“Rejected? Lace. I wouldn’t call this rejection. I mean, okay he stopped the kiss. He didn’t say anything about notwantingto kiss you, or that he didn’tlikeyou. If anything, this might mean he likes you a lot and he’s scared.”

I consider Beth’s words. There’s just not enough information to know how he feels and that frustrates me.

I let out a deep sigh. “I can’t be thinking about this. We can’t date each other. We work together. He’s my boss!”

Beth leans against the back of the sofa and we both look at the ceiling, but all I can see as I stare into the white plaster is Jared’s gray eyes staring back at me. “I have to get him out of my head Beth—I’m going to see him at work tomorrow!”

“Alright. Listen. I get this is a delicate situation. You know what this is like? It’s like when we have to decide if the croissant dough needs more butter. It’s a decision that can make or break all our hard work but we do it all the time. So, you need to make a decision. Are you going to add more butter?”

I look at Beth completely confused by her attempt at making an analogy. “Beth, I don’t know where you’re going with this.”

“You know I’m not great with analogies. I’m just saying you can’t just forget this happened. I’m sure he’s not. So you need to make a move. Add something to this situation and not let it fall flat.”

I shake my head. “And what do you suggest I add exactly?”

“From what you’re telling me he’s only seen the subdued Lacey. The calm Lacey. Let him know this kiss has shaken you up in a good way, and he can’t just ignore it. He owes you an answer.”

I pause suddenly distracted Beth is even here sitting next to me. “Wait, why are you home? Didn’t you and Shane go somewhere?”

Beth smiles. “Yes, we went to a café. We talked for a while and then we took a walk. When we got back here, he walked me up and kissed me goodnight.”

“Beth! Annnnd?”

“What? It was nice. Really, really nice,” she says. I know she’s more excited than she’s letting on and I can only assume she’s downplaying for my sake. I let it go for now.

“Well, I’m so happy for you. Shane seems like a great guy.”

“Yeah, he is. It’s still early, but I’m feeling things.”

I playfully smack her with a throw pillow. “Yeah, you’re feeling things alright.”

“Shut up. C’mon let’s get into our comfy pjs and head to bed. It’s late and it’s only a Tuesday night. We can decide your move over coffee tomorrow morning.”

Beth is right. It’s almost midnight now. We go our separate ways and head into our rooms. I lay in bed wishing for some type of sleep fairy to come and lull me to sleep. I have to get a handle on this situation with Jared, but first I need to figure out what I want from him. I knew at first it was insta-attraction, but now having spent a little time with him, I want to know him more.

I just need to know where he stands.

Chapter fourteen


I didn’t sleep much last night and as I sit at my desk sipping my coffee all I can think about is the kiss with Lacey. I shouldn’t have done it for so many reasons. It was amazing though. Kissing her felt way more intense than I could have imagined. It sent electricity through me. But it also sent fear through me. I hear a soft knock on my door and tell whoever is on the other side of my door to come in.

When Shane enters my curiosity spikes. It’s early for Shane and I know we don’t have a meeting for another hour. A meeting with David and Lacey of all things.

“It’s eight a.m. I’m guessing there’s something important going on?” I ask.

“No actually. Well not work related anyway. I’m just checking on you. How was the rest of your night?”

I let out a sigh. I had contemplated telling Rachel about my situation with Lacey, but she’s so busy I didn’t want to bother her. But if I was going to tell anyone else it would be Shane.

“You know I like to get right to the point Shane. So here it is. My anxiety reared its ugly head again, but Lacey was there to calm me. Then we went for a walk in the park, and I ended up kissing her.”

Shane smiles. “And?”

“And what?”

“Jared. How was the kiss? Did she kiss you back?”