“Oh,” Aunt Maryann says before she goes silent.

“You’re right. He is doing pretty well with himself, just like you’re doing,” she says.

“Sure, aunt,” I tell her.

“That reminds me, now that you’re staying back, what do you intend to do?”

“I have no idea. I need a job. I’ll have to put my job hunt in New York on hold,” I realize my slip too late.

“You are job hunting?” Aunt Mary says with wide eyes. I sigh because there is no use keeping this from her anymore.

“Yes, I am. I’ve been out of a job for a while. I’m trying to get by, but the bills and Michael’s schooling won’t take care of themselves,” I explain.

“I’m so sorry about this. Why didn’t you tell me this earlier? What happened to your previous job? You were an excellent interior decorator. One of the best I know, so why are you out of a job?” She asks with a frown. Her compliment makes me smile. She is one of the few people I know who won’t hesitate to sing praises of me even when I don’t deserve it.

“We didn’t really have the chance. Besides, I thought my job hunt would come to an end earlier. I thought wrong because almost all the companies believed I was too old to do an excellent job. My stunning review isn’t enough credit,” I tell her.

“Oh, it’s their loss. As a matter of fact, if you don’t mind, I can talk to Tyler. I think he might have something for you. He was talking about the agency he uses for the interior decorations of his project and how they are in some big mess. He was also talking about looking for another agency. But, since we have you, I’m sure he won’t need all of that,” she says, and my eyes widen in surprise. Uncle Tyler has a successful real estate company. Working as an interior decorator for him will go a long way in helping me fix my life. I’ll get to do what I love doing, and my job hunt will come to an end. At this point, I don’t mind what he is willing to pay.

“You will do that for me? Oh, my goodness, I wouldn’t mind that at all. I’ll give it my best.”

“I know you will, dear. I’ve never doubted your abilities. You’re a beautiful and strong woman, just like your mother,” she says, and I smile once more.

“Thank you,” I tell her. This news has my heart bubbling with excitement. The thought that I might get a job soon has me on edge. I hope Uncle Tyler has something for me. I pause when another thought crosses my mind. If he has a job for me in his company, I hope it’s in one of his branches outside of Sausalito and not here.



“It’s such a pleasure meeting you. I’ve wanted to for years. I’ve loved all your paintings even though I can’t possibly afford all of them. Your ‘Raining Sun’ is my favorite,” Mrs. Campbell says with a full-blown smile. I recall the ‘Raining Sun’ artwork she is talking about. I got inspiration from one of my travels, and it stole a lot of people’s hearts. I lost count of the number of orders I got for that particular painting. Her words are familiar to my ears. Over the years, I’ve received compliments from several people regarding my artwork. One thing that is mostly peculiar to most of them, is that they have a favorite artwork that completely anchors their heart. It’s always a delight to hear this. I’ve used my artwork as a message to the world. Hence, seeing the result is always a joy for me.

“You have fine taste, Mrs. Campbell. Thank you for the compliment. I think I might have something for you. Look around and, pick any other painting of your choice. It’s on the house,” I tell her. Her eyes widen in shock as though she can’t believe her ears.

“Are you for real? You’re going to give me one of your artworks?” She asks in surprise. I can’t help the smile that spreads on my face seeing her reaction. She is one of the sweetest old ladies in Sausalito.

“Yes, you heard right, Mrs. Campbell. Now, you will have more than one favorite,” I tell her.

“Oh, thank you, dear. Thank you so much. I can’t appreciate you enough for this,” she says, and I smile.

“It’s nothing. Consider it a gift from me.”

“You’re such a kind soul. Thank God you found your purpose when you did,” she says, and I give her a wry smile.

“That reminds me, did you hear that Landon’s child is going to be staying in town?” Mrs. Campbell says, and I freeze. The only Landon child I know is Phebe. Surely, Mrs. Campbell is mistaken. She can’t be ready to stay back in town after so many years. The moment I heard of Landon’s death, I guessed she might come back to town. She did, I knew the moment she came back. But I didn’t think she would want to stay here. Thinking about it and that happening are two different things.


“Yes,” she says, and I freeze. Surely, I can’t be hearing wrong.

“Are you sure about that?”

“I’m very sure of this. You know how news in Sausalito travels fast. I heard her father willed his property to her. Possibly she wants to stay back to take care of his estates,” she says, and it feels like my head is spinning.

Suddenly, I’m thrown back to that day nineteen years ago. The day I thought I’d start a new chapter of my life, I bonded with who I thought was my soul mate. Thinking about it now, I feel nothing but numbness at everything. Phebe showed just how much her words meant with that singular act. She promised me heaven and earth that night, and the next day, I found out she had gone with another man.

Even after so many years, it still feels like a dream. I don’t know what hurt me the most, finding out she left with another man or that she left like a coward without a single explanation. I recall how her father had told everyone Phebe had left town to get married to his friend. To date, I still wonder what I ever did to deserve that from her. She had been my world, and it meant nothing to her after finding out details about her marriage. Her father made it known that she was in better hands with a successful man. I recall how hard I fought not to question her father about it. Although back then, it felt like I was trying to pass a message, I dismissed the idea. Mr. Landon had no idea about us. There is only one explanation I got from everything, Phebe treated me like she did because, at the time, I had nothing to offer.

“Jeffrey? Are you there?” I snap out of my reverie when Mrs. Campbell’s voice floats into my mind.