As soon as I say it, I know that’s not exactly what I mean, but before I can backtrack Lacey shakes her head and says, “I appreciate that, but---”

I can’t let her go on any longer. I’m bursting at the seams. “Lacey, just hold that thought—”

I take another step closer to her. She stands still. “Lacey, I did those things because…because I’m in love with you.”

I watch as her mouth drops open, and in a whisper she asks, “What did you just say?”

I can tell her mind is going at warp speed, but not hearing her say anything else, I take it as my invitation to continue.

“Lacey, I’ve been in love with you since the moment you fed me banana bread in my car. I just didn’t let myself believe it. I love your smile, your determination, your drive, and your hips make my mouth water.” I see a small upturn in her top lip, so I keep going. “I’m so sorry I put up a wall, I’m tired of having that wall up too. It’s just I, I don’t want to fail and I've come to realize that failure drives my anxiety, but I also realize you calm me. You're my antidote." I wipe a tear from my eye and give her a light laugh. "You're my love pill."

I watch her eyes search mine then she chuckles. "Love pill. Let's not use that as a nickname okay?" She says apparently grateful for some levity in our conversation. "Jared, you’ve done more wonderful things for me in these last few weeks than any man I’ve been in a relationship with. If you just let go of the fear we can make this work. I’m sure of it.”

"Lacey, you're my person, and I want to be your person. But you have to promise me that if I get all wrapped up with work, or you think I'm shutting you out you have to tell me. I don't ever want to do that to you." I reach out to touch her cheek. She rests it in my palm. I freeze this moment in my memory. I can never let this woman go.

“Lacey, I’m all in if you'll have me."

Her eyes burrow into my soul. "I'm all in too."

She takes a small step closer to me and reaches her arms behind my neck. I reach behind her back and eagerly pull her into me. I kiss the top of head, then her cheek, then I brush my lips on hers. I pause on her mouth hoping she allows me to show her all my love. Her lips part and I feel her tongue brush on my bottom lip. I move my hand to her neck to deepen this kiss. She lets out a soft moan and all my senses fire off. This woman has officially sent my walls crumbling.

Chapter twenty-seven


Kissing Jared this time feels completely different. I feel like I’m kissing someone new, someone who is letting their guard down. The chemistry we have is fierier now that it was our first kiss. I sigh into his chest, and I can feel his muscles relax as I rub his back. We stand holding each other for a few minutes with the warmth of his body melting away any last piece of my doubt. His wet hair is complimenting his gray eyes more now than ever, and as I look deep into them my heart feels full. Even with all the chaos I’m more certain about my feelings for him. I put my hand on his chest and with my eyes searching his I say, “Jared, I’m falling in love with you too.”

He responds by pulling me in even closer and kissing me with such veracity I lose my breath. Somehow, he notices and breaks away then smiles. “I didn’t realize I could take your breath away Miss Paxton.”

I smile and shake my head. “Mr. Whitmore you have taken my breath away the moment I laid eyes on you.”

He kisses my cheek then holds me back so he can see my face. “We should head to HR and get all this straightened out.”

I pause and then walk to the counter grabbing a few dishtowels from behind. I hand him one and start to wipe the dampness from my face and neck. “Jared, I’m not going to come back to Whitmore Tech.”

I can see the surprise in his eyes, but he doesn’t respond. “I’ve been thinking, I really want to make this work. Here. At the bakery. And I need to be here full time. I know it’s going be tight, but I can get the finances to work---” I’m becoming more animated as my hands start to operate unwillingly, when Jared comes over to me and holds my hands.

“Lacey, I know you can make this work. I have no doubt, and if that’s what you want to do then I support you one hundred percent.”

“Knowing I have you by my side is all I need,” I say smiling up at him.

He gently pushes some wet hair off my face and kisses my forehead and says, “I do have to go to HR still. So let me go explain everything to them, then let’s plan dinner together. Just stay here until I get back. Don’t move.”

I wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek, “Yes sir, Mr. Bossy Pants.”

I feel his body shake with laughter as I grab the dish towel from him hesitating before I say, “Jared before you go, you should know I talked to David. He didn’t mean what he did, and he regrets it. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions, but maybe he shouldn’t be fired.”

Jared cocks his head at me, “You really are one incredible woman.”

I put my arm on his, “You should go. The sooner you get back, we can get dinner, and I’m starving.”

“Now who’s being bossy?” he says giving me a sly grin.

Chapter twenty-eight


I wanted to stay with Lacey in the bakery kissing. I never felt more alive than when I’m with her, but I know I need to get to the office. It’s nearing five p.m. when I make it up to the floor and head out of the elevator. It’s fairly quiet as most people have left for the day. I make a detour to my office hoping Diane is still there. I open the door to see the light on and Diane’s bag resting on her desk. Taking a few steps in I call out to her, “Diane, you still here?”