Curious, I frown and ask, “What do you mean by that?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s not like it’s any of my business. It’s just that a kind man like Jeffrey deserves someone better than Miss Russell,” Matilda adds. My brows raise in surprise.

“Well, I suppose if Jeffrey believes she brings him happiness, then there is no harm in supporting their love,” I respond half-heartedly.

“You’re right. As I said, the important thing is that Jeffrey is happy,” Mrs. Brown concludes, and I offer a smile.

“Sure,” I respond.

“Back to your breakfast; let me set your tray so you can be on your way,” Mrs. Brown says, and I smile in response.

“Thank you. I appreciate that,” I respond.

I watch as Mrs. Brown sets the tray. It doesn’t take her more than a few minutes before she hands it over to me.

“Thank you,” I say, taking the tray and preparing to leave. But when Mildred walks in, I freeze. She gives me a piercing look as her eyes land on me.

“Good morning.”

If looks could kill, I’d be six feet under. I can’t help but notice the oversized shirt she’s wearing, clearly Jeffrey’s. The sight disgusts me. the thought of wearing his clothes overwhelms me.No, you have no right. She is his woman. She makes him happy.I remind myself.

“Mrs. Brown, I’ve been trying to reach you on the intercom. Why didn’t you answer?” She asks. Taking that as my cue to leave, I try to pass her, but she blocks my way. This morning was going well, and I won’t let her ruin it.

“Oh, it must be faulty. We didn’t get the call here,” Mrs. Brown explains.

“Whatever. I need my green tea. I need to relax. I barely slept last night; Jeffrey was demanding as always,” she says while throwing a smug smile in my direction. I catch what she is hinting at, and I try my best to look unaffected.

“Oh, I’ll bring that up to you in a few minutes.”

“Okay, please be quick about it. I feel sore all over,” she retorts, and I almost roll my eyes. Did she have to bring up what happened between her and Jeffrey? She doesn’t even consider sparing Mrs. Brown and Matilda from this. I want to let her know that I understand her message loud and clear; Jeffrey is off-limits. Not that I’d try anything in the first place. Besides, Jeffrey can’t stand me.

“I’ll do that, ma’am,” Mrs. Brown says.

“Good,” Mildred responds before storming out of the kitchen once more. Unsure of what to say, I glance at Mrs. Brown and Matilda, then quickly leave the room with my tray. I can’t wait to finish this project.

Breakfast was brief, probably because I lost my appetite. Mildred’s keep hunting me. I can’t help but wonder if that’s why I didn’t see Jeffrey yesterday. I try to ignore these thoughts because they’re not my concern. When I return to the living room, I find Jeffrey wearing black denim jeans and a black vest, with his back turned to me. As I get closer, I realize he’s not alone.

By the time I return to the living room, I find Jeffrey dressed in black denim jeans and a black vest. He has his back turned toward me. I draw closer to him when I notice he isn’t alone. What I see next is an image that will stay with me for a long time. Jeffrey and Mildred are kissing passionately. Holding onto each other desperately. My heart sinks as I watch. Suddenly, Jeffrey pulls away and looks in my direction. Mildred does the same, a smirk on her lips. She doesn’t let go of Jeffrey, instead pressing herself against him even harder. Meanwhile, Jeffrey, remains emotionless, his expression blank as ever. I remember the time when I could easily understand him.

“Ahem,” I clear my throat before tearing my eyes from the duo. I focus on the glass wall in front of me.

“Sorry for interrupting. I came out to check if we can go see the properties now,” I inform him.

“Yes, the chauffeur is waiting for us,” he replies.

“Oh, baby, I’ll miss you,” Mildred interjects. Her voice alone irritates me more than anything.

“I’ll be back before you know it,” Jeffrey assures her.

“And I’ll be out shopping. I promise I’ll be back before you know it,” she adds. I raise my brows at this. I distinctly recall her mentioning shopping on the plane. How many times does she shop in a week?

“Okay,” he says, unfazed at her announcement. I suppose he’s accustomed to her frequent shopping. It’s not my concern what they choose to do. Mildred stands on her tiptoe and plants a deep kiss on Jeffrey’s lips. I take my eyes off them, though I can feel anger burning inside me. A feeling I have no right to.

“Let’s go, Miss Landon.”

I breathe a sigh of relief as I follow him out of the beach house. Thankfully, we arrive at the properties quickly, diverting my thoughts from the morning’s events.