“Monday sounds fine. I’ll just get my stuff here,” I tell him.

“That’s not a problem. I’ll just get a few things moved around and arrange for my things to be shipped here. I’ll just ask my friend Mabel to arrange something for me,” I tell him.

“Perfect We will have to clear a bigger room for you,” I twirl around when I hear my aunt’s voice. A smile lights up my face when I see her approaching with a tray of juice. I stand up eagerly and hurry to assist her.

“Thank you, my dear,” she says with all smiles. It’s clear she has been eavesdropping on our conversation. It amuses me that she still wants me around her like I’m the little girl from all those years ago.

“You’re welcome, aunt,” I smile before placing the tray on the table. I hand each cup to everyone and take one for myself.

“I’m so happy you agreed to stay. We have a lot to catch up on. It’s even better you will be staying here,” she says excitedly. That’s when my uncle’s previous words dawn on me. Surely, they don’t think I’ll stay here.

“Staying here in Sausalito, you mean? Not here at your house?”

Aunt MaryAnn’s smile drops on hearing this.

“What’s wrong with moving here so we can live as one big, happy family?” She asks. I glance at my uncle, who nods in approval.

“Come on, you know that’s not going to happen. Both of you have done enough for me. I can’t impose by staying here again,” I explain.

“Nonsense. You’re my dear baby. You can never impose on us, right, Tyler?” She says before glancing at her husband.

“Maryann is right. We have lots of rooms here; you can pick any one of your likings,” he agrees with his wife.

“No, I won’t do that. You helped with the funeral and gave me a job already, that’s more than I could ask for. Besides, I think I’d prefer having my own space while I settle in,” I explain.

“If you insist. I have apartments you can stay,” he says.

“And I’ll pay rent, so, please, I want something small. Something I’ll be able to afford. I don’t want to be a charity anymore. Please, understand,” I tell him. He smiles and nods.

“Of course, it’s up to you. I’ll find something for you, and you can decide the rent. It’s not up for debate.” Uncle Tyler finishes the moment I try to protest.

“Okay, Uncle,” I say.

“I’ll miss you around here,” Aunt Maryann says, and I smile.

“You are talking like I’m returning to New York. I’ll still be around. As a matter of fact, I’ll be around you most of the time. I don’t have friends here, remember,” I ask her.

“You’re right, and I can visit you, too,” she says excitedly.

“You’re right,” I tell her.

“I guess it’s settled then. I have to leave now. I have a new project I need to finalize. It will most likely be your first assignment. I trust you’re prepared,” Uncle Tyler says before standing.

“Of course,” I tell him. I can’t wait to share this news with Michael and Mabel.

I watch as he crosses to where my aunt is sitting and gently places a kiss on her forehead. My heart can’t help but melt witnessing the genuine affection they share. Their love is as strong as ever, a stark contrast to what I once hoped for with Jeffrey. But that’s all in the past now. The cold treatment I endured from him four days ago is clear evidence that whatever we had is long gone.

“Oh, we have a lot of catching up to do. You remember Felicia, Mr. Jackson’s daughter. I heard she also moved back to town to take over her father’s business. Old man Jackson is retiring,” she says with a smile.

“That’s good for her,” I have a faint recollection of Felicia. She was a quiet girl back then; if she is what my aunt is describing, then good for her.

“There are some rumors that she came back because of Jeffrey,” she says, and my attention is piqued.

“Jeffrey?” I ask with arched brows.

“Yes, your Jeffrey,” she says. I want to correct her that he’s not my Jeffrey anymore, but another thought fills me. That’s the thought of Felicia and Jeffrey together. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. For goodness’ sake, this shouldn’t be my problem anymore.

“Wait a minute, isn’t Jeffrey married? Why would she come back for him?” I ask. Aunt Maryann frowns.