches my attention is my unfamiliar surroundings. The room I am temporarily staying in has brighter colors than this dark room. My eyes adjust to the morning light filtering through the curtains. It’s the only source of light in the dark room.

I stretch, my aching muscles protesting making me wince. I freeze when memories of last night rush to my mind. I ignore the tingling sensation in my body as I think of how passionately Jeffrey had taken me. It's a memory that will forever be in my head.

"Jeffrey," I groan as I realize of what I allowed to happen last night. I let my guard down and had sex. Truthfully, it was amazing, and I have no regrets. I glanced at the empty side of the bed wondering where he went. It doesn’t look like no one has slept there for a while. I recall Jeffrey wrapping his arm around me before I fell asleep.

The warmth I felt in his arms has disappeared, leaving only a cold emptiness beside me.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, rising and wrap a sheet around me. My heart races with worry. Perhaps, he is in the bathroom. But deep down I know I’m alone in this room. I glance at my clothes on the sofa and rush to put them on. I quickly get dressed and head back to my temporary room. I release a sigh of relief without running into anyone. Immediately, I go into the bathroom and take a long shower.

My stomach grumbles as I step out of the bathroom, reminding me how hungry I am. Last night was full of an array of activities. I quickly put on a flowery dress before heading out.

"Hello, Phebe," Mrs. Brown greets me warmly with a beautiful smile the moment I step into the kitchen.

"Good morning," I shyly smile back at her.

"I was just about to come and check on you again. Mr. Rowland said we shouldn't disturb you, but I should make breakfast for you," she says. If she had been checking up on me, it means she had an idea of what happened last night. My cheeks turn red with embarrassment; I can't meet her gaze.

"Oh," I mutter.

Sensing my discomfort, she quickly adds, my awkwardness because the next thing she says is, "I made sandwiches for breakfast."

"Oh, thank you. Could I have hot chocolate instead of tea?" I ask, trying to act as natural even though she now knows about Jeffrey and I crossing professional boundaries last night.

"Of course, I'll make that for you," she replies.

"Could I have my breakfast here instead of the dining room? " I ask her.

"Sure, you can. Please have a seat while I fix your breakfast," Mrs. Brown says, and I nod. I gingerly sit on one of the stools at the center of the long kitchen table. Thoughts of Jeffrey occupy my mind. I haven't seen him yet.

"Erm, Mrs. Brown, have you seen Jeffrey around?”

Mrs. Brown glances at me and casually says,

"Mr. Rowland is in his workshop, my dear. He's been busy painting since early this morning away." I feel relieved to hear this. I believe he left me to work on the house portraits.

"Oh," I mutter.

"Yes, he specifically asked not to be disturbed," she adds.

Her words sink my heart. The hope I held onto fades, replaced by a wave of disappointment. It feels like the tenderness we shared last night has vanished, replaced by inexplicable distance. It seems as though Jeffrey's instruction is aimed directly at me.

"Thank you, Mrs. Brown," I manage to say, my voice weaker than I intended. I wonder what Jeffrey is thinking about last night. I can't even tell if he regrets it or not. However, this distance between us is starting to provide an answer. My thoughts are interrupted when Mrs. Brown places my breakfast in front of me. My mouth waters as I stare at the delicious meal. I quickly start digging it.

"Thank you for a wonderful breakfast, Mrs. Brown," I express my gratitude.

"You're welcome," she responds with a smile.

Excusing myself, I leave the kitchen, unsure of what to do with myself now.

My mind is all over the place. Each step feels heavier than the last. Instead of returning to my bedroom, I find myself instinctively heading towards Jeffrey's workshop. As I get closer, a knot forms in my stomach.He did mention not wanting to see anyone,butI try not to dwell on that. Why is he shutting me out? Perhaps I should just follow his instructions. I stop in front of the door, fighting the temptation to knock. With a rueful sigh, I turn away and make my way back to my bedroom.

I quickly reach my bedroom and collapse onto the bed, my heart heavy. I want to have a conversation with Jeffrey, to gather some insight into his thoughts about last might. The memory of our passionate encounter lingers, but uncertainty clouds it.Was it merely a fleeting moment for him? Does he regret our night together?These questions echo in my mind. Overwhelmed by guilt, I think of Mildred.

"Oh no," I groan when I realize what I've done. Jeffrey cheated on Mildred with me. Maybe Mildred was justified in her initial hostility towards me. I've proven her right by sleeping with her man. For goodness sakes, it could very well be the reason why Jeffrey is avoiding me. Of course, he feels guilty for cheating on his girlfriend.

I curl up on the bed, consumed by a mix of emotions. Upon deep reflection, I cannot blame Jeffrey for avoiding me. I only hope that our actions do not irreparably damage his relationship.