“What does that mean? Jared behavior?”

Rachel guffaws. “Jared. C’mon. You never let any of us meet any girl you date. I think I saw what’s her name, Chrissie—for like a total of five minutes when you were dating her. Last night you brought Lacey to babysit. You don’t bring some girl you’re casually dating to do that.”

I don’t know if it’s my fatigue but something about Rachel’s tone makes me surrender. “Okay, I like her. A lot. But my job is my life. It takes up the majority of my time. I can’t give her what she needs.”

“Do you even know what she needs? Has she told you?”

“No, but I mean, no woman wants to be second to her boyfriend’s job.”

Rachel rests her hands on the kitchen island. “Jared. These are choices you make. Sacrifices. I’m not saying you give up your job but when you want to be with someone you make compromises. There’s give and take. It’s not all about you. If you like her,reallylike her, you’ll figure out a way to make it work without having to disappoint yourself or her.”

I feel my body start to itch. I stand and give Rachel a hug. “Thanks Rach. I should go.”

“Fine. Just run out of here.”

“I’m not running. I just need to prep for some meetings tomorrow.”

I turn to head to the door when Rachel calls out to me, “Jared. Don’t let fear run your life.”

I nod and open the front door and walk down the steps. Fear has nothing do with any of this, but I’m so tired that’s all I can think about my entire way home.

Chapter twenty-one


This week has been completely stressful. I haven’t seen Jared since that night at his sister’s. I know his plate is overflowing with this project, and I’ve been working extra at the bakery making sure I have all our ducks in a row with this new grant money. When Jared’s dad came in the other night it really threw me off. I wanted to text Jared, but I know I’d much rather see him in person to talk about it. I just got to find the right time. I put on my slippers and go to the kitchen to make some coffee. Beth is in the shower, so I sit with my empty mug letting my eyes drift. My phone’s buzzing brings me out of my thoughts. I swipe and see a text from Jared.

Jared: Can you come to my office first thing this morning?

I read it again. It must be important if he’s texting me this early. Or maybe he just wants to see me.

Me: Yes of course. I’ll be there at eight.

Jared: Thanks.

The coffee pot beeps leading me to jump in my chair. Jared is never one to use emojis, but I can’t help feel his text is a little underwhelming. I sigh and pour my coffee. I’m sure I’m just overreacting. This is a good thing because now I can talk to him about why he never told me about his dad’s foundation.

I get to my office and drop off my bag, quickly making my way to Jared’s office. I feel like my stomach could come up my mouth at any moment. Diane greets me when I enter, always giving me a pleasant smile. She tells me to head back to Jared’s office as he’s expecting me. For some reason this all strikes me a little formal, but I chalk it up to Diane’s professionalism. I see Jared’s door closed so I softly knock.

“Come in,” I hear him say from the other side.

I open the door and see him sitting behind his desk. Shane is standing near his window, and I can tell by the look on his face something is wrong.

Jared stands and walks to the front of his desk and leans against it. “Lacey, please sit.”

Somehow, I feel I’ve time traveled and I’m back in the principal’s office of my elementary school. Back in fourth grade, me and another girl Laura played a prank on one of the teachers by putting chalk in her coffee. It really was just a stupid prank, but the feeling of being in the principal’s office was something I will never forget. It made me instantly regret everything I ever did, and that’s the feeling that’s creeping up my spine as I take a seat.

“Lacey, Shane and I shared your report with the final investor we need for this project. They thought something was off, so they had their team do the numbers, and it turns out they were right. Our numbers were way off.”

I stare at Jared like I’m waiting for a punchline. “You’re kidding right?” Shane and Jared both deadpan. “I don’t know how that’s possible. I went through those numbers like four times. I know they’re right.”

Jared looks down as Shane takes a few steps closer to me. “Look, Lacey, everyone makes mistakes. I looked at the spreadsheet and they were right. There were errors.”

I feel heat rising into my cheeks. I have no problem admitting when I make a mistake, but I know those numbers I sent were right. I made sure of it. “You don’t understand, I know they were right. I even ran them through David to make sure.”

Jared looks up at me. I can see him blink and hold his eyes closed for a brief second longer than usual, then he says, “Lacey, I think it would be best if you took a break from this project.”

I freeze. I don’t know if I’m about to cry or scream. Jared must sense it and asks Shane to give us a few minutes alone. As soon as Shane is out the door I stand.