“So youhaveconsidered it then? Remember, there are ways around it. Talking to HR and disclosing the relationship yadda yadda.”
I laugh. “Yeah, well, it’s not going there so we don’t need to worry about it.” I have thought about all of this already. Even if we did date and disclose the relationship, this would not look good for me or Lacey. It would cause a fair amount of stress and I can only imagine what her coworkers would say to her. I don’t want to jeopardize her job in any way, and I certainly don’t need any unwanted attention or scandals as we’re about to launch this project.
We arrive at Lacey’s and Shane texts Beth. We agreed they’d come down and meet us when we arrived. After a few minutes I see Lacey come through the front door of her building. My breath hitches. She’s in a black cocktail dress that cuts across her chest so her shoulders are bare. Her skin is giving off the faintest glow. The dress hugs her curves well. Too well. Her hips are mesmerizing. She has on a pair of silver heels, and I can see silver earrings gently hanging from her ears that sparkle in the late evening sun. Her hair is in loose waves falling past her shoulders. She looks like a goddess. I take a glance out my window so I can turn the other way. I need to take a bigger breath.
Shane steps out of the passenger seat and offers it to Lacey. “Well, well ladies. You both look lovely this evening.” Shane says.
“Thanks Shane.” I hear Beth say.
I watch as Lacey climbs in the passenger seat. I see her hand firmly gripping her smooth leather clutch. She looks tense. I shake myself out of the trance or whatever it is she just did to me.
“Lacey. Beth. Nice to see you both,” I say while looking directly at Lacey. I see her fingers tapping on her clutch and I’m sure it’s nerves. I can’t say I blame her. It probably is a little weird going out to something like this with your boss. My attention is then brought back to my stomach. It’s fluttering, and now my nerves are starting to show.This is just a work thing.
I can hear Shane already conversing with Beth in the backseat. I look over at Lacey. “So, this should be fun right?”
The look she’s giving me is one of excitement and maybe a little trepidation? I want to reassure her somehow. I want her to know I’m feeling the same thing she is.
“Yes, I’m really looking forward to it.” Lacey finally says.
I resist the urge to reach over and give her hand a gentle squeeze. I can’t. Instead, I distract myself and turn up the music just a little so as to not be too loud for Shane and Beth. Mozart starts to come through the speakers.
“Oh, I love Requiem. It’s a great piece,” Lacey says looking straight ahead.
I smile. What is this woman doing to me? We had established we both liked classical music at our lunch the other week, but her loving this Mozart piece is punching me in the gut. I want to know more about all her likes and dislikes. But I can’t. I shouldn’t. Me asking her will just lend this to look more like a date.
We arrive at the dinner party. It’s quite lavish if I do say so myself. There are large flower bouquets on the tables, two bars and waiters walking around with hours d’oeuvre. If I didn’t know any better this could be someone’s wedding reception.
I talk toallthe people. I make sure I hit every one of the investors and have some one-on-one time with each of them. I need them to know I’m grateful for their faith in this project. Lacey stays by my side for a while then I see her go stand near Beth. I wish she’d stay near me. I like how I feel when she’s close by.
After a few hours of eating and talking I see Shane head my way. The look on his face tells me he’s bailing.
“Hey. I think I’ve made the rounds and had enough salmon and melon to last a few days. I’m thinking I’m going to take Beth out of here and head down to the café on First. So we can have some time to talk without all of this noise.”
I nod. “Yeah, I mean sure. That’s fine. How are you going to get home?”
“We’ll catch a ride share. Don’t worry about us,” he says as he slaps my back.
I watch as Shane goes and says something to Beth and Lacey. I see Beth smile and hug Lacey. Lacey then starts to scan the room. I’m guessing she’s looking for me. I hope she is. I raise my hand so she can see where I am. She sees me and crosses the room. As she walks towards me the tingling sensation I felt earlier has now multiplied. It’s traveling from my toes up my legs to the top of my head. My breathing is becoming shallow. I need to catch myself now before I make a scene. Lacey is almost to me, so I gesture for her to follow me. I make my way out through the side doors and onto a patio. There’s only one person out here and he doesn’t look like he’s someone from this party. Lacey meets me as I lean against the outside of the building.
“Hey, Mr. Whitmore. You feeling okay?” She asks so sweetly but I know she can tell I am not okay.
“Yeah, I am. It’s just a lot in there,” I say softly. I know it’s not that, but I don’t know what it is really that has me flustered. I’ve been fine most of the night, but when Shane left with Beth something inside me shifted.
She steps closer to me, and I can feel the heat of her body near mine. She places her hand on my arm.
“Mr. Whitmore---”
“Jared. Please just call me Jared. At least when we’re not in the office,” I say. I have been wanting to hear her voice say my name for weeks now.
“Oh, okay. Jared. It’s normal to get anxious. I’ve had my share of those moments. I think you made the rounds, maybe it would be best if we head out now?”
My name coming off her tongue soothes me. I can tell she genuinely cares for me at this moment. It’s taking all I have not to put my arm around her and pull her to me. I can’t even tell her what is happening. My anxiety doesn’t normally show itself in these situations. And by these situations I mean work gatherings. I give high level presentations to the board and pitch proposals to other executives all the time. I generally like doing those things because I’m good at it. Tonight, just feels different. I can’t possibly tell her that dating usually sets my nerves ablaze, because this is not a date and that won’t make sense to her. Instead, I meet her eyes and tell her getting out of here is probably a good idea.
She removes her hand from my arm and a part of me flinches. I don’t dare say that I liked it there. We start the short walk to the car and I open the passenger door for her. I watch as she gets comfortable in her seat before I close the door. I can’t help but eye her beautiful legs as they swing inside. I get in the driver’s side and start the car. I don’t know where we are going so I take a second to play with the radio.
“Ooo, Vivaldi. Let’s listen to this,” she says in the most perfectly cheerful tone.
I place my hand on the shift and head down the street not knowing where I am about to go, but I am not ready for this night to end.