I glance up and hold his gaze. His eyes look even brighter in this lighting and as he looks at me, I can feel the air thicken.
He breathes in a long breath and as he starts to say my name, I lean in to kiss him. I don’t want to use words right now; all I want to do is feel. He puts his hand behind my neck and the heat that was already building in me is now an inferno. I move to straddle his lap, the ice falling to the floor. I look down at him, his eyes raging with a perfect gray storm. He pulls my hips into him as I lean down and kiss him deeper. He quickly shifts his body, laying me down on the sectional. His heat is radiating through his shirt which I start to unbutton. His kisses are becoming more frantic now with my heart beating out of my chest. I rub my hand along the back of his neck feeling his goosebumps. I have never felt so much electricity in my life. We pause, both of us completely breathless. He tucks my hair behind my ear and then sits back.
He lets out a long breathy sigh as he runs his fingers through is hair and says, “Lacey, I can’t do this.”
I bite my tongue. I’m about ready to ask a thousand questions but I can see his internal struggle. His eyes look a little more somber, his body language defeated. I sit not knowing what I can do to help him, but before I can find any words, he stands and holds his hand out to me.
“It’s probably best I take you home now.”
Chapter eighteen
It’s been a few days since my date with Lacey. We’ve seen each other at work passing in the halls and shared a few text messages. I haven’t asked her out again and she hasn’t said anything about our date. I know I ended our date abruptly without any explanation and I don’t like this feeling I have deep in my gut. It’s questioning every move I make about her. It’s wearing on me, but I also miss her when I’m not near her. I look at the clock above my desk then check my calendar and see I don’t have any more meetings for the day, so I decide to head out of the office.
I take a right onto Main Street and like a moth to a flame I drive to the pink sign staring at me.Baked and Sugaredhas now become my new favorite place. I park and walk in to see Beth filling the cases. I look around half expecting Shane to be standing at the brownie case when Beth catches my eye.
“Hi Mr. Whitmore. You just missed Shane.”
I laugh. He really is a chocoholic or he’s really into Beth. Maybe both.
“Hi Beth. Is Lacey here?”
Beth gives me a smirk. “Yeah, she’s in the back. Let me go get her.”
As Beth goes in the back, I look at all the items in the cases. Everything looks so appealing it would make anyone’s stomach growl. I can only hope the grant money allows Lacey to do what she really wants because there’s something about this place that radiates joy.
I hear some noise coming towards me when I see Lacey appear from the doorway. Her hair is up in a messy bun on the top of her head and she’s wearing an apron around her waist, black leggings and a long sleeve pink henley shirt. I don’t know if the smell of cinnamon is effecting me, but she looks delicious.
I clear my throat just as my phone buzzes. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see that it’s Rachel. I glance at Lacey and mouth ‘I need to take this.’
“Hey Rach. What’s up?”
“Jared. Listen, I’m about to ask you a big favor. Jeff’s dad was rushed to the hospital, we think he’s okay, maybe a mild heart attack, but we need to go be with his mom and I need a sitter. Mom and Dad are out for Dad’s foundation dinner. Is there any chance you can come watch the kids for a few hours? Danielle will be sleeping, and I can pick out a movie for Max and Sara to keep them entertained…I just—”
“Rach. It’s okay. Yes. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
I hang up and walk over to Lacey. “That was my sister. Emergency babysitting duty call. Um, look I want to talk it’s just now this is bad timing---”
“Do you need some help? I mean, I have babysat Beth’s nieces before, and I know it can be a lot. Having reinforcements can’t hurt.”
I smile and feel my shoulders relax. I want nothing more than to have her come with me. I have only been alone with my nieces and nephew for a few minutes at a time, and the thought of several hours is terrifying.
“Lacey, that’s really nice of you to offer. I’d love it if you could come.”
“Let me go tell Beth and I’ll be right out.”
It takes about two minutes before we are in my SUV heading to my sister’s house. All of the dating and relationship talk has been put aside as I tell her about my nieces and nephew. I fill her in on where Rachel lives and how the last time I was there Sara threw up all over the dining table. I figured I should warn her now for the possibility. She then tells me some stories of Beth’s nieces who are‘troublemakers’and how the last time she was with them the youngest drew on her face with a Sharpie. I’m pretty sure nothing like that will happen tonight but at least I know she’s aware of the dangers of babysitting children under the age of seven.
We pull in the driveway and head up the front porch steps when the door swings open. Jeff greets us and I introduce Lacey as my friend. I don’t know if that’s appropriate, and I don’t want to upset Lacey, so I leave it at that. I see Rachel come towards us holding Danielle. She looks at me and glances at Lacey then back at me.
“Hi Rach. This is my friend Lacey. I figured I’d bring some reinforcements.”
Rachel smiles. “Hi Lacey. Nice to meet you. Well, you’re brave for coming, and I’d love to chat some more but we really should get to the hospital. Good news is Jeff’s dad is stable, but his mom is taking this kinda hard. So Sara and Max are watching a movie, I called in a pizza and this little one should be done for the night and sleep until we get back.”
Her words are all running together as she walks Danielle back to the nursery. I follow her into the room and stop as she places Danielle down in her crib. She turns to me with wide eyes, and I know the question she’s about to ask.
“Rach, no. Not now. I promise we can talk about it another time. But you and Jeff need to go. We’ll be fine. I’ll text you if I need to.”