I pour myself another cup of coffee and sit at the dining table. I can hear Beth getting out of the shower and I look at the clock on the wall. We’ve adjusted easily to our new morning routine. Beth gets out of the shower at six-fifteen, gets ready then cleans the kitchen. While she’s in the shower I make the coffee and go through the mail sorting bills and junk mail. I get in the shower at six-thirty, and by seven-thirty we are on the bus.

As I’m in my bedroom getting dressed Beth stands in my doorway. “Knock much?” I say sarcastically.

“Oh please Lace. Like when has that ever been a rule in this place,” Beth says shaking her head. “So do you wanna talk about it?” She says to me with her eyebrows perching to her forehead.

“Talk about what?”

“Oh c’mon. You have been in a daydream state all weekend. Don’t think I didn’t notice. My guess is it has something to do with the fact that your boss came into the bakery the other night.”

I look at her with my mouth open. “Well you’re wrong. I was just tired. That’s all,” I say trying to hide the lie.

“Mr. Whitmore is one good-looking man Lace. It’s okay to admit you think he’s attractive.”

“Yeah, okay. So he’s attractive. I think every woman in this town would say so too.”

Beth squeezes her lips together and stares at me. “Yeah but there’s a difference in thinking he’s attractive andbeingattracted to him. I can tell you like him. I think you want a little piece of him for yourself,” she laughs sitting on the edge of my bed.

I stand at my closet shuffling the clothes hangers trying to pick out a pencil skirt. I find my favorite charcoal gray skirt and unhook it from the hanger grateful designers have decided to put spandex in everything these days.

I know there’s no reason for me not to tell Beth the truth. She sees right through me and it’s more of a chore for me to hide it than just tell her what I’m feeling.

“Look. I don’t know what it is. He’s kinda mysterious. I can’t help but want to know more about him. And not from the internet. The night he came in I felt like he wanted to have a conversation with me but for some reason kept it short. It’s hard for me to imagine a man like that doesn’t have much to say.”

“Well, you’re probably right. I say next time you see him gently touch his arm. See how he reacts.”

“Beth, I can’t do that at work!”

Beth stands at the foot of my bed and nudges me. “Whatever you say Lace. I’d do it. Just for fun if nothing else.”

I shake my head and finish getting ready. Beth’s idea is a great way for me to either instantly get fired or have a sexual harassment complaint filed against me. The thought of even touching Mr. Whitmore sends goosebumps down my arms but I need to focus on work because today I should know about who gets to be team leader.


I’ve made some headway on multiple projects over the last week, and I am feeling good about my progress. I glance down at my empty cup and decide it’s time for more caffeine. I’m pretty sure at this point I could send a rocket to the moon with all the coffee I’ve had. I select a dark roast then press the button. As I wait for the coffee pot to brew, I see David enter the room.

“Morning David,” I say with a smile.

“Good morning. Hey, I just sent you an email. We are meeting with the big boss at one o’clock in the conference room.”

I swallow. I assume he means our whole team. I’m sure it’s just a follow up meeting about the expansion project.

“Oh, okay. I’ll be there.” I resist the urge to ask for any more details. I’ll know soon enough.

I head back to my office and look at my inbox. I accept David’s meeting invitation. It’s almost time for lunch so I grab my phone and check in with Beth.

Me: Hey-was the morning busy?

Beth: Not really. I mean it was ok. I’m going to send Ashley home early though.

I sigh out loud at my desk. We have to figure out something to get more traffic in the doors.

Me: Ok. Well I have a meeting with Mr. Whitmore at one.

Beth: Oooo. About what?

Me: Not just me. My team I think. At least with David. Anyway, I’m not sure. There’s no title on the invite.

Beth: You think it’s announcing the team leads?