I sit and wonder if I should text Jared about any of this. I decide it’s better if I don’t. It’ll be too distracting and this is a big week for the project. I return my attention to my spreadsheet when my phone lights up. I can see a text from Beth.

Beth: Hey-someone from the JW Foundation stopped by. Looking for you to sign papers about the grant.

Me: Oh, ok. I thought they were going to call. What did you say?

Beth: Told them you’d be in around 5:30. He said he’d stop by then.

Me: Ok. I’ll be there by then. Thanks! How are things?

Beth: Good! Supplier dropped off the ingredients for the bread and I have a few quotes going for a new oven and proofer.

Me:Thanks for doing that. See you soon!

I haven’t even had a chance to really organize the next steps once we have the grant money in hand. I just know we need some new equipment sooner rather than later. I pick up my coffee and take another gulp. I can’t focus on the grant right now because this report is due to Shane in a few hours.

I gather my recommendations and tidy up the last of my report. I read it over one final time and hit ‘send’. It’s five p.m. now, and I need to get to the bakery to meet with the guy from the foundation.

I enter the bakery and inhale. The smell of all the sweetness comforts me. It reminds me of baking with my mom every time I enter this place. I wish she could be here to see it because I know she’d be proud. I also wish I could talk to her and get her advice on Jared. I’m pretty sure she’d say something like“Lacey, men are stubborn-even the good ones. Don’t waste your time on them but don’t let a good one get away either.”Deep in my gut I know Jared is a good one. He’s attentive, caring and I’ve even seen his playful side. I’m doing my best not to put any pressure on him. I just hope he can figure out how he feels about me sometime this century.

Beth greets me up front with a grin bigger than I’m used to receiving from her. Her face is suspicious looking which gives me an unsettled feeling.

“What?” I ask, scrunching my face.

“Nothing. I mean. Okay, I didn’t want to text you, so I waited until you got here.”

“Beth? Seriously? You’re killing me.”

Beth wipes her hands on a dish rag as she explains, “The guy that came in today about the grant. He told me his name was Jim Whitmore.”

I stare over her shoulder to the wall. I’m trying to process the information she’s giving me, but my brain is bogged down. Then without warning my brain goes into overdrive. Jared mentioned his dad’s trust and that he gives to local businesses. Why wouldn’t he tell me that the grant I was writing was for his dad’s foundation? I shake my head like I’m trying to get rid of cobwebs. I grab my phone because it’s time to Google.

Beth laughs. “Lace, I already did. It’s his dad. There’s no doubt.”

“Why wouldn’t Jared tell me? I mean, he told me his dad had a foundation and helped in the community, but he didn’t tell me the grant I was applying for was with his dad’s foundation?”

Beth smirks. “I don’t know. But get ready because Mr. Whitmore is about to come in.”

I turn over my shoulder to see a well-dressed older man who is no doubt related to Jared. He has his height and same gray eyes. It’s uncanny. When he enters, the bell chimes. I haven’t even placed my bag down yet, so I place it on the counter. He looks at me with a smile. His dimples are just like Jared’s. Or should I say Jared has his dad’s dimples. He pauses with a folder in his hand and looks up at me. “You must be Miss Lacey Paxton?”

His voice is sweet and soft. I can’t help but smile back. “Yes, sir. I am”

“Oh, don’t call me sir. You can call me Jim. Uh, so I have your papers to sign for the grant and I’m here if you have any questions as you read through the paperwork.”

I reach out and take the folder from his hands. “Thank you, Jim. Can I get you some coffee or something else while you wait?”

I see Jim eye the display cases. “Oh, well I don’t suppose a little snack would hurt. Hmm, Miss Paxton I must say everything you have here looks quite delicious, but I think I’ll settle for one of those peanut butter cookies.”

I close my eyes fighting back a laugh. “Sure thing.”

I take a few minutes and read over the paperwork. Everything seems pretty self-explanatory until I get to the bottom where I see an extra section that reads: Additional monies granted: $10,000. I read further and only see a few sentences:The Foundation elects to award the grant in the original sum of $50,000 plus add an additional $10,000 per the Foundation’s rights herein.

I’m not sure what exactly I’m reading so I ask Jim to come over. “Jim, this says I’m awarded the $50,000 but then I’m getting an additional $10,000?”

Jim smiles as he chews a bite of his cookie. “Yes for each grant we award we can decide if we want to add additional funds. We have decided to give you an extra $10,000.”

I shake my head. I can’t help but ask, “That’s very generous of you, but can I ask why?”

Jim cocks his head. “Well, let’s just say you come with a very high recommendation.”