Tyler and I discussed accommodation arrangements, and I offered that, since I have a spacious beach house in Miami near the properties, his interior decorator could stay there with me. However, I didn't consider that Phebe might be the interior decorator.

"I'm not going to stand for this. In fact, we are going on this trip together."

"What about your shoot?"

"I'll skip it," she says.

"You can't do that. This is your career we are talking about here," I tell her.

"Well, you're also my man. I'm not going to let her take you away from me," she declares.

"Your fears are unfounded. There is no way Phebe, and I are getting back together," I explain.

"I'm not ready to take any chances," she says with a determined look.

"Alright, if that's what you want. We’re leaving Friday morning, and please, don’t make me wait," I add.

"Great!" She squeals and throws her arms around me.

"You're the best. "

I force a smile in response.

"I'll send some money to your account in case you want to pick up some things for the trip," I say, nothing Mildred's demeanor shifting as predicted.

"We'll drop you off at your apartment," I add, and there's no protest. Mildred has gotten what she wanted. I can't wait for the chauffeur to reach her apartment. I feel relieved when I'm alone again in the car. There’s no doubt now that Phebe is going to be the end of me.



"Good morning," I say as I join Jeffrey in his private jet. It is still unbelievable that he owns one. To say I was shocked when Uncle Tyler informed me that I'll be traveling with him on his private jet is an understatement. Aunt Maryann wasn't kidding when she said he is doing well for himself. For some reason, I'm proud of the man he has become. I try not to gawk at how he looks. He wears jeans and a black vest with a brown jacket and sunglasses hanging in the front of his vest. He is busy typing on his phone, and doesn’t notice me approaching. I am grateful that I am on time.

"Good morning, Phebe," Jeffrey replies with a broad smile. I stand awestruck staring at him. Jeffrey is handsome, but his smile enhances his features, just like I remember. His smile is enough to make any woman swoon, including me. My legs are barely holding up due to the effect of his smile. It takes a minute before it dawns on me that Jeffrey is really smiling at me after so many years.

"I hope you didn't have trouble finding the jet?" He asks, still smiling. I wonder what is happening with him. I think of the previous day at his office and how he gave me a cold glare the entire time. Seeing him this way has me asking questions about what has caused the change.

"No," I mutter.

"Have your seat while we wait for check-ins," he says, pointing to the empty seats around.

"Thank you," I mumble. I can't wait for this trip to be over.

"You're welcome," Jeffrey replies with a broad smile.

"I tried talking to Tyler about some of the preferences of your clients. We might have to tweak some tweaks considering the designs you have in mind for them. I sent you an email," he says. At least, Aunt Maryann wasn't joking when she said he’s a hard worker. I'm not even surprised; Jeffrey has always been this way.

"I didn't get the email. Maybe it came in when my battery was dead," I answer. I noticed my phone was dead a few minutes before I left the house, and I haven’t been able to charge it.

"That must explain it," he says, glancing around with disinterest.

"We can start work stuff. Thankfully, we won't have to go through the stress of a public airplane," he says.

"That's true," I respond, and he nonchalantly shrugs. He glances at his watch, then at the entrance. It's evident he’s expecting someone. I get my answer when a blonde walks in. My goodness, she’s stunning, resembling a runaway model. I glance at her wondering who this beauty is. The moment our eyes meet, I watch the blonde's face darken with a glare.

"Hey, baby!" she squeals as she rushes towards Jeffrey. I watch as she flings her body on his. I don’t know why I feel a burning sensation in my chest as I watch her kiss him. I avert my gaze.

"I’ve missed you so much," her voice reverberates throughout the plane. I don’t know if she’s intentionally being loud or if it’s just her nature. Her high-pitched voice feels like it's going straight to my head.