“Mr. Landon pays us $30 per hour,” Mary says, and I choke on my saliva.

“$30 per what!” I exclaim with wide eyes. The women stare at each other with puzzled looks. For someone who was bankrupt, that wasn’t what I expected besides what happened to John. I remember that he doesn’t treat his staff well and pays them meagerly. What changed? What is it about these women?

“Okay, how many hours a week did you agree with him?” I ask. They seem nervous to answer my question.

“We spend eight a day, seven days a week,” Rose says.

“Wow!” I exclaim. I have a headache calculating the amount these women received from John. If it isn’t that I hate John’s gut, I will gladly work as a housekeeper if this is how much they earn.

“Is there a problem, ma’am?” Taryn asks with a puzzled expression.

“No, there is no problem,” I quickly answer.

“I was just amazed you work so many hours daily,” I say. I try to sound as calm as possible even though my heart is about to burst out of my chest when I try to make calculations.

“Mr. Landon preferred that everywhere is sparkling at all times,” Rose says. I almost roll my eyes. John still had his OCD. I recall how he would lash out at the staff for a speck of dirt.

“That’s good,” I mumble. Taryn and Rose seem pleasant enough, but there is no way I’ll be able to convince the lawyer, especially considering how my uncle said John was bankrupt. I don’t know the extent of the damage, but it sounded petty bad. As much as this will be difficult, I need to set things clear with these women.

“I’m afraid, but I don’t think you will be able to work here anymore,” I start and hear the two women gasp in shock.

“Ma’am,” Rose tries to say, but I shake my head.

“Before you think otherwise, this isn’t about you. I understand the house needs to be clean, but eight hours a day, six days a week, won’t work for me. Besides, I’m only trying to put in a word for you with his lawyer as I won’t be around for long. I know the lawyer will have to work with whatever John left, and I don’t want to make promises,” I start shaking my head.

“If at all there will be a need to retain the both of you, three days a week is enough to get things done,” I continue.

The women attentively listen to me as I make these explanations.

“We can work with hours if that suits your needs,” Rose says, and I shake my head.

I don’t know how else to explain that I’ll not be here and things are out of my hands. The least they would need to take care of the house, considering their rate is close to $500. I doubt it’s feasible in the long run because I don’t intend to run to the place with the money I don’t have. I have enough problems to deal with.

I stare at the women with uncertainty, but I’m not about to allow their hopes hit the rock.

“I’ll think about something,” I tell them. I know I need to, considering I won’t be able to decide now until I meet the lawyer.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Taryn and Rose reply, smiling.

“I’ll give you a call anytime,” I tell them.

“We look forward to it,” the women reply with a smile before they stand.

“We’ll like to take our leave now,” they say.

“Of course,” I say as I stand.

I watch Taryn bring out a brown purse from her big brown bag.

“This is our card,” she says, passing me a simple white card. Curiously, I flip the card to check its two sides, revealing their name and phone number. I guess these two women always work together, so the idea of giving one employment rather than the other is obviously moot.

“Thank you,” I reply, accepting the card and leading them to the door.

I hold the door open and allow the women to walk out, releasing a sigh. The sooner I sort this, the better it will be for everyone.