“Thank you. You look very nice too. I like the whole dark jeans and sportscoat vibe you have going on.”

I thought about what to wear tonight. The restaurant doesn’t call for a suit and that’s all Lacey has ever seen me in, so I decided on something a little more casual but still put together. Hearing her tell me that makes me feel good. I like that she notices.

Thirty minutes later we arrive at the restaurant. The ride over was comfortable with moments of silence but also moments of conversation. As we walk into the restaurant, I place my hand on her lower back. I catch a scent of lavender and vanilla from her and gives me goosebumps. I feel her leaning into me which makes my stomach flip. I want to kiss her, but my thought is interrupted by the hostess.

“Good evening. Do you have reservations?” She asks.

“Yes, under Whitmore,” I say.

We are seated at a table by the windows overlooking the creek. It’s a great first date table if I do say so myself. We order an array of tapas which all look amazing. When we’re settled with our first plates, she looks at me and smiles.

“This is really nice Jared. I’m glad we could actually go on a real date.”

“I’m glad you like it. I think it was time we get together non-work related. So, ask me anything as long as it’s not work related,” I say.

Lacey smiles. “Well first things first. I have some good news to share.”

I cock my head intrigued. “Good news huh? Well let me hear it.”

“I got the grant for the bakery. The entire amount I asked for!”

I grin. “Lacey that’s incredible. I’m really happy for you.”

Her smile warms my chest. I love seeing her smile. I knew she would get the grant seeing as the foundation that awards the grant is funded by my dad. I of course didn’t tell her that, but I did put in a few good words and let my dad have a few peanut butter deluxe cookies. That’s really all the convincing that was needed.

“Thanks. It’s all really exciting. I got the call today, so I just have to go sign the papers when they give me the date. Beth is of course thrilled, and I think this will really help us turn things around. Anyway, back to our date. I like a little question and answer game. So I’ll start. Tell me about where you live? Are you a city boy or a country bumpkin?”

“Well, I’d say it’s a little of both. I spent a lot of my time in Boston through my college years, but I really do like being back home here in Littleford. I chose to buy a house on the outskirts of Littleford in the valley. I have some mountain views which is why I chose it. It’s somewhat secluded and always quiet. Sometimes too quiet.” I’m not sure why I say the last part but I continue. “It’s too big for one person really, but I like that I have spare bedrooms, an office and a gym space.”

Lacey looks at me like it’s my turn to ask her a question. I pause for a moment because there’s so much I want to know but I don’t want to start with anything too personal.

“What’s your favorite thing to bake?” I ask.

Lacey laughs. “Well, that’s a hard question. I’d probably say lemon tarts because my mom and I used to make them all the time. But lately, it’s peanut butter deluxe cookies.”

I grin. “Good answer.”

We continue back and forth until we’ve eaten every last bite of all our tapas. The conversation has been easy and fun. For the first time I haven’t even thought about work, and being in Lacey’s presence feels almost natural. The waitress comes to refill our water glasses when I notice Lacey tracing her finger in the condensation on the glass. “Is everything okay?” I ask.

“Oh, yes. I just have one more question. But you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to,” she says looking at me, her eyes anticipating my response.

“Of course. What is it?”

I can see her hesitate before she asks, “Do you know what triggers your anxiety?”

Her question is fair. Having been witness to two of my anxiety attacks I feel I should give her an answer, but the problem is I’m not entirely sure what that answer is.

“Not really. Well, sort of. Dating seems to trigger it.”

Her eyebrows raise. “So, tonight, have you felt anxious at all?”

I think about her question. I haven’t felt any intense anxiety, only the nerves that come with anticipation.

“Actually no,” I say. I don’t want her to think she is making me uncomfortable, so I reach my hand across the table, and she places hers in mine. I give it a gentle squeeze and tuck a stray hair behind her ear.

She tilts her head at me. “Well it’s probably not triggered by dating then. I’m sure there’s something else that you haven’t thought about yet.”

I nod. She’s probably right, but I have no desire to start looking deeply into my anxiety right now, so I change the subject.